• Member Since 19th Dec, 2016
  • offline last seen June 7th

The Watcher of all

I am an Editor Per-Reader and Writer. PM me if you want me to Edit and/or Pre-Read your story.


Sorry everyone. · 1:01am Oct 28th, 2018

So I must say, I'm sorry, both to the content creators who I'm working for, and anyone who may have been waiting for my little story to be made.

Of which, I'm actually done with the first 2 chapters, the only thing is that I want to get the third one done before I submit it to fimfiction, and I fear that, that may not happen for a certain period of time that I myself am unaware of.

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Report The Watcher of all · 319 views ·

My B-Day.... Yay. · 5:57am May 31st, 2018

So it's 1:00 AM, nearly 2:00, and I'm turning 19, yay for me. I can't wait for a long day of school, then more school, then coming home to do nothing but ~CAUGHT CAUGHT BE ON THE COMPUTER AND DO NOTHING BUT PLAY GAMES BECAUSE THIS IS MY LIFE CRISIS FOR THE TIME BEING. CAUGHT CAUGHT~ check back you all of you just to see if anyone cares. (:D) later all. or as I like to put it. Cheers!~

Report The Watcher of all · 195 views ·