
Viewing 1 - 20 of 534 results

Welp, I need a break · 7:31am Jul 25th, 2016

Hey guys I need to take a little break. I recently just lost, a best friend of some sorts. All stories will be continued of course, maybe not now. I just need time to get back in touch with, life I guess. I've spent too many hours typing to no progress, sorry if you expected more from me. Again I will come back, just not within a week or two. I don't think you guys eagerly await for a new update everyday anyway. Sorry about the drama, I will come back with llama?

Report Darth_Pinkie · 369 views · #BREAK #BREAK #BROKE

I'm taking a break from TCHO · 8:37am May 2nd, 2019

Welp, the Polish version of Chapter 19 is on Wattpad, and when the English version will appear, I'm taking a break. I'm just tired.

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Report Wingy San · 245 views · #Break

Christmas Break Begins! · 9:18pm Dec 17th, 2018

I started it later this year, readers. But yes, I am officially on my Christmas break. What does that mean? Well, does it mean I’ll stop working on Hunter/Hunted?

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Report Viking ZX · 375 views · #Break

Taking a break · 8:00pm Sep 20th, 2020

Wow. Over seven years. Honestly, it doesn't seem like that long. Then again, it never does when one looks back.

I have decided to take a break from writing MLP stories. I feel like I have hit a bit of a burnout point with it, and need to work on some other things. I mean, my last story took me a month and a half, and there were times where I was writing maybe one or two sentences a day. And that doesn't include the ones that I haven't published or hated and deleted.

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Report Hopeful_Ink_Hoof · 266 views · #break

Sunday Report · 9:47pm Nov 18th, 2018


Oh boy, exams and Thanksgiving break are coming so fast, then comes finals. I finished up the editing I wanted to do on my stories off-site and will start on editing those on this site this week. Then comes the one shot, which is now planned out. And, finally, the continuation of The Love Must Be Shared! will start after I finally return home from college. Was not expecting the classes to ramp up their difficulty near the end, but I'm going to survive.

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Report Timemaster · 410 views · #break

Break · 2:29am Feb 5th, 2021

Yeah, I'm taking a break from FimFiction this month.

See ya in March!

Report Spazz Kid · 146 views · #Break

About QftKoH (Quest for the Key of Harmony) · 10:23pm Sep 3rd, 2023

I will continue making chapter 3 of qftkoh soon but right now I'm taking a small break because I worked on most of if not all of chapter 2 last night.


Report Yurl 18 · 87 views · #Break

I need a break · 7:09pm Sep 24th, 2018

Hey guys and... Yes, I take a break. I'm just tired, and I need rest. Several people told me once that, don't force yourself to work, do you remember Chapter 11? Everyone who likes what I do, they have admit that Chapter 11 was not so good, and that's because I just forced myself to work, I'm not going to make the same mistake a second time.

See ya!

Report Wingy San · 276 views · #Break

Another break for this week. · 9:16pm Sep 28th, 2018

Just a quick note that I'll be breaking for the week as I'm figuring out the next step in the Chit Chat fic. I want to reintroduce a subplot with Fiery and I'll need some time to think and flesh it out. Regardless, I'm undergoing a little bit of stress as class is starting up again. I'll have something for next Friday for all who are interested!
Remember that you all are lovely and thanks!

Report Inky Writes · 239 views · #break

Small Break · 5:59pm Mar 8th, 2020

Greetings guys.

Do not worry, nothing has stopped, but I have decided to allow myself a few days off. Playing some games, read what stories people have written on here, and simply take a breather. :3

Nothing is wrong or anything, but I felt I should have a few days off, and not force myself to write anything before I had some peace to just relax and do what I want. It's not that you are forcing me or anything, haha, but you know, just take a few days off and not write anything.

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Report DanishDash · 256 views · #break

That Uneasy Feeling... · 11:32pm Nov 2nd, 2015

That something is INCREDIBLY wrong...

1 hour

Report Calm Wind · 462 views · #Break

I need a longgg break. · 7:11pm Oct 18th, 2021

Okay so school has been stressing me out quite a bit and is giving me no rest at all, and I can't write more stories and try to write like 2 essays at once. I love you all hons, and ya'll should take care of yourselves. I may or may not come on every once in a while to write a little bit here and there, but other than that, I think we're good.

Take care my lovelies! <3<3


Breakin' Through The Blue · 2:32am Jul 13th, 2015


A short break · 10:34am Feb 26th, 2016

Well after I finish the next chapter of AMAAA I will be taking a break from writing. I have had a block for awhile so it is hard to write. I just need to get out and find some inspiration. I will only be gone two or three days, so don't worry! So I should be back in the writing game Monday or Tuesday.

Report Saffron · 357 views · #break #weekend

Back To School.... yay · 12:41am Apr 4th, 2016

Well, Spring Break is over and starting tomorrow I'll be back in school... I'm not happy.... :facehoof:

I hope everyone had a great Spring Break because Summer is one more school quarter away. MAY CELESTIA BE PRAISED!!!! :trollestia:

And for other high school students (especially seniors) may your prom night be just as great. I know I'm a bit early.... :twilightblush:


Small Break · 10:50am Mar 21st, 2016

Nothing to worry about, I'm just going to spend most of the week with a friend. I could work on The Harmony League while I'm there, but that's both rude to my friend... and slightly inefficient, as my notes and plans are stored here at the house.

I will be back on Thursday, though I'm not sure when exactly on that day.

See you all in a week!:rainbowdetermined2:

Nos Non Facimus Normalis.

Report SvenFoxx · 316 views · #Small Break

I'm Going On A Break · 11:35am Dec 17th, 2018

Hey, everyone! So I'm going on a two week break right now, which means no story updates this friday, or next friday. This is only on Fimfiction, I'm going to be working on W.I.T.C.H - The Lost One for two weeks. Because I work on a lot of stories and don't have a lot of time to myself. I just want to get that story up to the grand point. The most anticipated(to me) pretty much. Not a lot of views, so I want it to be seen a

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Report thedarktome · 236 views · #Break time

One Year Anniversary/Taking a Break · 12:30pm Dec 1st, 2019

I've now been a user on Fimfiction for one year. I've made a lot close friends, read a bunch of great stories, and have written one silly oneself. (I might publish more one day...)

But the time has now come for me to take a break. As I won't be posting daily blogs posts anymore.

Now I will still occasionally post and comment on stuff from time to time. But don't expect me to log in very often.

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Breaking Barriers · 2:50am Apr 8th, 2020

Greetings and Salutations, my name is Wrex and this is my review. This story will be on everyone's favorite griffin, Gallus. It's 'Breaking Barriers'. Base on the fact Gallus became a Royal Guard at the end of the series. I just at admit, it's a a pretty good Gallus story I've read. I'm also impressed how the clever word plays on the development of Equestrian technology. This story proves with a little hard work, good things will happen. I won't mind seeing a sequel. There are some grammatical

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Break · 5:23pm Jan 10th, 2020

With school back in session, I'm filled to the brim with assignments and work. I mainly attempting to focus on graduating, pushing myself above a D Average (mainly cuz I was lazy) and going for a B Average like I used to have. Feel free to ask me any extra questions (yes I'm talking to you two commenters) about Not Our Sunset II!

Report YellowHornIsAGirl · 186 views · #Break #Tired
Viewing 1 - 20 of 534 results