Ruin, is coming. · 2:46pm Feb 21st, 2019
Arc 1 of Ponest Dungeon has been written out. After a few editing passes, I’m going to unleash it, in all of its terrible, gratuitous, gory glory.
I don’t know how many peeps are actually still interested, or were interested in the first place, for that matter... But for those of you who are waiting, soon, soon.
Tldr breakdown is that the story is an unholy cross between MLP and Darkest Dungeon.
The fic is pretty long, Arc 1 by itself is currently sitting at 71,869 words, and editing usually increases my word count a bit.
It’s... not for the squeamish. I wasn’t trying to go full Grimdark, because never go full Grimdark, but the nature of the material is already Lovecraftian, and kind of Clive Barkerish. So it wound up being a combo of the two as far as theme and whatnot.
Anyways, that is an update on where that fic is at. I anticipate 4 arcs total, so it’s going to be around 280k words or so when complete, though that number is subject to drastic change, based on how quickly the characters accomplish certain plot points on my outline chart.
Dear LORD it’s 71k?!
Wooo I better get to work.
I told you it would wind up around 71k a month or two ago. I think it was 50k at the time. I’m oddly accurate when I predict how long things will wind up.
Also: Plot Completion: 12/50 = 24%
So twelve of my fifty plot completion requirements have been met, so everything is progressing as planned.
I'll try and ready it when I can
It’s enormous. Just FYI there. 71k is the first of 4 arcs.
Wowza...that's a lot of words
That’s a lot of nuts!
Yeah, I know. It’s a massive, massive—did I mention massive?—undertaking. This arc alone is longer than all of my previous works combined.
Is the suffering glorious in this one? Inquiring minds and all.
I don’t know if I’d call it “glorious.” Like... it’s definitely pretty intense in several spots. And there are a few places where some really messed up stuff happens.
Write on friend. There’s a lot of writing ahead
Yes, yes there is. And I have the next arc outlined, so it should go pretty quick.