
Viewing 201 - 220 of 773 results

Happy New Year · 4:42pm Jan 1st, 2019

Okay, you know normally I'd have made a few New Years resolutions... but who keeps those anyways eh? :rainbowlaugh: ...Like seriously, who does. But anyways, onto more important matters.

What you should expect to see from me this month is at least another IWTFL chapter, another WA Vol 2 chapter that finishes off the current arc and more than likely (And I hope to get it out before Jan 18th) the finale for Destiny's Play.

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Alive · 8:53am May 15th, 2021

Hey guys!

Just wanted to give a tiny update. I'm still alive, well, you know that, but I know there has not been any postings lately, no new chapters. Nothing is wrong, I just needed a break. :twilightsmile:

I love writing, I love interacting with you guys, but I needed some time to myself, just gaming, reading, and whatever else. I have started to write again, so chapters should be coming out again soon. :ajsmug:



Book II: Dawn of the Princesses Update!!! · 6:48am Jul 13th, 2020

Hey guys, it's been awhile since I've written anything for this story in particular, but I've posted two chapters which I know you'll all enjoy and currently working on two Spin-offs, and planning Book III of the Gem's trilogy and let me just say that I am having a blast :D

TGems II: Dawn of The Princesses
Barely escaping the hooves of the Order, Watcher and Celestia take refuge in Everfree City in hopes of starting over while also searching for the other three lost princesses.
Pen Dragon · 65k words  ·  44  3 · 2k views

Color Coordination · 6:30pm Aug 26th, 2019

Given the full-spectrum range of coat and mane colors among Equestrian ponies, can you imagine the trouble planners of any sort of public event that needs a seating chart must have? Not only do they have to take into account all the same considerations that we do, but Earthly event planners don't have to worry about accidentally creating eye-wateringly bad color combinations by accident. After all, in the photographs, you want to look like a "harmonious rainbow" or even "patchwork

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A little schedule update · 1:36am Jun 6th, 2019

Okay, make it more like a couple of weeks instead. Yes, I am writing every day, but my speed and progress is still slower than I would have thought. That, and the fact that I'm working with 3 different stories at once. A sequel to The Power Within, Project Ghost and Surprisingly Sweet, the latter one definitely taking the longest of the three. I'm also missing the cover arts as well as an editor for Surprisingly Sweet. But expect a new chapter for the Project Ghost later this week, possibly

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The Plan for Royal-Tea · 9:23pm Oct 31st, 2022

Hello, everyone!

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Life update · 1:21pm May 2nd, 2023

Been inactive for awhile. More present on other sites- you can see MLP-centered artwork I've created on derpibooru

Decided to delete the "Camp of Twelve" story. It's too personal for me to write and brings back unpleasant memories, so I hope you understand. Uploaded new art for the flutterdash fic.

Story ideas:

  • Ask Fruity Fusion (adaption of my old ask blog)
  • Written adaption of Luna Game and Dreamy Rainbow

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Working with a dash of work · 8:10am Sep 17th, 2019

Well my farmer and the god story is moving along nicely! I should have the next chapter out either today or tomorrow! :D

I have also started work on my hero story, though i will not release the chapters before i have my cover picture or have maybe two chapters ready and the third well on it's way. Right now i am just writhing the prologue for it.

Anyway, back to writing.


Delays · 11:30pm Mar 26th, 2019

Due to lack of time, some of the chapters- if not possibly all- of the ones planned for today will be delayed. Hopefully I will be able to get some of them out before midnight in my timezone, but if not, I will still upload the majority of them before the month ends- possibly pushing Apple of the Moon's Eye and Strings of Trouble and Sweet Shocker to next month. This is acceptable because they are two fics that I had no plan for at the beginning of the year, and their debut is

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A Super Late Update (Understatement of the Year Edition) · 1:00am Jan 6th, 2023

Hey guys, been a real roller coaster these past two years and while I have done some sporadic writing here and there in between real life drama and changes and just plain slumps, I haven't stayed consistent enough to release regular chapters by any means and releasing irregular chapters again is something I'd been trying to avoid. The solution I came up with was to wait until I'm completely done with all aspects of the fic before releasing it. The downside is that it means you guys will have to

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The Nightmare Begins Again · 4:15pm Apr 11th, 2023

Oh wow, you're all still here. I'm flattered. Alright, so little bit of an update, yes, Hi... i'm not dead (yet) and thus still kicking around this fandom somehow. In that time, i've been getting nostalgic and kept coming back and... well, that itch came with it. You know the one, the feeling to make something. I've tried experimenting, testing and throwing things at the board. Yet like always, my vision has fallen onto the familiar. Being that story...

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Progress Log: April 7th, 5:41 PM · 10:29pm Apr 7th, 2022


Update and future plans · 9:57pm Dec 8th, 2016

Hello Folks, I am still alive and breathing and with christmas just around the corner I finally have some time for myself.

First of all I want to apologize that Chapter 8 of 'The Rise of Metal' isn't out, yet. Its finished, but some other reasons prevent me from publishing it. I will let you now, when its about to be released. Important note: 'TRoM' will undergo some changes in the near future. Nothing story related, more a change in its 'outside appearence'. :raritywink:

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Plan for Mysterious Ways And Other Related Stories · 10:39pm Nov 29th, 2015

Well I just released the chapter and while it is shorter than I wanted (1100 words compared to my new standard of 3000 plus words per chapter) it is just the beginning for a lot of stories that I've not felt comfortable writing until I figured out that all the weird ideas for Equestria Girls created a much larger world than one story could do on its own.

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Return to Form · 12:30am Jun 29th, 2018

Workin' on a little drama featuring these two. ETA maybe a week.

There are no GlimmerSparkle groups on Fimfiction, but maybe that's for the best...


"Daddy's Girl" - To Fic or Nor To Fic · 4:59am May 8th, 2016

Years ago I read a story on this site by an author I don't remember that has long since been removed. It left an everlasting impression on me. It was a story that I wanted to re-tell in my own words.

It was more of a clopfic but the longer I spent trying to recall all that it entailed the more I saw potential for something bigger. It was most likely removed for containing underaged humans in sexual situations and that simple fact gave me pause.

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Where Have I Been and Why Haven't I Been Reading your Stories? · 12:34am Jul 27th, 2015

Hallo! I am CaDragon1, and if you are reading this, you already know that.
I have been offline for the past 10 days or so on a sort of vacation that ended with me all stressed out. Now I have 27 stories in my tracking bookshelf.

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Moving right along... · 6:35pm Jul 9th, 2019

I'm pleased to report a successful Nightmare Night chapter release that included a visit to the feature list! Welcome new readers, and thanks, everyone who commented! I admit I had some trepidation on publishing this one for the subject matter, but it seems to have worked out quite well.

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Wow, it's been a little while, eh? · 3:31am Oct 9th, 2018

I wonder where to even start this one... I guess I'll start with the personal/life stuff. Work has been more of the same stuff, it's been a long time in the works, many false promises and things needing to change. But, until I fully know EXACTLY what's going to happen, I figure I shouldn't get my hopes up. I'm not as stressed out, as the busy season is now over and we slowly roll into the winter months.

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Here are my plans for 2020 and beyond · 6:35pm Oct 18th, 2019

Alright, guys! I know that a lot has happened over the past week or so, and I wanted to make sure the emotional overall from the series finale went away before I tried to get everyone's attention. Now, I know I said this before, but I wanted to reiterate that for the time being I do NOT plan to quit writing MLP fanfiction anytime soon. There are stories I need to finish, other stories I still want to write, and big projects that I wanted to tell you all about in this post. So for starters, let

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Viewing 201 - 220 of 773 results