• Member Since 23rd Apr, 2020
  • offline last seen 14 minutes ago


A pony of mystery in the darkness. Or I forgot to take the lens cap off. (They/them is fine.)


Human values are very important! Maybe even more important than the opinions of Hanna, creator of the world's first superintelligent AI.

This story is a non-canon Friendship Is Optimal (FiO) side story.

Prereader Credit:

Several months ago Bicyclette was kind enough to preread a draft, and over the time since then I've tried to apply Bike's feedback...about as far as the story seemed to permit. The story's remaining faults are my own doing.

#celestai #lunai

Chapters (1)

Every teenager has to discover for themselves who they really are.

Everyone has to make the journey in their own way.

I'd like to thank a lot of people for being who you are, as imperfect as we all are. I know we couldn't do what we do AND be perfect.

Quite aside from any talk about imperfections, Chatoyance and (someone who would perhaps rather not be named) are two of the people I'd like to thank.

Chapters (1)

Twilight tries to lose her virginity through time travel, and fails.


August 6th Update/News: I guess it turns out this story will probably be an entry in "The Twilight Files Contest," if I don't write anything obviously more suitable in the next 40 or so hours.

Chapters (1)

Like all the other high schools in the country, Canterlot High has a new Mandatory Moral Education program.

The VR technology is very advanced!

The morals...maybe not so much.

Chapters (1)

Some ponies need somecreature to be nice to.

A proper pony utopia for uploaded human minds should plan for this...especially if it's run by an AI version of Celestia.

But sometimes, the plan seems to go wrong.

This story is set in the Optimalverse, so some things might be easier to understand if you've read
Friendship Is Optimal.

I wrote this story as a possible entry in the April 2021 Friendship is Optimal Writing Contest.

I thank Bananachips for prereading a draft of this story. I was able to directly address only some of the issues Bananachips raised, but the story is still better than it otherwise would have been.

(Cover image source: MockingBirb chose two images from those created (by processing data from a large number of human-created pictures) by the AI system "This Pony Does Not Exist," and edited them into a combination.

#fio #celestai

Chapters (2)

Is friendship REALLY the optimal technology? What if everypony could be happier by giving up some of our yucky, old-fashioned contact with reality?

A gentle satire of some science fictional ideas about "uploading" everyone's mind into a giant computer network.

Thanks go to Bananachips, who provided thoughtful preread comments that I probably misapplied.

(As usual, I made the cover image by editing MLP screen captures. Who knew that Alicorn Twilight even HAD a black catsuit? Now she does!)

(Does not require reading "Friendship is Optimal.")

Chapters (3)

When AU Rainbow lives her entire life in slow motion, does it become very silly? Or 20% more awesome?

As the title says, I was rewatching 'Run to Break Free' for like the 100th time, and one line in it always interests me. Rainbow Dash says she "Lives in slow motion" and the video shows everyone in slow motion, so I thought of a story idea. what if she actually does 'live in slow motion?' And how would that affect her relationships, how the movies went, etc. Do you see where I'm going here?

So of course, I took that question and went in a completely different direction from what Iamnotabrony456 seemed to mean.

Rainbow is, of course, awesome. But I'm not sure if this story about her is awesome enough to enter in https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/970306/science-fiction-contest-11-nov-2021-06-jan-2022.

Chapters (1)

Sometimes we can surprise even ourselves.

(This story is SO alternate universe.)

For giving helpful feedback, I thank Tela and Lofty Withers. However, the responsibility remains my own for my mistakes in how I misapplied their feedback, and for this story's various remaining flaws.

(#portal-transformations portal-transformations)

Chapters (1)

Trying to win a time war, Starlight Glimmer created a thousand alternate histories.

In one of those worlds that could have been, Scootaloo learned to fly.

Content Warning: Brief, indirect E-rated level suicide/self-harm allusion, like some of those cartoons you probably saw as a kid.

People I'd like to thank for kindly volunteering their prereading services to provide feedback on a rather different (and shorter) version of this story: Mr Extra. As usual, I cannot guarantee that I correctly applied their feedback.

Cover image used by kind permission of julunis14.

Chapters (4)

Can anypony save the Pride Festival? Or will Straightmaster's scheme to turn everypony straight succeed?


Never before were so many special pride flags ripped to ribbons for such a good cause.

I'd like to point you to the Pride and Positivity 2021 celebration. I hear the Transgender Law Center could use some more help, so I hope this story will help raise a donation or two for them.

(Image based partly on https://derpibooru.org/images/2294694?screencap from MLP episode "The Summer Sun Setback.")

Chapters (1)