• Member Since 27th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Friday


A partially insane Knoxville Brony who likes to write. I also edit. And Vector too. Who knew? Not I. If only I could focus on just one...

More Blog Posts105

  • 41 weeks
    A long needed update on Ponest Dungeon:

    I sincerely want to apologize to any readers who have been patiently waiting for Arc 3. I’ve been sitting on four completed chapters for Ponest Dungeon, specifically the Arc 3 Prologue through the third chapter, all because I wanted to release Arc 3 all at once. Due to several life issues, I’ve been unable to make the progress I’ve wanted in compiling, editing, and completing the last seven

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    3 comments · 189 views
  • 134 weeks
    Rescue Rangers Movie

    So, did anyone else see that there was a Rescue Rangers movie coming out… with Chip riding Fluttershy?

    It has Seth Rogan and JK Simmons, so… umm. Is it bad that I want to watch it just for the ponies?

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    5 comments · 268 views
  • 142 weeks
    Happy Hearth's Warming Everypony!

    I hope everyone is having a nice holiday!

    If you haven't already, make sure to check out Jinglemas and all the stories that just came out!

    0 comments · 160 views
  • 155 weeks
    The Movie Everypony is Talking About

    Woke up today, saw my feed was full ‘o movie reviews. So I went to watch it.

    My Little Pony: A New Generation

    I decided to do it as a my-little-reaction kinda thingie, so no fridge logic, not yet.

    Spoilers below here.

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    0 comments · 275 views
  • 176 weeks
    Categorical Grant's 2021 Cuddlefic Contest!

    Hello, everypony! It's that time again, for the snugs and hugs!

    I am always exited when these come about! Hence all the exclamation points!

    Categorical Grant is holding another snugglefic contest, and you are all invited to either participate, or just read in the festivities!

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The Movie Everypony is Talking About · 7:33pm Sep 25th, 2021

Woke up today, saw my feed was full ‘o movie reviews. So I went to watch it.

My Little Pony: A New Generation

I decided to do it as a my-little-reaction kinda thingie, so no fridge logic, not yet.

Spoilers below here.

*Lantern goes up*
Me: “Oh, so you caused this, Sunny.”

“Hoof to heart.”

Sprout is a kleptomaniac.

Manufactured fear, oh dear.

Judgment Neigh
Oh. My. God. Masterful.

Medium Sneaky.

“Earth Ponies First”

That Hitch Calendar.

Cloud Puff.

Literal Angry Mob song.

The fluff bunnies.

“We had so much fun losing it.”

Glad to know my lantern prediction was right.

Wow. They really did not shy away from pointing out that marshmallows are made out of ground up horse-hoof.

Unicorns being superstitious.

I hope we all knew there had to be a third crystal.

They gave Sprout the Manuel Noriega hat and shades.

I do appreciate that only bringing the crystals together physically did nothing.

Rainbooms. How do they work?

“Was I a good sheriff?”

What was with those heart hoofprints at the end?

Ok, first reactions:

Firstly, I was concerned, as I’m sure a lot of us were, that this was just going to be a straight up money grab, not an actual attempt to make something meaningful. I worried that I’d be inundated with hollow characters, an obvious shallow story that didn’t touch on anything poignant, and a policy of “more effects covers all sins.”

The movie touched on a lot of real word themes, in ways I didn’t think that Hasbro would be comfortable with. I’m talking about the literal manufacturing and selling of fear, and the fact that somepony said “Earth Ponies First.” I think that this movie took a brave step going there.

There were definitely some parallels to be drawn between g4 characters and the current ones, but I feel that there was enough difference to make these characters distinct and original. They were surprisingly well developed despite having all that development crammed into an hour and a half.

There is enough actual substance to this movie that I feel like I have to go back and actually watch it again, just to see if I can find more connections, or notice things I didn’t on my first go-through. That’s a good thing.

Then, there is what I’m sure a lot of us writers care about:

This movie is a headcannon gold mine. Flying dogs, puff bunnies, where the hell is Twilight, how long has it been, why does Hitch have weird animal magic when no one else does, and many many more that are flooding my brain.

All in all, I think we have a winner.

And it’s us.

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