Creepy Stories! · 6:28am Jul 23rd, 2015
Should I make like a fic containing short stories featuring creepy stories of pony experiences? It's gonna be in human version. I got this feeling from Mr. Nightmare on Youtube. Thanks, buddy. :P
Should I make like a fic containing short stories featuring creepy stories of pony experiences? It's gonna be in human version. I got this feeling from Mr. Nightmare on Youtube. Thanks, buddy. :P
Disclaimer: I know I said I'd do these every Thursday but this week I was busy with IRL bullcrap! Again Sorry It's a bit late....
WELCOME all to another Creepy installment! Now today/night's story is a personal favorite of mine as far as MLP creepypasta goes. Fillies and Gentlecolts, prepare your blankets for....Rainbow Factory......*maniacal laughing*:
The train is coming with its shiny cars
With comfy seats and wheels of stars
So hush little ones
Have no fear
The man in the moon is the engineer
If you know what game this is from then you know why it's disturbing
Hint: Beyond her wonders lie the looking glass
You have been warned
Excuse me while I go have nightmares...............this scene is 20x more creepy with it explained.........
(He SMILED, guys. SMILED.)
So, I've noticed that Darkness within is pretty much the more popular or the two stories I have up, and so I'm going to focus a bit more on that, and also I had received mention of the cover art not quite fitting the story. I agree, and am now in the process of creating a new cover for it. I'm hoping to have it up by the weekend. It will be creepy, it will give you nightmares (probably). You know its gonna be good if my own art creeps me out! I will also try my best to carry the same mood into
“Let’s Eat.”
I know my art skills aren’t that good, but get the job done in visuals... :l He’s suppose to be hanging from the ceiling, but I guess I felt like he should be shrouded mostly in mystery.
So, the reason for this blog post is that I've been watching reaction videos to scary Top 10s the entire evening and now it's getting to me. (I already know that I'm a little bitch.) I thought maybe talking about the worst nightmare I've ever had would maybe help. Please note that everything from here on out is just from my dream. So here we go.
Um, I'm...legit kinda freaking out. I'm genuinely scared right now, I don't think I'm gonna be able to sleep now.
WELCOME all to a new blog series that I'm starting. This will be different from my other series in that it will primarily be about all things Creepy, Unusual, Horrific and down right Crazy! Now to kick things off, A reading of one of the most popular MLP creepypastas of all. Fillies and Gentlecolts may I present: Cupcakes
#5: Houndoom
(Gold): If you are burned by the flames it shoots from its mouth, the pain will never go away.
(Platinum): The flames it breathes when angry contain toxins. If they cause a burn, it will hurt forever.
(Silver, FireRed, and Soul-Silver): Upon hearing its eerie howls, other Pokémon get the shivers and head straight back to their nests.
#4: Gengar, Mega-Gengar, and Gigantamax Gengar
Halloween is halfway here, so I ask one thing for you to do: make creepy-pasta level stories of Deadpool in Equestria. All will be connected in a large, anthology chapter and be posted on Halloween night... Around 7. And Deadpool, along with some guests, will comment on your fics. That is all.
Hey guys I'm thinking of using some creepy music to set the tone for a scene in the next chapter. I just want you guys opinion on if I should use creepy Christmas music or a creepy music box song? Let me know what you think.