• Member Since 24th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago

Phantom Shadow

The One and Only!


While waiting for the school bell to ring, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle find themselves facing a small conundrum involving a vending machine and a bottle of juice.

Chapters (1)

As the snow comes down, two fillies try to find help, even though they have gone to their limits.

Cover image by derpiihooves on DeviantArt. [Used with permission]

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to New Discoveries

It has been three months since Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo confessed their feelings for one another. For them, life has seemingly gone back to normal. However, everything changes when a new foal comes to Ponyville and ignites feelings within Sweetie Belle, feelings that she hadn't felt in a long time. Their love, loyalty and trust are put to the ultimate test as Sweetie Belle must face a shocking revelation: are her feelings for Scootaloo true or was it all just a phase that has run its course?

Chapters (32)

While waiting for Apple Bloom to finish up some chores around the farm, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle decide to wait for her at the clubhouse. To help pass the time, the two decide to look at the clouds rolling past while they wait.

[Edit: A live reading of this story can be found here. Special thanks to The Living Library for the reading!]

Chapters (1)

On a day like any other, Rainbow Dash asks Fluttershy to accompany her as she heads out of town for a little while. She doesn't tell her where they are going or how long they will be gone, but says that it's a surprise. Not wanting to turn down one of her best friends, Fluttershy agrees to go with Rainbow Dash. However, something lingers in the back of the yellow Pegasus' mind as they leave: Where exactly are they going and what does Rainbow Dash have in mind when they get there?

Chapters (3)

After sneaking out of their homes unnoticed, the Cutie Mark Crusaders decided to attend a late-night party that Pinkie Pie is throwing. While waiting for Apple Bloom to arrive, Scootaloo decides to ask Sweetie Belle to do something, something the white unicorn filly has never done nor was ever really good at: dance

[Edit: A live reading of this story can be found here. Special thanks to The Living Library for the reading!]

Chapters (1)

Everything we know about the dimensions of the universe changes when an evil force begins destroying different dimensions, enslaving the populaces, and leaving the distorted dimension to rot and wither away into nothing. Amidst the treachery, five of the most unlikely of heroes, from five completely different dimensions, must team together to find the new evil, save the enslaved prisoners and restore the balance between the dimensions!

Chapters (10)

The Cutie Mark Crusaders have been the best of friends for the longest time now. They've done countless stunts and gone on many exciting adventures together, all in an attempt to find their special talents and earn their Cutie Marks. As a result, it'd only be natural for a certain unicorn to begin to develop feelings for a certain pegasus...right?

[img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-ufCWyWjvUD0/U4fvslbPIkI/AAAAAAAByuE/nPdTQEetuXA/s1600/Headcanon.png [/img]

Chapters (33)