• Member Since 19th Jan, 2012


I write stories about pony superheroes and cruel and unusual tragedies and pony superheroes who suffer cruel and unusual tragedies. I'm currently looking both fine and OK.

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In a time long ago, a colt mistakenly found his way into the land of faerie. Faeries are wicked and cruel, and would keep him forever, if they could. They set three challenges before him, with his freedom as the prize.

Chapters (2)

Lickety-Split has sold out Ponyville to an evil frost fiend for the secret of delicious ice-cream and is about to bring about a frosty apocalypse. This can only mean one thing: It's Saturday, and there's only 22 1/2 minutes to save the world!

Only... Lyra's been having a dream. The same dream, again and again all of her life. There's something coming. Something terrible coming from out of the darkness, and it is going to destroy everything. Princess Luna seems very unwilling to do anything about it. Lyra's on her own.

It's Ponyville. Nothing bad ever happens in Ponyville.

But there is an old story. Perhaps the oldest story ever told. Even in Arcadia, there am I.

Entry for the More Most Dangerous Game thing.

Chapters (1)

A pony from Trottingham brings the delicious taste of Marmite to Ponyville. Is Ponyville ready for the greatest British food of all time?

Chapters (1)

A gigantic robot bounty hunter freelance peacekeeping agent is stalking Equestria, destroying everything it sees. Meanwhile, Twilight is more concerned with finding a copy of a book about moths. Yes, it's going to be another one of those days.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Harpflank and Sweets

(Don't worry, you don't need to have read the previous one to enjoy this!)
For the past few years, Lyra and Bon-Bon as the heroic Harpflank and Sweets have defended Metropony City from various vile villains. However, all good things must come to an end.

Bon-Bon is worried about an unexpected Cutie Mark switcheroo between her and her partner. Lyra is worried about how 1980s budget sci-fi show Blake's 7 ended. They really should both be worried about the sinister machinations that threaten to destroy M.A.R.E once and for all.

They've been looking out for the city, but who's there to look after them? And is King Sombra, the disappointing villain of the difficult season 3, really as dead as he appears?

Robots! Explosions! Muffins!

Tune in for another exciting adventure of... Sweetflank and Harps?!

Chapters (3)

Scootaloo is crushed when Sweetie Belle decides she'd rather go to the Sisterhooves Social with Rarity than play at being police robot Roboclop with her.

Scootaloo has a plan. A plan that involves kidnap, ghost pirate treasure, and re-enacting violent plays about robots which are unsuitable for small fillies to view. Nothing can go wrong - after all, isn't that what friendship is all about?

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle loves being a librarian. She gets to spend all day surrounded by her favorite things in the world—books—and best of all, nopony ruins it by trying to talk to her (or at least if they do, they have to be quiet about it).

But when the new head of the Equestrian Library Association gives her an ultimatum, Twilight's future as Ponyville's librarian will hinge on her ability to face the most horrifying creatures she's ever had to deal with:

No, not her new boss (who's clearly up to no good). Not the cult of the Dark God Cacophonon. Not even the strange book that won't. Stop. Staring. Worse than all that.

Library Patrons.

Chapters (2)

Twilight Sparkle has walked the wastelands for a very long time, but now, at last, he has reached the end of his journey. He only hopes now that the gods will listen to his prayers, and finally allow him a good place to die.

(Please read the story before commenting on the description)

Chapters (1)

The earth had belonged to the People since time immemorial, until the ponies came to push them out. For centuries, they have hidden in the forest and the hills, slowly losing ground to their enemies.

But now the gods have chosen two young warriors.

Chapters (7)

On a cold winter's night after Hearthswarming, Twilight Sparkle comes to Celestia with evidence of a terrible historical conspiracy. Celestia responds by teaching her what it means to be remembered.

Chapters (1)