• Member Since 21st Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen Dec 18th, 2020



The life of a struggling artist always has its perks, but for Kristen, those perks were becoming scarcer by the day. Slaving under brutal employers for just enough of a pittance to pay her rent, she swore she would, one day, make a change in her life. She would be successful. She would be happy. She would find love, and earn her happily-ever-after.

Who would have thought that her favorite cartoon would show her the way?

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 22 )

Like I said, this is a YTP in written form. :twilightoops:

What did I just read?
Where am I?
Why am I wearing one of Rarity's saddles?

...Wait, don't answer that last one.:twilightoops:

Not sure what I read, but it was hilarious regardless :yay:

Aaah, another well-written nonsense from Argembarger... Gotta love those!
Also: Flim (Flam?) tag. Yes. So much yes.

Excellence has never been so prominent to my eyes.

What... what happened? :rainbowderp:

Author Interviewer

You did not disappoint, sir.

Argembarger happened.

That explains a lot.

This should be tagged romance, because of the horribly inappropriate work relationship.

This might be more amusing if I knew wth a gradient was.

1604315 this may assist you, Oh voracious reader.


Huh. Never knew the technical term for those.
I loveed using those on my CoX characters' costumes.

To be fair, he did have a ton of gradients on him. I think they did it on purpose.
What better way to make us hate a villain than cover him in gradients?

Wow. I just... how... :applejackconfused:

what the actual FUCK?!

I haven't been this scared since I watched SHED.MOV. Good job, sir.


You beat me to it! I was going to randomly replace one of the character's names in my story, Twilight's Legendary Quest for Vodka, with the least attractive name in the world. I was going to spell it "Keith", though. :ajbemused:

I really like the title of this fic. It has a good ring to it.

*taps chin* I'm getting the subtle notion that you felt King Sombra lacked the nuanced tone required for a proper dramatic villain.


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