• Member Since 19th Sep, 2015


Klaatu barada nikto =^.^=

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After being accepted into a Foreign exchange student program BluDeuce is sent to Trokyo as a 2nd year student and soon learns About Trokyo and its history and meets new friends.

[Art work cover made by Ziper Ace]

Chapters (2)

Centuries later, Twilight sits atop a hill and remembers.

Cover art by... ME!!

Entry to the Thousand Word Contest III in the slice of life and experimental categories!

Chapters (1)

Deception is in a changeling's nature, but the last one you want to deceive is the Lord of Chaos.

Thanks to Megabrick, Lucky Seven and ThePeer for prereading and feedback! :D

Entry to the Thousand Word Contest III in the horror category!

Also an entry to the 2024 Non-Pony Writing Contest! :3

Chapters (1)

What was going through Sprout’s mind when Sunny broke into Canterlogic? What was going through his mind after?

Good thing we can peer inside. I’m sure he won’t mind.

(Inside Out Crossover. There was no Inside Out tag)

Chapters (1)

Rainbow encounters somepony on one of her patrols.

It doesn't go how you expect.


Pre-read by multiple people in the fimfic help channel and a few other servers, do not want to credit directly due to possible flak they might get.

Chapters (1)

There are things older than princesses, than castles, than names, and than time. Some of them live in remote corners of the world, shuttered away in an inaccessible crevasse. Some take refuge below the sea, in cities older than minds can comprehend. Some sift among the stars and dance maddeningly against the backdrop of the crawling chaos.

Twilight Sparkle met one such thing in a small cottage outside of Canterlot.

Now, two hundred seventy-three years after the fact, she vividly recalls how that meeting went.

Cover art adapted from an Unsplash image.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to There's a Pony In My House!

Weeks after my encounter with "Bolt" and "Butterfly," I'm reminded of their philosophy of Love and Friendship™...by meeting all their friends.

Every. Single. One.

Chapters (4)

Luna has been entrusted with running the kingdom while her sister, Celestia, is away on a diplomatic mission to Griffinstone. With the nocturnal alicorn having to switch to daytime and preside over the Day Court in order to solve small issues and trivial matters, it has been so far a quiet week for the younger alicorn.

That is, until in the middle of the night, the phone starts to ring.

Written and Edited by: Bronie312

Proofread by: Alex_, Contentgremlin, Player 4

"The Phone Call" is written for the A Thousand Words Contest III under the category of Drama

Chapters (1)

Queen Haven woke up one morning a little froggier than usual! A cure is needed if she wants to be back to herself.

But luckily Pipp and Zipp take it as their quest to receive the cure. Onyx, Dapple and Alphabittle. Along with Zoom and Thunder joining on the quest. To find the cure guarded by angry red bees.

Disclaimer: This was made with only MYM in mind. Since I don’t pay attention to the comics,books or TYT. So if Bridlewood had something that would have fixed the problem in a TYT episode or comic then it won’t be the case

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to I Choose You

Sequel story to the Make Your Mark episode “Father of the Bridlewood” and the Tell Your Tale episode “A Swing and a Misty.”

It’s Sire’s Day, and Misty has the perfect gift in mind for her father Alphabittle: a complete do-over of their prior day out in order to make up for lost time! After all, the unicorns in Bridlewood always say that second time’s the charm, and she’s determined to make sure things go perfectly this time. In order to pull this off, she enlists the help of her friend Zipp Storm to devise a series of mysteries for them to complete throughout the day, all culminating in one grand reward. The only problem? Her friends can’t seem to agree on what sort of activities the duo should participate in, let alone the prize. With only 8 hours on the clock, will Zipp and the gang get their act together and pull off the best day ever? Or is a precious day with family destined to be ruined due to pointless squabbles? And why does the day going perfectly mean so much to Misty…?

A/N: Episode 7 of the G5 Supplementary Universe. Featured on Fimfiction’s List of Stories On The Homepage: June 16, 2024!

Sequel: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/561234/inner-voice

Chapters (3)