
Viewing 441 - 460 of 545 results

Signal Boost: Tragedy for Cloudhammer and Noble Cause · 1:13am Apr 26th, 2021

Cloudhammer and Noble Cause have lost a pet, an apartment, and most of their belongings.

I don't know either of them very well, but I know they could use help if possible. Here's Jake's post that points to their GoFundMe.


how did you get here? · 5:17pm Jan 1st, 2023


I Do What I Want · 6:10pm Jul 5th, 2021


And Therefore is Winged Cupid Painted Blind · 11:24pm Mar 22nd, 2020


Torbek is here for GUYS' NIGHT! | Once upon a Witchlight compilation episode 6-8 · 2:05am March 6th


Here’s What’s Gonna Happen This Month · 1:07am Nov 2nd, 2022

So, I have been keeping up with releasing one story a month this year, somehow. Even though I’ve been suffering through some Writer’s Block and diverging interests, I have managed to keep releasing a story (of varying quality) every month.

Now, this month is National Novel Writing Month.

I already have a lot to do with school, and I’ll be getting a job soon, too. I won’t be able to participate in NaNo and write some one-shot I have no clear ideas for.

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just watched the new movie · 2:00am Oct 8th, 2016

i will defend the fact that EQG!rarijack is canon until the day i die


One of my new favorite songs: Migraine · 1:18am Oct 8th, 2015

Twenty One Pilots

Am I the only one I know
Waging my wars behind my face and above my throat.
Shadows will scream that I'm alone.

I-I-I I've got a migraine.
And my pain will range from up, down, and sideways.
Thank God it's Friday cause Fridays will always be better than Sundays
'Cause Sundays are my suicide days.

I don't know why they always seem so dismal.
Thunderstorms, clouds, snow and a slight drizzle.
Whether it's the weather or the ledges by my bed

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The Search for King Sombra or Adventures in Gameloft's My Little Pony, part 1 · 6:46am Apr 12th, 2016

So something silly tonight in the hopes there are other players of Gameloft's My Little Pony out there who would enjoy this or would like to hook up on the game.

I haven't played for a while, then I saw they finally got King Sombra in the Gameloft game.

I was like

So guess I gotta pony up, as it were, and get the Mane Six to get my Sombra. Well, every King needs a harem, right? 'kay, why not?

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Um · 8:33am Feb 9th, 2017

Well, I'm not in the habit of using this thang, other than for episode "reviews" nowadays, but uh, I just felt I should thank all you lovely people who have decided to come here to this chaotic mess of a page with feelings, and some of you who've become my friends. Well, all of ya really are free to come here if you need someone to talk to, y'know? And I'll do my best to help if I can.

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Forgive me lord, for my voice has Ruined Ember and Twilight for everyone. · 2:25am Aug 19th, 2017


Slower Updates · 12:08am Sep 9th, 2016

Hey guys! How ya doing?

For those of you that care, updates on TIOCHS are going to be slowing down... a tad. So far, I've kept my original promise of two updates per week (even more if you count the intermissions, but I don't). Unfortunately, school slammed into me like a sack of bricks, and despite my best efforts, my backlog of chapters has run rather dry, and, to be honest, I have some more important things in my life than my shot-in-the-dark fanfiction.

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Why 'Ashes' is now longer than 'Autophobia' and other stuff maybe probably totally. · 6:01pm Jan 5th, 2018

If you know a couple things about me, it's that I've probably/maybe made some kind of Satanic pact to update things like I do, or might just be some eldritch vortex that has legs but mostly just vomits up words. Something like that.

This, of course, never means that I don't go back and revise/tweak little bits and things in my older stories. I reread my stuff often enough, especially to try and spot a rare typo or something that might have slipped by and see the quality of my work. Etc.

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FoE Let's Read: Story Introduction and Prologue. · 1:21pm Mar 25th, 2017


so many friends are leaving ;n; · 1:04pm Sep 2nd, 2017

I'm not going yet, however.

I want to be here for the people who also have to watch their friends leave. I refuse to leave the site anytime soon. I may be gone for a few days, but usually that means my family dragged me somewhere else in the world where I couldn't bring my phone.

I feel a bit upset that the guy I love is most likely leaving, but I'm not following him out. I'll go with him to the "gates" but no further. His work here may be done, but mine is not.

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Writing Commissions · 10:37pm Aug 31st, 2020

So this is a subject I've been mulling over for some time now, and at this point it's just time to say screw it and announce that I'm tentatively opening up writing commissions.

I want to say this is for a nobler reason like forcing myself to become a better writer or looking to hone my craft, but I'd be lying.

Truth is I've hit a really rough patch thanks to a certain pandemic and really need the money.

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Looking for artwork for my story. · 11:43pm Sep 26th, 2015

A drawing of a seaport town with a thunderstorm approaching it is what I'm looking for. I wanted to ask for Unique to be in the picture but I can add him in myself if the artist doesn't mind. NO TAKING OFF GOOGLE IMAGES EITHER. I'm looking at you, Rainbow Bob and Chad!

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"What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun." –Ecclesiastes 1:9 · 7:51am Oct 1st, 2021


Hello Gamers: a brief, important message (for everyone, not just gamers) · 1:10am Mar 11th, 2022

Hi, it's been a while. I'm really sorry about that, I'll try and do a personal update soon. I've been busy and unwell lately, but I would at least like to give a delayed answer to the following: yes, I got my computer fixed a while ago, near the end of January. I also ended up with another laptop. However, I'd like to make a time-sensitive blog about something important.

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Some of my favorite quotes 7 & a half (Kirbo edition) · 10:31pm Jan 5th, 2022

I love Kirbo and not the Kirbo from that one YouTube channel that makes him Christian for a joke and uses his the name Kirbo to not be copyrighted.
NO! I mean the Real Kirbo also known as evil Kirby, dark Kirby, the Kirbinator, world evilest vacuum, or his true title KIRBO THE GODKILLER!!

No matter what you call him here are my favorite Kirbo quotes:

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Viewing 441 - 460 of 545 results