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My Comments Deleted by Other Users. · 11:21am May 26th

Comments of (Warhawk story) (by Moonatik))


Comment 3 in the discussion; the second one to be deleted, which occurred after (5) posting)
I was originally planning to write a vastly longer replay to your own, which would have tackled your response in an extremely detailed manner, and partially started systematically ripping apart the universe you had created but then realized prior to the halfway point that it would be a relatively pointless (and half-impossible) thing to do unless I got to another argument with you. So here is the highly compressed (far less detailed) reply (from the intended original version). (I spent way too many hours on this, which the majority were wasted.)

My complaint (Compressed):
I noticed most of your reply’s argumentation approach stemmed from your attempt at responsibility dogging (bad writing, meaning properly informing the audience) by saying in doing (mostly) uniformed complaining, despite you failing to specify the necessary details to the audience (You made the mistake of assuming the audience knows everything you know.) of the situation.
Do you think casual readers aren’t going to have misconceptions (as they must come from somewhere) if you fail to specify the necessary background details?
(In-addition, it’s made severely more outrageous by your proofreader(s) not noticing it, which makes it somewhat matter actually).

Artillery segment:
Your response using battle of Seelow Heights (The Soviet opening barrage during the battle of Berlin) as an example, to showcase barrage capacity is a bit of a disingenuous argument, as I had personally considered the mere capacity to even do such barrage a bit dubious from the start as (One would assume that) having a military lacking country (Equestria) as basis for lunar military (very lacking munition starting stockpiles and manufacturing capability (as building a factory takes time)) with a civil war and war with the changelings lasting around half a year with only slightly less than two year inter-war period to build new munition stockpiles, would result having them being spent at the end of the Changeling War (start of Sombra War, which lasts at least slightly over year), which then would result in constant shortage of ammunition during Lunar-Crystal War (or at least later stage of it), which would make one think it being the norm during it (lack of munitions) instead of the opposite (as you have in the story).
(Although I might have read too much into this in-terms of IRL logic.)
(I also consider that 4000 km frontline to be a bit too long on a personal level, but the subject of map size in EaW is too subjective/impugn to be seriously argued about anyway.)

I also noticed your attempt at half-dogging my question/point regarding the logical in-universe coherency of existence of (Saturn Hawkrich) character by saying; “Thanks! Captain Obvious!”, which I didn’t appreciate.

I initially thought I might be very severely misinformed and decided to do research, but most concerningly when I went digging around that precious open Docs Document (linked to “The Millennium Archives” story) about your universe and reading it semi-thoroughly (about New Lunar Millenium) and realizing couldn’t find virtually any information regarding the Changeling War and details about the Crystal-Lunar War (except, Pinkie section containing the (my second) suggestion, which is easy to miss), which makes me suspect you might have possibly even deleted those sections in response my (or, alternatively to someone’s) earlier comment (as them merely not existing is extremely suspicious in the first place when compared to detailed timeline of the rest of the document (Civil war and North Zebrica War), as it would be clearly a deliberate choice).
(That’s my working theory anyway, which will remain ultimately just that, a theory). (Though it was worth a mention).

In-addition, I found the following in the (Docs):
Upon reading the “Ancient Equestria” section, which said the Alicorn sisters directly assaulted the Crystal City at dusk with only 12000 soldiers and won (banishment), which begs the huge eyebrow-raising question of how Sombra can suddenly fight hundreds of thousands strong army at least, which is technologically vastly superior. (Major plot hole? Anyone?)

Okay, That’s enough from a guy too interested in sparkling glass horses to a guy obsessed with the moon containing a face of a mare. After my eyes detected signs of sparkling EaW equines.


Comment 5, which was deleted first.
I suspected you would use my theory segment as an excuse to not address the rest of my comment, with you doing an Ad Hominem attack, despite my formatting attempting to communicate, I only considered it just a possibility, (due to it containing all the hallmarks of a viable conspiracy theory):
(A. Motive: To complicate/prevent criticism/arguing).
(B. Evidence for it being possible: (Only real info on the Sombra War being literally One Excerpt (Easy to Edit), with it being easily the largest piece of information on both Wars!), and (Your response attempting to doge my point; made you not fully thrust worthy.).
(C. No clear counter-evidence), which made me consider voicing it, due to how unusual such a total info-blackout was (instead of you alternatively saying in Docs: “Re-write in progress, Possibly will contain outdated lore!”) and though the audience deserved to know.

Also, Upon reading Chapter (6/Condemnation)’s subtext (and its details) between Hawkrich and Selenite interaction/apology scene, I couldn’t help but feel my earlier comments having resulted in considerable influence/alterations in the chapter’s own content, namely; you making it be your Fantasy/Frustration-vent how our argument should have ended, by Me being Hawkrich and You being Selenite, which If true: “I find funny as hell!”, as it show I certainly had a major impact on you!

I think that’s enough closure for now.
End of this comment section/story.

Report CrySys · 103 views · #Comment #Dispute
Comments ( 2 )

you should have been shoved into more lockers in high school

learn to take "shut the fuck up" for an answer

Hm, here are some pieces of advice, CrySys:

  • #1: Stop and think about what your converational goal was - what did you try to achieve. Did you want to convince Moonatik? If so, what things should and shouldn't you do to achieve that goal? What actions can self sabotage your efforts?
  • #2: It sounded a lot like you tried to "win" an (internet) debate in front of an audience. But that's not how you convince the other party (= Moonatik). For a detailed instructional video, see here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bAEuX2w2Ow
  • #3: Again, reflect on why exactly you did what you did and what things you hoped to get out of it. This may salvage some of those lost hours you mentioned above, through learning about yourself. Consider the emotional state you were in as you wrote those essays and how these emotions seemed to have driven you to waste hours of your life, most likely "against your will" (since you yourself in retrospect called them wasted).
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