• Member Since 21st Mar, 2014


[aka FlutterWitch, aka MidnightChaos, aka The Witching Hour]

The Black and Red Alicorn Shelf 11 stories
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Haha, these people I deal with everyday... hoo, I need a day off.

Too bad I'm cursed to be stuck here in this booth, forever sending people as their favorite whatever into the pretty pony place of MLP.

Yes, I'm aware that the next story was supposed to be about Clippy, but screw that guy for now, amirite?

An obvious parody satire of the Displaced genre.

Nobody loves you, Clippy.

A collaboration with Skittle Sky. Prepare thine anuses.

Art by yours truly.

Chapters (6)

Man goes to convention dressed as multiple characters at once. Man purchases a Twilight Sparkle mask. Man regrets his decision as he ends up in a Pokemon-filled Equestria as another Twilight Sparkle.

And then, something unexpected happens. And it's not the unexpected thing you've come to expect. Here's a hint: Derpy is involved. Derpy drops a piano on David Clarkson, knocking the memories out of him. David becomes a new mare, taking the pseudonym of Dawn Skystar and the role of Twilight's "Cousin from Manehattan". While Dawn is distracted by her new quest to defeat the Gym Leaders, Elite 4, and Champion while getting closer to her new pony friends for the sake of her new Social Link power, can Twilight uncover the secrets in Dawn's lost memories and the reason why she's here?

Coming Soon: A story arc in which Pokequestria is attacked by a Displaced from another universe, and Dawn learns about the multiverse as she fights to protect her new home.

Open for Crossover and Cameo requests, PM me if interested.

Feedback and comments are welcomed. I want critique and honest opinions: How am I doing, and how can I do better?

Chapters (13)

My name is... Well that doesn't matter anymore I bought an enchanted cloak from the merchant, now I've been given all my ocs powers, slowly making me stronger.i wonder what types of displaced I will meet? Oh and I'm in equestria, great.

Powers include:
Knowledge replication
Power Replication
Entity creation
Age empowerment

Chapters (3)

In Brightest Night in Darkest Day, we use the fear you kept at bay. To fight the wrong and make evil pay, Sinestro's path, it is our way!

After buying a Sinestro Corps power ring from a mysterious vendor at ComicCon, Simon Jones finds himself in Equestria as a Sinestro Lantern version of Hal Jordan. Using the yellow light of fear, Hal becomes Equestria's resident anti-hero, facing down threats from the Green Lantern mythos as well as threats faced alongside the Mane 6/Elements of Harmony, and even some threats that don't fall into either category, all while seeking out ponies, griffons, and dragons to recruit into his Corps.

Story 1 of Phase 1 of The Lantern-Verse. Co-written with Hopelight

Chapters (3)

Hello my name is Zanitar and I am the god of speed and adaption. I am a normal displaced and I am just trying to live my life while fighting monsters and if anyone of you displaced want to do a crossover with me then I would gladly do one with you.

Caracter is inspired by Prototype and the series The Flash.
This is a displaced story so read if you like those.
I might change things here later on but for now I will have it like this.
And if you know of a good cover pick then send me it and I will show it here.

Chapters (5)

due to events unknown. Winona passes away. what will Applejack and the family think about her best friend's passing?...
Dedicated to my best friend Simba. who died after a Car Accident when i was 4 or 5.
??? - 2006
Goodbye friend....

Chapters (5)