Color Coordination · 6:30pm Aug 26th, 2019
Given the full-spectrum range of coat and mane colors among Equestrian ponies, can you imagine the trouble planners of any sort of public event that needs a seating chart must have? Not only do they have to take into account all the same considerations that we do, but Earthly event planners don't have to worry about accidentally creating eye-wateringly bad color combinations by accident. After all, in the photographs, you want to look like a "harmonious rainbow" or even "patchwork quilt", not "blob of psychedelic vomit".
It is, after all, bad form to ask one's future wife's mother to have herself bleached before the wedding.
Not that that would stop Rarity if it meant, say, avoiding having to seat bright orange in between neon green and magenta.
And that's before you take into account the personalities of the ponies in those coats and manes, and any grudges they may have against one another. The most aesthetically pleasing arrangement of dignitaries at the Grand Equestrian Summit could result in three simultaneous civil wars a week later.
I pity Lemon Hearts, I really do.