
Viewing 961 - 980 of 1,504 results

So.... What next? · 3:44pm Oct 13th, 2019

Okay, first off. My thoughts on the finale. Then I'll get to what's next for me. More after the break.

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Update on today's writing progress · 10:47pm Jan 13th, 2016

Well I just did a lot of work on 'Fallout Equestria: Letters to Celestia'. Chapter Five is going well with around 7 new pages added today alone. I have been working a lot on character interaction, and moved onto the most important scene in Chapter Five...a scene involving a bone saw.

Can't wait for people to read it.


Did you know? Flim-flam · 3:28am Mar 31st, 2017

As early as the 1880's, the word flim-flam has been a part of the English language?

flim-flam - The generic name for the various dodges by which a thief, in changing money (paper or coin), obtains more than he gives.

Let's watch a master flim-flammer working his craft.


Update on New Chapter · 9:39pm Apr 25th, 2016

On the advice of my editor, my latest completed chapter will be extended even more. I am adding as few scenes to break up a particular scene near the beginning that is a bit too cramped apparently, and needs to be smoothed out. ^-^

Remember to support me on Patreon (it would be lovely ^-^):

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The Unfinished Stories - "Daring Do is Dead" · 8:55pm Jun 2nd, 2018

Since I'm very... Sporradic to say the least when it comes to writing stories, I got some lying around which I'll probably never finish. That's sad. So I decided that maybe I could post some of the workable bits here.

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what am I doing? · 12:04pm Mar 21st, 2018

I'm bringing 'fixing the balance' out of hiatus, screw it! I might have very little opportunities to write it compared to while I'm at college, but with the possibility of incorporating it into a crossover with another writers story (which I'm helping reboot), there's plenty of reason to bring it back out. Now, where was I up to?

(Gets about half-way through the fic before throwing up violently)

Who the hell is this writer? I can do much better than this!

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Wally's Wild Ride · 3:06am Aug 26th, 2020

"Pray for me, okay?"

"There is no meaning in such things."

"It's just an expression, Kyubey. The least you could do is humor me."

Kyubey remained silent for a moment. "Good hunting," he finally said.

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Fry Not? · 2:26am Dec 2nd, 2020

Santa hats are all well and good, but I like to mix it up each year. I've done Santa, Rudolph, the Krampus...

And this year, we're going for those deep cuts.


My Little Pony : Bloopers are Magic · 6:29am Jun 13th, 2021

TMy Little Pony : Bloopers are Magic
Welcome to the MLP Studios. All the behind the scenes are right here.
CitreneSkys · 11k words  ·  235  5 · 3.5k views

Aka, first story I’ve actually sworn in!


The Holes in Things Fairy! · 1:48am Apr 6th, 2022


Happy procreation season everyone! Art by Negativefox.


Teaser For Sequel to What You Deserve · 2:05pm Jan 29th, 2022

For real this time! I promise!

Just beware that it's not a story yet. It's just a series of loose chapters that need alot of glue inbetween. Also, anything you read here may be subject to change in the actual product.


Anyway, the scene is that Sunset has asked to graduate early in order to get her grades and start working to support Cozy Glow and herself.

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Excerpt of 'Fallout Equestria: Letters to Celestia · 6:30pm Mar 27th, 2016

It turned towards me. Bright green glowing eyes bore into my own as a weird green viscous fluid that looked like glowing tree sap dripped from the wound I'd caused it. I could see more of it distinctly now, my vision no longer impaired by adrenaline. It seemed to be made of wood, held together by glowing green areas. It was also twice the size of me and had long wooden claws that could probably take my head off with a single swing. But thankfully, we had something else with long claws.

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So, Here's a Mistake: · 3:30am May 3rd, 2019

I'm gonna try and write a "clop-fic."

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I did a reading in my Sean Connery voice, just for a laugh. (Link included) · 5:32pm May 14th, 2020

Yesterday, I did a read through of a story that is no longer up on this site, sadly. It's called The Things the CMC are NOT Allowed To Do in School and it's by Str8aura. I read through all potential stories I consider recording for my channel before actually doing it, and I decided to read it like Sean Connery, just because, and I absolutely died laughing while reading one of the lines! I literally could not stop laughing!

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Friendship is Card Games: Rainbow Dash and the Daring Do Double Dare · 1:10pm Nov 14th, 2021

This week, we return to the Berrow catalogue and Dash’s turn in the spotlight. She’s been comparatively patient, but she also didn’t have a choice in the matter. Let’s see what this entails.

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Chess Story Reading · 12:36pm Jul 27th, 2021

Hey, you know what makes me incredibly self conscious? Hearing someone else read my words. I'm all like 'no, you're reading that really well but I shouldn't have phrased that that way! Why did I use the word 'fight' in two sentences in a row!'

Nonetheless: this Reading of a Chess Story is very well produced, and the guy has a really nice voice.

Go have a listen plz.


Rest in power, Andrea · 6:01am Jan 21st, 2022

5I just learned one of my homeless trans addicted sex worker friends died of overdose 7 months ago. Talk about the odds stacked against you. Several years ago I tried to help her out with having a place to stay and get clean and it lasted for a bit but between our shit legal system and our shit mental health system and our shit economic system it wasn't enough.

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Let's have some fun - How old do you think I am? · 2:45pm Mar 5th, 2020

Some of you might know it, a few of you have guessed it correctly in the past, but don't spoil it for anybody else if you do know. If you've been around long enough and read most of my blogs through the years, then maybe you can do the maths yourself!

But have at me - how old do you think I am? If you're wrong or if you're right, I may or may not correct you. :rainbowdetermined2:

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F/F/T3K19 12/1: Triple Threat · 3:53pm Dec 2nd, 2019

That Mare-Do-Well shit is finally done being shat. RIP.

This week is the continuation of my greatest dread. It's our penultimate installment before we just discard it like spoiled leftovers.


landing :0 · 7:35am May 14th, 2023

hi there, pony people! it is i, cometchaser, from the realm of wings of fire. someone else stole my name (bruh moment). anyways i'm kinda famous for being very slow at writing, so dont expect anything here for a long time :3
- spirax fluff (this is the sole reason)
- an EaW fic revolving around that submod i want to make and my as-of-yet unpublished PMD fic
- maintain motivation between this and the other 4 fandoms somehow

Viewing 961 - 980 of 1,504 results