Equestria Girls Fics 3,770 members · 12,175 stories
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As the title says, I was rewatching 'Run to Break Free' for like the 100th time, and one line in it always interests me. Rainbow Dash says she "Lives in slow motion" and the video shows everyone in slow motion, so I thought of a story idea. what if she actually does 'live in slow motion?' And how would that affect her relationships, how the movies went, etc. Do you see where I'm going here?

Seeing this, I tried doing a quick and tiny story about it, but then I started having more ideas about that and it just kept GROWING.

I guess I can't say no to THREE exclamation points in a row! :twilightsmile:


ERainbow Slow: What If Rainbow Lives Her Entire Life in Slow Motion?
When AU Rainbow lives her entire life in slow motion, does it become very silly? Or 20% more awesome?
Mockingbirb · 1.6k words  ·  12  5 · 669 views

Now I have done it. It is partly your fault. :twilightsmile:

I was actually referring to the way the music video shows it, with RD going at normal or super fast speed and everyone else is slow, but that was also a nice read, though the random twilight sections kinda confused me

The random Twilight sections are all flashback, except for the ones that aren't. The main thing is, sections in italics happen in the past, and sections that aren't happen in the present. Maybe I shouldn't have made it that complicated.

I interpreted your question differently on purpose, though. :twilightsmile:

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