
Viewing 8201 - 8220 of 10,542 results

The Face Of Mercy · 12:15am Oct 12th, 2015

For once in my life, I have fallen seriously behind on ponies. What is this dark magic?


Art and Chapters! · 4:40am Jul 29th, 2016

Hello everyone!

Today I am pleased to announce that Fallout Equestria: Icicle finally has cover art! The Cover Art is by Pridark, check out her DA here!

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Persona CM Delay! · 3:08pm Jun 4th, 2017


Update 2: Happy New Year! · 5:04pm Jan 3rd, 2016

Kick 5 out of the year calendars and put that number six into the pack. It's a new year, everyone, and I'm excited! :pinkiehappy:

Well, not really. :ajbemused: For one thing, it means my Christmas vacation is over and I'll have less time to write and laze around the house. How sad. One thing that made my leap into the new year is obviously the success of Aria one-shot. :ajsmug:

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Next Chapter of Scientific Pursuits Up · 3:26am Jun 19th, 2018

As it says on the can, next chapter of Scientific Pursuits is up. A day later than planned, but hey, my rl Dad deserved some time with me too. :P

Anyhow, hope y'all enjoy.


What's been going on? · 8:49pm Sep 19th, 2017

Hey guys, what's been going on?

I know it's been awhile since I last did anything and trust me, i'm trying. But things seem to be going backwards right now - instead of going forwards. For a moment I honestly thought things might be getting better, but no... that would be wishful thinking, right?

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Update: April 2017 · 1:36am Apr 19th, 2017

Hey everyone. Just a quick update because I have some interesting stuff to announce. That, and to get my whining excuses from a year ago off my user page.


First and foremost, yes, I'm still writing Undead Robot Bug Crusaders. I've hit a small road (writer's) block, but I'm confident I'll get over it soon. But in the meantime, I've had time to work on some other things I've been writing.

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New Update 10/2/15 · 6:48am Oct 2nd, 2015

Well, I reckon its definitely been awhile. Just over 3 months in fact... Figured I'd update everyone on some things.

I'm still planning some stuff out as far as my stories go. Most of the chaos that slowed me down is finally dying down so that's a plus... Well, besides the chest cold I've been trying to get rid of for the past week or so. Because of this I should be able to get more stuff done so I can finally start writing chapters for you to read. Hopefully that'll be soon.

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I'm sorry · 9:48pm Aug 2nd, 2017

Hey, it's been a while, hasn't it?

This is an update that was a long time coming, but before it starts to sound FAR too doom and gloom, I will reassure that it's not a bad thing that I'm about to say; in fact, it's actually quite good if you happen to care, since the story will be finished by the fourth anniversary... surprise!

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So yeah · 9:11pm Jul 22nd, 2018

I hit the point of divergence with the rewrite of Broken then healed. Way earlier than I expected. To be fair it is just a rearrangement of when things happen but enough so that I am in mostly uncharted waters now. I hope to keep the same magic the first had but it is also time to introduce some of the completely new elements of the story.


Oh hey, NaNoWriMo is over. · 6:08am Dec 2nd, 2015

Let's see, how much did I write?
About 16,500 words of Minoan Crisis, and 4,500 in short fiction and poetry for my Creative Writing class. Well, guess I know where my priorities are.

So 21,000 words all told, almost half of the NaNoWriMo goal of 50,000. And I was going to sit down and crank out a bunch of crap to buff my numbers, too, but it's too late and I forgot. Oh well. Maybe I should total up my count every month. This was kind of fun, and insightful too.

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End of the Month update #4 · 9:45pm Feb 28th, 2018

Hey all. Just a small update here. First, Fall Of Dark Tyrant Eclipse. Here's a little teaser of Chapter 2 to make up for it not uploading this month:

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That is Not Dead Which Can Eternally Procrastinate · 9:16am Sep 18th, 2016

I was all set to start doing things with my FimFic account and my Youtube account. I have a list of video ideas and I wrote 90,000 words of a fic I quite like. But then my computer needed replacing, I had to move house, and I got a job. (Ugh. Adult responsibilities - what is this?) I've only just begun to settle in properly and get my computer up and running (and by the way, the power points in my room don't work, so

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New year bloggl · 8:37pm Jan 1st, 2018

well, 2017 was... something. It's hard to believe that it's been just over a year since I've put up my first story on fimfiction. I wouldnt say I was very successful, far from it, but I did something, and even made new friends, like the author of The Iron Horse, my favorite fanfiction (except Fallout: Equestria) TheHatman. And the guy who illustrated his work, Greenfinger.

Wait, I'm certain there was a point to this- OH, YEAH.

Void Trials!

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New LWTSIW! It's been too long since my last update... · 4:20pm Jun 10th, 2019


My Own Reality status update (7-3-2018_1) · 8:28pm Jul 3rd, 2018

1 - "Wake up." - (Draft 2)
2 - "Take a look around." - (Draft 2.1)
3 - "There's so much to see," - (Draft 1)

Finished chapter 2, rearranging the chapter names a bit to fit the chapter progression better. I'll be working on Chapter 3 tonight, and likely will post another status update on the story then.


Act Three · 4:52am Oct 10th, 2015

Despite Google Docs going down earlier today, I was able to get two chapters done for Act Three. That's right, I said chapters. Unlike the last two times, I'm doing this act by chapters. Since it's the final act, there's not a lot of need to visit each character to tell the same part of the story. The chapters will still be off different character's point-of-views, but it'll be sequenced instead, meaning each character will pick up from the last chapter. I see at least three more chapters

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08 - Nopony to Spare · 2:46am Mar 22nd, 2017

Nearly done with the rough draft for the next chapter, here's a sneak peek! :pinkiehappy:

“Hey!” I called as I approached the defenders on the hill. They were in the midst of looting three dead ponies, one of whom still clutched a flaregun in her maw. Turning my eyes from the bodies, I set them on the defenders, “They’re corralling the ghouls with the flares! I think there’s another horde!”

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Green Vengeance Idea help · 1:31am Oct 19th, 2018

Working on the latest chapter of Assasinverse Green Vengeance and I need a bit of help.

At one point, I plan to have Twilight's friends appear as rangers, but the question I'm asking is this: who should get what color and why?

I do have ideas on weapons:

Applejack: Hammer staff (similar to the one she has in Equestria Divided, but for good this time around.)

Pinkie Pie: Duel guns that form into a party rocket launcher.

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Progress Update 07/19/17 and Comic Book Talk: DC/Looney Tunes Crossovers · 3:10am Jul 20th, 2017

So, still working on the next chapter. Actually, I'm considering splitting the content I have right now. With the scenes I have, Word is telling me it's 11, 254 words, and I still have a ways to go on what I have planned. But I'll still hacking away at it.

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Viewing 8201 - 8220 of 10,542 results