
Viewing 381 - 400 of 518 results

Marwile watches SAO Part 8: "Eff this effing Anime" · 10:31pm May 11th, 2018

Warning: Blog contains swearing.

First things first, I missed last weeks episode, because I had to work. I looked at a plot summary in case something important happened. It was about fishing... The second-to-last episode of the whole arc is about fishing. Also some build up for this episode.

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The city where dark souls come to die · 4:08pm Oct 11th, 2015

The moon presence has dawned once again
And the beastly scourge is coming out of its den
Preying on the quaint gothic town of Y'harnam
Stripping flesh and leaving a bloody mess behind them
Who they gonna call? They get the big boys
The badass hunters with their nice and sharp toys
Garbed in bandages and coats pitch black
They run off into the night to fight back
The monsters that're crawling from under your bed
And fucking with your sanity getting in your head

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Three years, huh? · 12:02am Mar 22nd, 2019

In a couple days, I will have been on this site for three years.

I mean, it is not nearly as much as some people, but... wow...

The years really have passed quickly, haven't they?

Maybe I should do something... special...


We'll see.


Four Days · 6:03am Apr 28th, 2021

If this is still featured tomorrow, it will have been up there for four days.

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What Went Right This Week · 10:01pm Jun 9th, 2020

A Round-Up Of The Latest Good News Stories

And some interesting words from J.K Rowling I found on Good News Network which could apply to MLP as well as Harry Potter.

"We do not need magic to change the world. We carry all the power we need inside ourselves already. We have the power to imagine better."

Say what you will about her but when she's right, she's right.


Animal Abuse - There are some scumbags out there that need to be dealt with! · 10:27am Feb 17th, 2020

There is one thing in life that I have so much trouble trying to understand - why do people abuse animals?

This subject has a very serious rage spot in my brain and heart for all people that think it’s funny and entertaining to harm, injure or mindlessly abuse animals with nothing but neglect. To me, those who do this are the biggest scumbags on the planet, and they all deserve to be lined up against a wall while crowds of people toss cinder blocks at them.

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Some small fixes in the descriptions of "Letters to Cozy Glow" and how applying them made me get better at something I'm struggling with · 10:00pm Apr 19th, 2019

So, after I checked into "Letters to Cozy Glow" yesterday while writing the next letter/chapter, my eyes fell on the short description and I discovered a small error in it. Small, as in, only one word was wrong. But it made the sentence sound very stupid and gave a wrong idea of what it says.
I went and fixed it, then read through the long description to make sure there isn't a similar error. I found one and it sounded similarly stupid and I fixed that one as well.

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"It Feels Rapier than ever" -- Another Horrible Mistake To Avoid When Writing Romance · 11:18pm Feb 8th, 2016

Audio version by Imrix.

I’m not good at romance.

A guy once tried to choke me and then begged for sex, and that’s just the third most horrible confession I’ve gone through. A girl in my high school refused to go out with a guy unless he stabbed his own arm with three needles to show his love. One of my teachers had to go to the hospital on New Year’s because she got a champagne bottle stuck to her vagina.

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Send In Your Skeletons; Sing As Their Bones Go Marching In Again · 6:35pm Jun 10th, 2023

In what might be the most hilariously on-brand move on my part, I am currently facing a lot of hardships because I was too stupid to be stupid. I was too good at studying, and now I'm in deep shit. Classic Aragón, let me tell you.

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Paper and life. (Another donut shaped rant, sorta.) (Remember, stay sharp, don't cut yourself. It hurts.) · 1:34pm Jan 16th, 2016

Not much in a mood to read. Seeing nice little things, but no forcing it.

It's like me eating too much sugary stuff today whilst writing in those motebooks, and thinking of stuff.

I couldn't eat as much real food as I desired cause I wasn't hungry enough. And ain't being any soon. :raritycry:

I won't even try. I may, but if I ain't. I ain't.

Also, those notebooks really are too small, and slightly too chocolate covered at points.

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Bronycon Festivities Farewell · 1:18am Aug 11th, 2019

Blogging about conventions is a lot harder than a lot of people make it look.

The short version that it was a pretty amazing weekend. I met lots and lots of fantastic people, gawked at a perpetually-dabbing Mare Do Well fursuit-wearer, had a drink with one of my internet besties—I didn’t like the drink, but it wasn’t about liking the drink—and overall had a fantastic time.

Here's the long version.

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My Hand Slipped (or, Two New Stories) · 2:00am May 30th, 2020

EHorrible Words
The first worst part of loving somepony is that you eventually have to tell them. The second worst thing is that they will leave you.
Ice Star · 1k words  ·  154  8 · 3.3k views

I tried doing a thing for a prompt collab. Here's the full version, because I had enough brain worms to type out random nonsense when I should be doing other things. Please enjoy it, and remember that one like means one child will be eaten, as per my bio.

ELittle Candle
Little candle, why must you try and be so bright?
LackLustre · 1.2k words  ·  94  2 · 2.3k views

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Takka Takka Takka: September 2017 - Sunsets, Airships, Movies & Cloudsdale · 6:02am Oct 1st, 2017

Would someone please tell me where the heck September went? Seriously, someone’s locked me in a damn speed bubble and I want out!

I think.

So. Let’s talk words.

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"Flashfic 150" Entry, January 2020 · 12:47am Jan 3rd, 2020

I begin this year with a new mini project. One that I wanted to participate in for more than 2 and a half years already, ever since I saw it first, but could not find the time nor the concentration for, because life was showing its ugliest side to me.

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Writing Dialogue: Lies and Liars · 9:38pm Jul 8th, 2016

I have often been told that dialogue is one of my strongest areas as a writer. I find this compliment a bit unusual, because dialogue is often one of the areas that I spend the least time on. My dialogue technique involves a lot of instinct and guess work (I suppose a lot of my writing does). There is one area, however, where I did have to learn and research, because I am quite bad at it in real life.


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Hi · 4:26am Jul 17th, 2015

So I don't have my laptop for a while as it's getting fixed. Minor thing and will be done in a few days. So ''Life in the Donut Hole'' episode 2 got uploaded early. I have a notebook and pencils so I can work on episode 3, but it might take longer than expected. So, instead of Friday, the next update might come out on Saturday.

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NaNoWriMo Week 4: Infinite Mountains · 8:22pm Nov 27th, 2016

Good day, folks!

I hope you all have had a lovely Thanksgiving, even if you aren’t in the US. And I hope you’re a good person who didn’t shop on Thanksgiving. Because there’s a special spot in Tartarus for those who shop during Thanksgiving.

...okay, no. Not going to go into a rant about retail. After 12 years, I am free of retail. Have been for two and a half years. But some things… they stay with you.

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Who needs a patreon when Borderlands VIP is a thing? · 5:57am Jul 17th, 2019

Ah, FiMFiction, something I keep telling myself I'll continue writing for and then proceed to forget about because of the blacking-out stages of drunk. Nah, I'm kidding, legitimately working on something for y'all as I type this up lmao.

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Bluh · 10:56pm Feb 13th, 2023

Didn't get to make any progress on chapter two at all today (˶ ╸▵╺ ˶)
It was insanely busy at the office and I didn't get even a moment to come online. Imagine having to actually do work while you're at work.


After thousands of years... · 6:01pm Jul 26th, 2022

After a lot of time reading and occasionally commenting I finally decided to put up a blog.

But I still don't have much to say so "Hello Person-staring-at-the-screen, it's great that you stopped by.":twilightsmile:

Viewing 381 - 400 of 518 results