GUYS · 10:09pm Aug 2nd, 2015
The newest Gravity Falls episode is coming out tomorrow and I'm excited? Wanna know why?
It's because Weird Al is guest-starring in it!
The newest Gravity Falls episode is coming out tomorrow and I'm excited? Wanna know why?
It's because Weird Al is guest-starring in it!
Ahem... yes, I have returned. And with me the new translation of The Devourer is finally kicking into action. As I have mentioned some years back my translator stopped the presses and I was to find a new one to get the job done. With The Devourer being finished since February 2015 and the PRINTED, REHEARSED version hitting the households spring 2017 I can at long last declare victory.
Hi there, the names Terry. I'm a brony from the south. This is the first blog post that I've done and I'm happy to write stories and for you to see them! Hope to show all of you some great stories.
I'm so excited to work on chapter 31 of Performing Perilous Peregrinations! I have a lot of cool plans for it and I'm going to be incorporating reference drawings, and some other cool stuff! I'm so glad their are artists who allow people to use their amazing work. I'm just very excited about it, and I just thought about making a little blog about it.
Hello my fellow bronies and pegasisters I am very excited indeed I am literally brand spank'in new and can't wait to get to know and grow more along with my fellow bronies maybe even expand my knowledge of mlp and possibly a new insight on creativity. Other than that I basically have nothing else to enjoy some fanfic's, who knows maybe even write one myself even though it might be very crappy considering I don't know anything about fic writing and also I have very scriptic writing so please not
After so much editing and rewriting the unreleased chapters, I'm almost ready to finish Not Our Sunset. It should be about 3-4 new chapters, each being released 1-2 weeks apart. I've never been so excited to share my work with everyone. Stay tuned for the next chapter!
I got my first patron, I’m so excited, ok, back to work, got to keep to that promise after all. EEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
So I know I only posted Part 1 of the Crossover so far, and I wanted to know your guys' opinion. Should I post one every Saturday (there are 4 total chapters) or one every Wednesday and Saturday? I would like your thoughts on this as I am just as excited for you guys to read it as I was to write it!
I is getting a doodle of myself drawn by Cwitchy!
I can't wait!!
But must, because my poptart toasting time machine isn't done...
Greetings fellow tiny horse recidivists! King of Beggars here with the DoubleStuf'd news!
Just proposed to my girlfriend, and she said yes, OH MY GOOOOOOD!!!!! I'M SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW!!!!!
I'D SAY MORE, BUT I'M SPEECHLESS RIGHT NOW... ooops, still had caps lock on hehe *blushes*
her page, for those interested Babe
Hi, everyone. As a bit of an update, we're hard at work over here in the realm of the Spectrum. Sledge is really excited for what we have in store for you all. So, look forward to it.
As for me, though, I'm gonna see Neil "Scary Trousers" Gaiman lecture in eight days. I am so very excited that I cannot describe it.
So, yeah. Look forward to what is in store in the coming future. I know I am.
Til then next time,
I’m excited! Because I am about to go on an an amazing trip!
First time camping in an actual tent!
It’s gonna be a fun adventure! A new experience! Woohoo!
hiy gyrls and othres,
a new chapter in the work!
have eksitemint
0 rasta ms
I'll be playing LoE this weekend when the servers are open! I am very excited! It'll be my first time playing it. My username will be the same on there as on here. I can't wait! Will you guys be online?
Hello everyone!
So the newest chapter for 'Apart From The Pegasi' is all finished a little eariler than I planned, and you can now go and read it if you would like to, I hope you all enjoy it and the next chapter should be coming out on the 3rd of December just so you all know.
And in other news my family and I are going out for a meal tonight for my eldest brother, since he's turning 26 tomorrow, YAY!!
Anyway that is all!
KillerChainsaw ;)
We had to wait over three months, but I think it was worth it. TITAN FORMS????? CRAZY! TV Broadcast Gyms! Wooloo, Gossifleur, Drednaw, Corvinight, Eldegoss. Weather influencing Pokémon encounters! Camera control! Dynamax is the Titan Form! 3 Turn Limit! Max raid battles? 4 Player Co-op! Champion Leon, Rival Hop, Prof. Magnolia, Asst. Prof. Sonia, Gym Leader Milo. LEGENDARIES! Zacian, Zamazenta. 10 New Pokémon known so far. Nov. 15th! Box Art!
Like the blog says, chapter four for Book II is out now! Go and check it out Please!
If you can't do it for me.... Do it for her!