When I finished off Grima I did not expect to be pulled into Equestria. But that’s what happened, I mean it wouldn't have been so bad if I was still human, but now I'm in a body of a colt. And there is this strange creature that looks like someone just put a bunch of random body parts from different animals together and called it good. I thought that being the living avatar of the Dragon of Destruction was weird.
Total Words: 48,240
Estimated Reading: 3 hours
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While taking a walk on the castle grounds at Hogwarts, Luna Lovegood comes across a small creature that calls itself Woona. Finding the creature too irresistible to ignore, she decides she's going to take care of her. The Hogwarts halls will never be the same again.
Cuteness guaranteed!
Harry Potter crossover (Events start during Half-Blood Prince)
Cover art (not counting background) done by me, Teyeson Bee
Featured: 12/23/22
No one asked for it! No one demanded it! But here it is anyway: pure, distilled essence of badfic, satirized for your protection and diluted with enough water to keep you from going blind. In addition to the two terrible and wildly unoriginal shots that have been available separately on Elric's blog, this collection contains a previously untasted third chug of intentionally painful and derivative awfulness. (Do not operate heavy machinery while under the influence of bad fanfiction.)
Universally admired original characters, show characters acting out of character, stupid names, implausible shipping, gratuitous tragedy, and more -- it's all right here. Read if you dare.
Any resemblance between these OCs and any other OCs, living or dead, is purely coincidental maliciously intentional.