
Viewing 1 - 20 of 91 results

Fanfic Prompt · 1:03am Apr 17th, 2016

Spike seizes the Bloodstone Scepter, becomes the Dragon Lord, goes mad with power, subjugates the Crystal Empire since its citizens love him, and becomes Emperor Spike.

Aaaaand GO!

Report DrakeyC · 451 views · #prompt #fanfic prompt

Prompts · 1:08am Nov 10th, 2015

Okay so this is going to be the official journal post for people to comment prompts they want me to do.

To send me a prompt, you can either comment a pony and a word (Example: Pinkie Pie and Chocolate) or a cool picture you want me to base a fic off of. If you send me a picture, please send the the link to the art or the artist so I can credit them.

Thank you so much guys!

Report KorgiKardigan · 379 views · #prompts

Three Words · 12:10am Sep 1st, 2017

Specifically, what3words, a global addressing system that assigns every ten foot-by-ten foot square of the Earth's surface its own unique set of three random words. It's been around for a few years, but I only just became aware of it. Why am I mentioning it?

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Friendship Games Fanfic Prompts · 6:24pm Oct 1st, 2015

Go forth and bring me fanfics, my peons!

- The Sirens find out about Sci-Twi's amulet and see it as a way to get their powers back.
- Twilight and Sci-Twi talk about what happened and have some pathos.
- Sci-Twi goes to Equestria for studies.
- The Shadowbolts' counterparts in Equestria show up.

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Idea · 2:31am Sep 18th, 2017

A story about a loving relationship between a man and his wife. no twists, just a nice fluffy story.
I think it would be pretty nice. Just straightforward, nice to write, nice to read. I'm working on too much already to write it myself, right now anyway, so anyone reading this, write it if you want and drop me a line to let me know., so I can read it.

Best part: this idea is so normal, you don't even need to credit me. just let me read it and that's ya price paid.


Open Challenge Month · 8:05pm Jul 2nd, 2016

So, I sorta meant for this blog post to go up yesterday, but I got caught up in a very important game of Magic: The Gathering.

Anyway, I've decided to make July an "open challenge" month: Basically, you (you meaning anyone who feels like it) give me a writing prompt. Whatever you'd like so long as it doesn't fall in the realm of adults-only. I then have to write out a one-shot story based on said prompt in a week, maximum.

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Report DwarvishPony · 340 views · #prompt #challenge

How did YOU enter the fandom? · 12:12am Mar 31st, 2016

So, in the process of doing an English assignment about writing out a real, personal story that had taught you a valuable life lesson, I came up with this crazy idea for a writing prompt:

How did you enter the fandom?

To start it off, here's mine. (Long read ahead, I was really into it.)

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Story Prompt · 2:16am Jul 21st, 2015

Alright, so the other night as I was falling asleep, I had this weird story title idea.

Snips and Snails will Break their tails, But Marks will never hurt me...

So, IDK, I'll let you guys take it and run with it. It's not something I'm particularly interested in trying. I've been mulling it for a while, but nothing is coming.

Cowgirl Out.

Report CowgirlVK · 305 views · #story prompt

I rediscovered an old list of prompts I made. · 11:11pm Apr 28th, 2020

Posting images on this site is weird, so I’ll just copy it over.

  • Everything is K
  • Anon doesn’t want to fuck horses anymore (very sad)
  • The Big Sad
  • 1-800-BoneAPone
  • Queen Chrysalifts
  • Along came a spider, Anon came inside her 
  • The math magician 
  • Chrysalis discovers the internet and wants to use it to find a marefriend-free colt

    • Chrys Chan

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Report 2Merr · 653 views · #prompts #anon

Story Prompt! Harry Potter switches with Sweetie Belle · 3:11am Dec 14th, 2018

As the title says.

I've even written the first nearly two hundred words. But I would be terrible at bringing this to the proper fruition it deserves. My ken is not comedy, and this is so clearly a comedic idea.

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Report Noble Thought · 314 views · #story prompt

Super Writes Short Stories Sitting In the Bathtub: Give Me Prompts! · 8:19pm Sep 1st, 2014

Hello tramper's! I am currently enjoying my Labor Day sitting in a bathtub using my phone's Talk-to-text system. Hopefully I don't drop it.

Anyway, I want to write some really small stories. So throw up a prompt in the comments, and I'll respond with a 50 to 200 word story. It's that simple! Let's get started!


ScifiPony's Writer's Training Ground · 10:28pm Apr 8th, 2017

Announcing that the ScifiPony's Writer's Training Ground group is open for business! Visit weekly for writing prompts. My suggestions are based on current or past episodes. To jumpstart your creativity, I will tie each post to a deadline nudge you to quickly start and complete new short-stories or other fiction.

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Prompt idea. · 3:10pm Jun 16th, 2016

Applejack continuously sheds apples wherever she goes. Either through sweat, or her cutie mark creating them, or she simply carries them about and leaves them behind.

What do you think? to me it seems like a conspiracy theory.


just some writing prompts 1# · 2:38am Sep 2nd, 2020

hello there, I'm the glostyben and I'm here to share some prompts because I don't know how to write a proper story.

1. cozy glow's maddens gets lifted. she still sent to Tartarus though

2. Queen chrysalis acts like the mother that she would. she still unreformed though.

3. sunset shimmer becomes the empress of tambelon due to some misadventure.

4. the legion of doom sue for peace.

Report glostyben · 135 views · #witting prompts

Looking For Succubus Story Prompts... · 7:31am May 29th, 2021

Well, I am thinking of writing more Succubus mare based stories, however I'm kind of having a hard time thinking of some ideas or it. So I figured I would go ahead and ask and see if any of you could come up with some interesting/fun/unique story prompts involving Succubus ponies.

Suggestive themes/elements are fine, just don't post anything NSFW in this blog. Aside from that, feel free to go as crazy as you want with your prompts. The more prompts offered the better.

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Pick what I write next! · 2:51am Jun 29th, 2015

Greetings, loyal followers (and everyone else)! So, here's the deal. I have a lot of story ideas, and a limited life expectancy. A couple of funny one-shots are in the works right now, but after that, I'm not sure what to do. Therefore, I wish to receive your input as to what you might want to read next. I shall list various possibilities below, in no particular order. Just let me know in the comments what appeals to you. Feel free to suggest your own ideas as well, be they original prompts, or

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Report Thought Prism · 414 views · #prompts #vote #help #ideas

Fanfic Prompts · 8:07pm Aug 12th, 2015

Because sometimes I have good ideas I don't wanna pursue and they shouldn't go to waste.

* Bon Bon and A. K. Yearling are both members of the same monster hunting agency, and Derpy is their contact in Ponyville faking the derp as part of her cover.
* Moon Dancer (show) and Moondancer (comic) are separate ponies who happen to have similar names. Some ponies just get confused.
* Sunset Shimmer falls in love with her human world counterpart.

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Report DrakeyC · 391 views · #fanfic #prompt #idea

Fluttercord Prompt 3 Still Open! · 5:01pm Oct 2nd, 2015

The current prompt is butterflies. Feel free to join in! It's in the fluttercord group I'm in if you aren't aware, the one with a blushing smiley Fluttershy and a blushing slightly-uncomfortable-"oh gawd she's looking at me like that and I haven't wooed a girl for eons and I forgot how to flirt when I'm not doing it for laughs oh gawd"-look on his face, as the banner picture.

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Story idea · 9:48am Oct 28th, 2015

I had this idea for a while now. I need to get this off my chest. Here's the prompt:

Princess Antares meets Prince Delta Brony. She is understandably pissed.

Princess Antares is from the Non-Bronyverse. And Prince Delta Brony is, well, from here. It's kinda hard to explain, so just go there.

Dunno if I'll go anywhere with this, but I had this idea for a while now. Feel free to use this.

Report rcmero · 337 views · #story idea #prompt

Judge Wanted for Rare Story Prompts Contest #02 · 4:39pm May 17th, 2018

Good afternoon, my good ladies and gentlemen. I hope that the day goes well.

Just a quick request here: I need a judge for a story prompt that will be taking place very soon; the prompt will be given on Saturday, and one month will be allowed for entries.

If you are interested in judging a contest, please let me know.

Viewing 1 - 20 of 91 results