This is the story of Steve, a simple miner, who was stranded in Equestria with nothing but his pick.
This is the story of Skye, an enchantress who was stranded in Equestria with nothing but a silver dagger.
This is the story of Josh, a creative, abstract and sometimes erotic builder who is stranded in Equestria with nothing but blocks.
This is the story of Jake, a demigod who is stranded in Equestria with nothing but useless powers.
This is the story of Herobrine, who is stranded in Equestria with nothing but regret.
This is the story of five ponies who rise up against a beings that threaten the balance.
This is the story... of Minecraft.
Okay, so there is now a rule (there has been for a while) against posting multiple chapters as different stories. So, I will continue this one, and change the tags as needed.
Also here. I spent a while on it.
I got this idea off of a cool Minecraft server -