
Viewing 881 - 900 of 937 results

I Sing the Body Electric · 6:50pm Jun 20th, 2017

Okay, so first things first, I want y'all to know that I'm fine. I'm perfectly okay.

Good? Good.

So a couple weeks ago, my father found blood on my sheets. Figuring the time had finally come, he sat me down in front of him and told me about the wonders of growing up and the ways my body is going to change.

Then he stopped, and realized I'm actually not a woman.

So to the hospital we went.

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Compati Update · 8:19pm Nov 29th, 2018

Still sane, Exile?

Hey, guys!

So yeah, I've been playing a lot of Path of Exile lately. Game's fun. It's free to play on Steam (and Xbox), and the new expansion is coming out on the 7th. So much hype!

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Aragón at Bronycon 2019 -- Day Two · 1:59pm Aug 27th, 2019


Registration or Revolution? · 2:46am Nov 1st, 2017


The Iron Horse: The Original Soundtrack! (Spotify / YouTube) · 1:11pm Jan 1st, 2021

Happy New Year! For my first post of 2021, I've got something special: the music that inspired (or was referenced by) The Iron Horse: Everything's Better With Robots! Check below the break for over two hours of auditory, robot-friendly bliss!

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unimportant update (and believe me i am still alive) · 11:16am Jul 12th, 2019

hello all! been very busy lately and wanted to drop in to remind y'all i'm not dead.

new chapters of Family Tree and Once Upon a Harvest Moon are in the works, so hang in there

and maybe a new Dreamweaver story, but that's still in the early stages. i like the idea of that one being a mini-series, or w/e

and i've got a few unpublished ideas that need finishing/polishing, might publish those to put some new stuff out.

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Update on Things (as of 1/2021) · 2:12am Jan 20th, 2021 might have noticed, it's a new year.

To that end, I've been going around and vomiting thoughts on what plans I have for the year ahead, and I figured I probably ought to do the same thing here. Only there's one problem:

There's...not all that much to tell.

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The Great Bronycon Blog - Part II · 8:46pm Aug 12th, 2019

Getting There!

Travel insurance is a useful thing to have if anything bad happens to you. If your flights are messed up, if something goes wrong with the hotel, etc, it’s travel insurance that’ll get you your money back. Most importantly, it covers medical costs where you’d have to pay for that sort of thing.

But I’d be fine. Nothing was going to go wrong.

A lot went wrong.

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New addition · 7:39pm Jul 9th, 2018

Quick update-refresh-whatever, wastelanders....

I've decided I wanted to add something else to the tops of the chapters.

For those who do not want to go through the previous entries again, please see the below. This is what has been shared so far.

My Dearest Subjects, here and abroad.
I never wanted to be revered. That was never my goal.

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2020 drives us to drink, but there's some levity! I'm gonna be on the Barcast! · 2:27am Sep 29th, 2020

Except I'll be in person this time. Y'all will get to hear my voice for once, and ask me cool stuff. Just join the group and ask ANYTHING about writing, memes, my life, or whatever. Please no lewd things. You'll get to hear my disappointment in humanity live or when it goes up on Youtube. That's right, putting me on youtube finally makes me a real gamer. I think that's how it works.

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I finished the project! · 9:48pm Aug 16th, 2016

I'll have to keep it a secret for a few months since it's a gift, but it is so beautiful! It looks like something that you can buy at a store. My mom says that it looks like something I could sell for $20 or $400 if it's at an anime convention. It sounds like a good idea, but there's no way I can sell these things. It took me two days to make it by hand, and I put my love in every stitch. I'm not making these for just anyone; my hands would fall off if I

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It's A New Year (1/2022 Update) · 10:45pm Jan 1st, 2022

So, it's 2022 now. We'll have to see how this one goes--there does seem to be something of an unfortunate trend with the 2020s thus far.

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On the Many Violent and Vicious Deaths of Experimentation (or, Why I May Find Myself Writing Anti-Clop One Day) · 11:16pm Apr 2nd, 2021

So, fun fact, I've watched Nomadland recently.

Okay, I lied, it's not really fun. Still a fact that I've watched it though, so that's not a complete lie. I don't think I could lie to anyone completely if I tried, and believe me, I tried.

It's actually what makes me a great liar, in fact—you slip in just the tiniest bit of the truth, your verisimilitudinous OxyContin, then everyone will believe everything you say, hook, line and sinker.

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I'd Only Dream Of You: New Fic Out! · 2:32pm Aug 2nd, 2022

Do YOU like romance? Do YOU like Luna? Do YOU like an unconventional portrayal of Dr. Whooves and a unique twist on a story you've heard before?

If you answered yes to any of the above, then have I got a cute little fic for you! Fully completed, sitting at a comfortable 8k words, with humor, a love song, and a refreshingly different take on a classic MLP tale, I'd Only Dream Of You is waiting for you!

TI'd Only Dream Of You
Every time Luna falls asleep, her lover vanishes. Every morning, she must find who he's replaced.
Silent Whisper · 8.7k words  ·  162  2 · 1.2k views

Something Something Lunbra Something · 12:25am Mar 15th, 2019

Okay, hi everyone. It's Pi Day. I forgot about that and had no pie today. Then again, maybe I should blame dyscalculia again. I have no clue. I've been... not doing so well? I'unno. Ice Star is a bitter bean. Not much is new. What will be new is a new chapter of Enemy of Mine that I am close to done with, writing stage-wise.

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Okay... · 4:04pm Nov 12th, 2015

So if I'm snarky/rude or giddy/slap-happy, I purely blame my lack of sleep last night. And the night before. And the night before that. And so on. I... am a light sleeper. If I hear-a-loud-noise/feel-something/see-a-bright-light, I will likely wake up. It also takes an hour or so of staying still to get to sleep... Blegh, it doesn't help when a certain someone I will not name decides to watch a movie/tv at normal volume.


Fanart for 'Cyclosa' · 7:49pm Feb 8th, 2017

I made the surprising discovery the other day that Deviantart User 96paperkuts has published some amazing fanart for Cyclosa over on her Amino account. I've seen the artist's work over on Derpibooru rather often and I've always quite enjoyed her style, so having a scene from one of my stories done in it is obviously pretty flattering.

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Spookseeker · 9:09pm Oct 17th, 2017

So last year, when October came rolling in, I wanted to do a comedic 'Nightmare Night Special' chapter for Truthseeker. It would have revolved around Lyra freaking out because she was certain that, it being Nightmare Night, something bad was bound to happen, while all the rest of the Owls knew that nothing ever happens on Nightmare Night. I dropped it because by the gods, I cannot write comedy it was dumb filler. Instead, I released a pair of horror stories that no

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The Comedy (Is Serious Business) Contest! · 2:55pm Jan 2nd, 2018

Comedy is subjective.

—Someone with no taste.

If you folks know anything about me – and you do, as I have no idea what concepts like “privacy” or “shame” are – you know I like comedy. I keep writing comedy, I keep writing about comedy, and I’ve gone out of my way to make my life a total joke just to be thematically consistent.

With this in mind, and seeing how this website could always do with more good comedies, I’m happy to introduce—

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I consider this motivational. · 5:29pm Jan 6th, 2018

Viewing 881 - 900 of 937 results