I am an Editor Per-Reader and Writer. PM me if you want me to Edit and/or Pre-Read your story.
"...as for the Why: beyond the obvious financial motivation, it's exceedingly simple... because I can."
"No matter how many friends you do lose...you can always make more." - Michael J. Caboose
Just some guy trying to make it in life and write pony words as a passtime, I am currently 25 years old
Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.
I fear that nothing I see is real, so I write to make sense of it. I see things that can't exist yet I feel them breathing under my fingers. I will not forget this place nor the friends I've made. MFM
All Macdash, Lunatosh, and Spikebelle fans are welcome. All button mash fans will be shot on sight. SWEETIE BELLE IS BEST PONY!!!
I'm just an humble (wanna-be) MLP fanfic author and fanartist. I also love drawing fancomics and worshipping Applejack (as well as Rainbow Dash and Daring Do. In that order).
Not really big on fanfic writing, but when I'm in the mood I'll jot something down from time to time. I'd much rather frequent sites like YouTube, DeviantArt, and Facebook
Hello to my fellow Bronies and Pegasisters. My favorite mane pony is Applejack, favorite background pony is Derpy (how dare they change her name), and we are conflicted on which princess is our fav.
"What is better - to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?"
Greetings. I am Secrios and I have been a brony for three years. Check out my first story, The Bacon Trade.
Hi, this is The Coffee Mare! I am a young author who loves drawing, writing, and video games. I play the piano and live in Wisconsin, USA. MLP 4 LYF AND WHOVIAN TO THE CORE!
I'm a guy, and I was born the year the Pokémon company came into being, so yeah. Trixie is best pony, Luna is best Princess, Rainbow is best Mane 6 member, and Starlight is best reformed villain.
Derpy, Pinkie Pie, Sweetie Belle, Chrysalis. Myself, summed up in four MLP characters. I'm a deeply flawed individual, but if you can get past that, I'm sure we can be the best of friends.