Rarity walked from the Carousel Boutique all the way to Sugar Cube Corner. If anypony that was new arrived to town, Pinkie Pie would be the first one to know about it. First of all, she knew just about everypony in Ponyville. Secondly, if Sweetie Belle met Scott in the bakery like she said she did, she'd be the first to realize it.
Praying that Sweetie hadn't 'Pinkie Promised' the party pony not to say anything, Rarity entered the sweets shop and was immediately greeted by the hyperactive earth pony.
"Hey, Rarity!" she shouted, bouncing up and down in front of her, "How've you been?"
"Just fine, Pinkie, dear," she said, smiling at her, "How's business?"
"Great! Everypony seems to LOVE the new cupcakes I made! Care to try one?"
Before Rarity could even blink, the pink pony disappeared in a blur and reappeared with a tray in her mouth. On it was a single rainbow cupcake with rainbow frosting. Pinkie Pie set the tray down on a nearby table and smiled widely at the fashionista. Rarity, not really here to try them, decided to be polite and took the pastry with her magic. Noticing the anticipation in Pinkie's face, she took a nibble at the sweet pastry.
"My, my, my," she said, licking some remaining frosting from her lips, "This is simply divine! What did you put in it that made it so delectable?"
"Sorry, trade secret," she said, winking at her, "Glad you like it, though!"
Rarity placed the cupcake down and pulled out the notebook and pen from her saddle bag. "Pinkie, there's a couple of things I need to ask you, if I may."
"Sure thing," Pinkie said, sitting on her haunches.
"Mind if we talk somewhere more private, dear?"
With that, the two of them made their way into the kitchen. Since the shop was nearly empty, save for a few ponies sitting and eating their baked goods, they had some time to talk without any disruptions.
"Pinkie Pie," said Rarity, "You know just about everypony in town, yes?"
"Of course," said Pinkie with a smile.
"Well, I need to know if you know a pony that goes by the name of 'Scott.'"
Pinkie opened her mouth in preparation to say something. However, she stopped and thought for a moment. She began tapping her hoof on her chin, her eyes searching around the room.
"Scott?" she asked, "I don't recall hearing about anypony named 'Scott.'"
"Well, my sister did say that he was new to town," commented Rarity, "Are you sure you've never heard of him. Did you see anypony come in here with my sister recently?"
Pinkie nodded. "I saw her come in here with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo yesterday. Sweetie Belle was there, but she looked a little, you know, 'out-of-it.' She didn't even try my super delicious cupcakes!"
"'Out-of-it?'" Rarity asked, jotting all she was told in her notebook with her magic. "How would you describe her behavior? Try to be specific, please."
"Well," she began, thinking back, "She seemed a little preoccupied, like she wasn't all there. She stared out the window, didn't really say much, hardly made eye contact with anypony, even her own friends! Something just didn't feel right about her. Is she okay? Is she sick or something? If she is, do you think we can throw a party for her? Ohhh, that’s a great idea! A ‘get-well-soon’ party! I’m sure that’ll..."
Rarity closed her notebook quickly, the loud sound causing Pinkie Pie to stop her hyper babble. When she fell silent, Rarity said, "I'll tell you, but you have to promise not to say anything to anypony."
"I promise," she said, reciting her famous promise, "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!"
Rarity looked around the room, making sure no one was there. Then, she said in a low whisper, "Sweetie Belle has fallen in love with somepony named Scott. She said that she met him here. Are you sure you didn't see anypony with her?"
"I'm pretty sure," she replied, "Maybe she met him outside when she left or something. I was too busy inside to notice what happened after she left. Maybe her friends would know! If she told anypony about a friend, especially a love interest, they'd be the first to know!"
"Maybe," said Rarity, "I guess I'll pay a visit to Applejack. Thanks for all the help, Pinkie, dear."
"No problem, Rarity," the pink party pony replied, "Oh, and don't worry; you're secret is safe with me!"
"Thank you," said Rarity, as she made her way to the exit, "By the way, thanks for the cupcake. It was really delectable!"
"What in tarnation are ya talkin' 'bout?" the orange earth pony asked. She and Rarity were in the fields of Sweet Apple Acres. While Rarity sat on her haunches, the blonde-mane southern workhorse bucked a nearby tree with her hind legs, causing the apples that were in it to fall into neatly placed baskets all around it.
"Please, Applejack," said the white unicorn, holding her notebook out, "You need to tell me everything you know. I'm pretty sure your sister has told you something...anything!"
"Apple Bloom doesn't say anything that her and her friends are up to," said Applejack as she trotted over to another tree, "and ah don't go snoopin' into her business, either! Ah respect her privacy, just like you should respect Sweetie Belle's."
"You don't understand," said Rarity, "I'm just looking out for my sister, that's all. I wouldn't be doing this if I wasn't concerned."
"Beg yer pardon, Rarity," said AJ, "What do ya mean by 'concerned?' She's just gotta crush on somepony. Ain't nothin' to be concerned about, if ya ask me."
Rarity lowered her head in shame. "It is if you're in my position."
Applejack, having just bucked another tree, looked over to see a defeated Rarity. She looked really upset over something, almost like she was ready to cry.
"What do ya mean?" she asked as she stopped bucking the tree and sat next to her.
"Do you remember the Grand Galloping Gala, what happened with me and Prince Blueblood?" she asked, her voice low and soft.
"Of course ah do, sugar cube," she said, "That no good jerk treated you like mud!"
"Exactly!" said Rarity, looking at AJ, "I was heartbroken by a jerk that I hardly even knew! I don't want Sweetie Belle, my own flesh and blood, traveling down that same path! She doesn't deserve to have her little heart broken like mine was, especially at her age."
"That's all well and good, sugar," said Applejack, "but that really doesn't give you the right to snoop into your sister's private business!"
"I know that it's wrong and that I shouldn't be doing it, but it's my responsibility as her sister. I mean, 'generosity' is my element after all, but I digress; this exceeds that. I need to make sure that this 'Scott' pony isn't going to hurt my sister!"
Applejack began feeling sorry for Rarity. Even though her instincts told her it was wrong, deep down, she understood what she was going through; she would have done the same if she and Apple Bloom were in the same position.
"Alright, Rarity," she said, letting out a soft sigh, "Ah'll help you out, even though it's against my better judgment! I'll see what Apple Bloom knows. If she knows anything, I'll let you know."
"Thanks, Applejack," said Rarity, as she smiled and put a hoof around her friend, "I appreciate it."
"Yeah, yeah," said the earth pony. Before she could say anything, Rarity handed her the notebook and the pen. Since Applejack didn't have any magic, she watched as it rested in front of her on the ground.
"What in the wide world of Equestria is this for?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.
Rarity sighed. "To jot down all that Apple Bloom says to you, of course."
Applejack rolled her eyes and said, "If you say so. She'll be comin' back a little later, around lunchtime. Hopefully, ah'll get this to ya by then!"
"Thank you, darling," she said, as she began trotting off. Applejack, knowing that what she was doing was wrong, only shook her head, picked up the notebook and pen with her mouth and began making her way to the barn.
Starting to worry about Dash's safety...
282064 This
What did you put in it that made it so delectable?"
"Sorry, trade secret," she said, winking at her, "Glad you like it, though!"
OK... where is dash.... please get her in the story... I like the cupcakes story, but I prefer to not see her turned into a cupcake...
Cutie Mark Crusaders Cannibals Yay!
...Liking this so far.
Why does it sound like the cupcakes Pinkie Pie made is a shout out to the story Cupcakes?
C-can we check on Dashie now... please?
Im getting the distinct feeling that I won't be seeing much of Rainbow Dash in this story...
can someone send me the url to Cupcakes I have tried looking it up and can not find
I see no comments about the main focus of the chapter , instead everyone seems to be concerned about a certain other story
There were people in Sugarcube Corner?
Hold on a second. Secret trade. Oh shit please tell me 'cupcakes' isn't in this story. Oh god.
Sorry I just can't do this.
I hope dash didn't Suddenly ask for an extended vacation leave from work . . .
in honor of all of the Cupcakes comments...since they should have focused on the story...I will leave this song here. About those people that disrespected this story.
Now, I wonder how long it'll take Rarity to realize that Sweetie Belle lied to her?
3400302 Incredibly late, but I have to do this. The term "people" would actually be appropriate in Equestria, because "people" does not actually mention "humans" anywhere in it.
Oh jeez this story is nice so far and all
But holy moly I hope that the cupcakes reference is just a joke and not an actual part of the story.
Honestly, even if the cupcakes DO contain Dashie, I'd probably still eat them. Of course, that might be the 6 hours of "Ice God of Hungary" on loop talking, but it might not be. I don't know!