• Member Since 14th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


Destiny is never left to chance.


Lament of the Dreamer (Revisions/Rewrite Update) · 3:09am May 31st, 2021

Hello again everyone. I didn't think it'd take this long to finish the rewrites but there were a great many things beyond my control that got in the way of that. Also I stopped twice to write 2 additional chapters which ate up a decent chunk of time. Anyway I don't want to cry at y'all or make excuses. The revisions are done and I hope the whole experience is more enjoyable and most importantly, more consistent.

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Anytime, awesome possum!

Always here if you need a friend. 😎

How's your day been?

Unbelievably appreciated. Thank you very much, I needed that more than I would have admitted. :rainbowdetermined2:

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Lament of the Dreamer (Revisions/Rewrite Update) · 3:09am May 31st, 2021

Hello again everyone. I didn't think it'd take this long to finish the rewrites but there were a great many things beyond my control that got in the way of that. Also I stopped twice to write 2 additional chapters which ate up a decent chunk of time. Anyway I don't want to cry at y'all or make excuses. The revisions are done and I hope the whole experience is more enjoyable and most importantly, more consistent.


Lament of the Dreamer (Revisions/Rewrite Update) · 3:09am May 31st, 2021

Hello again everyone. I didn't think it'd take this long to finish the rewrites but there were a great many things beyond my control that got in the way of that. Also I stopped twice to write 2 additional chapters which ate up a decent chunk of time. Anyway I don't want to cry at y'all or make excuses. The revisions are done and I hope the whole experience is more enjoyable and most importantly, more consistent.