• Member Since 4th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen July 18th


I used to write horses with swords. Or horses with guns. Pick your poison.


This story is a sequel to The Veins Run Deeper

Eight hundred years ago, the entire bat pony race vanished without a trace, leaving only one mare to blame for the occurrence. In present time, Captain Night Shadow has copious questions of his true blooded origin, with only one suspect in mind. In light of a discovery after an extended period of silence, he is now willing to go the lengths to uncover the truth of Equestria's royalty, and reveal a secret large enough to shake the nation down to its roots.

Familiarization with The Veins Run Deep, An Old Friend's Return, and The Veins Run Deeper are recommended before reading this story. Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.

Chapters (4)

It's a special day for a little fluffy pony. He wishes to make it the best day ever, like every one before it. Every pony in his town, all of his friends, plan to ensure his dream is fulfilled, despite the coming catastrophe.

After all, it's his special day.

(Cover art by mrpaint, I take no credit for it.)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Where's Daddy?

Scootaloo is finally reunited with her father, and her time spent with him could not get any better now that school is out.

But what happens when it is time for school again?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Millennia: Beginning

Beginning | Eye of the Storm | Starfall (CANCELED)

A new year means new opportunities. Not for Star Shooter, however. Recuperating from the horrors of combat is easier said than done, and bearing the proud title of a Marine holds a different significance than what most suspect. It means pushing himself to the very limits to defend those in harm's way, even the ones he did not know he cared for.

In the aftermath of the attack on Manehattan, in light of enormous changes that have grasped the city, he has landed someplace he never expected to go—the eye of the storm.

Second book in the Millennia Saga. Familiarization with Beginning is recommended before reading. This story series is set in an adapted universe where there is no Solar Empire vs. New Lunar Republic conflict and is part of the Pegiverse. Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. All OCs used belong to their respective owners.

Chapters (51)

This story is a sequel to An Old Friend's Return

This is Night Shadow. He's a pegasus. His family are full-blooded bat ponies. He's also second-in-command of Princess Luna's personal guard, the Zodiacs.

Back in his home colony, there are others learning of Night's presence in Canterlot, and they're eager to be just like him.

Night's ride is about to get a whole lot bumpier.

Chapters (36)

To many, the virtues of a sailor are questionable. Not everypony has them, or the tolerance of spending weeks, perhaps months at sea at a time. One colt born and raised in the cold of northern Equestria, however, believes he does.

It just may not be all that he expected.

A Sailor's Notes is a spinoff of Millennia, surrounding the origin of one of the saga's main characters, Anchorage. This story is set in an adapted universe where there is no Solar Empire vs. New Lunar Republic conflict and is part of the Pegiverse. Includes minor dark bits, but not enough to constitute the tag.

Chapters (17)

Silent Knight is unexpectedly kidnapped by a changeling. Things begin to get very confusing for the poor stallion.

Alternate-universe joke fic for April Fools. Silent Knight belongs to Anzel.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to War Never Changes

The holidays have come to Equestria. The air has turned cold and crisp, and hearts have begun to warm. Hearth's Warming is right around the corner.

Meanwhile, the captains of the Royal and Lunar Guard have come to an agreement on a life-changing decision for one loyal soldier, who wished this day would never come.
Their stallion of choice soon finds himself in a sticky situation when he is put into power of the finest elite guard squad in Equestria. He may be a good soldier, but is he a good leader too?

The fourth and final installment to The Thunderblast Chronicles.
Constructive criticism is allowed. Rude and/or hostile comments WILL be deleted.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to The Veins Run Deep

Sometimes, ponies say to keep friends close, and your enemies closer.

But, what if that enemy is an old friend of yours? For Night Shadow, he's about to find out.

This is a side-story to The Veins Run Deep, not a sequel, however it does take place in between the events of Deep and Deeper. Familiarization to The Veins Run Deep is not required, but suggested. Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.

Chapters (8)

Beginning | Eye of the Storm | Starfall (CANCELED)

They say change is for the better. In most cases, it can be. In the years since the end of Luna's thousand-year banishment, great reform has come to Equestria's armed forces. Her once-powerful, former Lunar Republic now serves in tandem with the military, ruled over by the two sisters equally, with some of the finest stallions and mares having devoted their lives under the four branches to protect the country at any and all cost.

One pegasus, in desperate need of a life change, puts himself in line for the challenge of a lifetime in anticipation of bettering who he is—to earn himself the noble title of a Lunar Marine.

NOTE: This story is currently undergoing chapter revisions/rewrites, so do excuse inconsistencies while I rework it.

The first book in the Millennia Saga. This story series is set in an adapted universe where there is no Solar Empire vs. New Lunar Republic conflict and is part of the Pegiverse.

Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. All OCs used belong to their respective owners.

Chapters (42)