• Member Since 24th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Wednesday

Phantom Shadow

The One and Only!



The Cutie Mark Crusaders have been the best of friends for the longest time now. They've done countless stunts and gone on many exciting adventures together, all in an attempt to find their special talents and earn their Cutie Marks. As a result, it'd only be natural for a certain unicorn to begin to develop feelings for a certain pegasus...right?

[img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-ufCWyWjvUD0/U4fvslbPIkI/AAAAAAAByuE/nPdTQEetuXA/s1600/Headcanon.png [/img]

Chapters (33)
Comments ( 864 )

How did this end up in the new stories area...

ANYWAYS! Haven't read, but doing it now. I'll let you know how it goes!

Ok, so I read it, and ignoring a few grammar issues, I liked it. Its very very sweet, and I love Scoot/Sweet. What can I say? I'm a creeper like that :rainbowwild:

Thanks, mate! I appreciate the compliment! Will work on the grammar issue :raritywink:

Enjoyed reading this and looking forward to the rest. Tracked:raritywink:

Great story, cant wait for more!:pinkiehappy:

tracked :heart::pinkiehappy: what c0lt cuddl3r said :twilightsmile:


By my careful calculations, I give this situation (if the chapters remain at the present length) about 3 chapters before shit hits the proverbial fan, and 4-5 before somepony important (like Rarity or Apple Bloom) finds out that Scoot and Scott are only 1 letter apart...

I bet five bits on it.

Edit: I realize that this story is on deviantart and fanfiction, but I'm only going to read it here as to not cheat at this wager :pinkiehappy:

Before I read: "As a result, it'd only be natural for a certain unicorn to begin to develop feelings for a certain pegasus..." Hmmm... Trixie and Fluttershy?

Rainbow cupcakes? ... Why does that fic always end up in my mind even when it's not directly referenced and I've never actually read it?

I'll take you up on that wager, I say that they will discover Scoot is Scott within 1-3 chapters and 3-5 to hit the fan. and as much as I would LOVE to read the newest chapters from fanfiction.net, I will also avoid reading them anywhere but here.


By hit the fan, I mean that Sweetie starts freaking out, and the lies start to unravel, and that they realize "Scott" doesn't exist, so that'd naturally come first.


Actually, FF.net is only 1 chapter ahead, so it's not like it's too far into the story :raritywink:


You know, you might be right about one of those choices, mate :raritywink:
BTW, my FF.net account is only 1 chapter ahead you here, so it's not like it's too far into the story... :scootangel:

FIRST!!!!!!!!!!! Also, great chapter, things are going to get interesting.:pinkiehappy:

Commence countdown.

2 chapters until the proverbial shit his the fan...

lol oh god somehow i knew it was going to turn in this direction

279792 Well, I personally think that it will all go downhill after the first piece of the puzzle is set (Scott = Scoot) But you do make a good point.


Yeah, I'm praying Dash is in the next chapter...

Starting to worry about Dash's safety...

ive been loving these short but quick updates :twilightsmile: makes the cliffhangers a bit more bearable, cant wait to read it tonight :pinkiehappy:

Oh, I love where this is going. I'm betting she tells the truth and Rarity overhears her. Well, at least the truth regarding the existence of Scott. Love it, love it, love it.

Countdown status...

T-minus 1 chapter until shit hits the fan. Damn, if what I'm thinking is about to happen (which is very similar to what 283311 said), then I will be the god of clairvoyance.

Or not. Now, all I have to do is wait for the other prediction...


Cliffhangers are what I'm all about! :raritywink:


Only time will tell...


rainbow... cupcakes... :unsuresweetie: my stomach is starting to hurt... *laughs hysterically*

Sweetie Belle should listen to my reasoning about love, which is: Love is love, no matter who it's with, and don't let anybody tell you otherwise.

does anybody know what happened to Dashie

hello, has anyone seen a rainbow mane and tailed pegasus

DAMN. Well... I guess I got those backwards.


Guess I lost...



Actually, looking back at the comments, It looks like I lost. Take my 5 bits, I didn't need them anyways... :ajsleepy:

290819 why must you be so cruel? she's my second/third favorite pony.:raritycry:

291823 Aw! Don't be sad. I know a good way you could earn those bits back... :raritywink:

292942 And that's how I hang! GET IT! HANG!! BECAUSE... WELL... I... umm...


Does it involve manual labor?


Well... I don't think its ever been called that... but it is physical in nature...


It involves a cherry maybe...

295629 Do I get to make Chimmycherrychangas?

such a great fic... no one ever writes romance for the CMC and other fillies from MLP... its always the mane six... i think this is because they think the CMC are too young for this, but 9-13 is plenty old enough...

great story... awaiting more...


looks good. i award you my like and 4 moustaches :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:

"They almost look like Rainbow Dash!" exclaimed Scootaloo.

This really creeped me out. Especially after reading cupcakes

Oh damn this is going to get good i can tell.

Want more. Btw if you dont have RD in the next chapter or soon im going to go insane

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