• Published 16th May 2024
  • 272 Views, 11 Comments

The Murder of Shining Armor - Cxcd

Cadence killed Shining Armor. Shame it almost worked, too.

  • ...

00 - Prologue

Author's Note:

[Trigger Warning : Premeditated murder and slight gore. I, the author, am writing a character. I do not think nor behave like this character.]

I have a plan.

Call me whatever you want. Crazy. Insane. A psychopath. Most ponies would.

But I’d gotten this far, haven’t I?

Ever since I was a little filly, I had a grandiose dream of ruling over Equestria. I would be the pony that everyone responded to, and I would command entire armies to take over smaller countries at the flick of my hoof. I had dreams of sitting on a throne, crosslegged and looking fierce with an entire guard laid out in front of me. I didn’t care for the frilly things, or the teacups, or the dresses. I cared about the feeling of being in power. For an orphan filly, perhaps I was searching for the feeling of power rather than ruling over Equestria itself.

Like any other dream fillies have, it slowly faded. It was just a fantasy, like riding a dolphin, or curing cancer. I forgot about it, and I continued on with my life.

That was, until, I got my horn.

Harmony works in mysterious ways. I don’t think what I want is wrong. As a matter of fact, I think I’d do a much better job at ruling Equestria than any other pony alive, including Celestia. Harmony chose me for this, and I promised myself I would make it proud.

Celestia had gladly taken me under her wing when she heard of me. I was another Alicorn in an Alicorn-less world. No longer was she the last of her species. Which was great for me, because that meant she looked over my, let’s call them, flaws for the first few years.

I quickly learned what she liked, and what she didn’t. She didn’t like it when I found a mouse in my room, and my first response was to drown it in the sink. But she did like it when I made two arguing ponies love each other with my magic. Things of that nature made me quickly learn how to play that system, and I loved to do it. It was like setting up dominoes, and watching them fall. Sometimes the dominoes didn’t land where I expected them to, and I learned to adjust for specific scenarios. I got good at it, too.

One of my biggest mistakes, however, was falling in love.

I don’t think I was actually in love, of course. I wouldn’t dissapoint Harmony like that. In my mind, a Princess needed a Prince, and Shining Armor was that Prince for me. He showed up at the perfect time. He had all of the qualities a Prince needed. He was kind, sometimes a little shy, handsome, and above all else, perfect. Perhaps a little too perfect, but that’s besides the point.

Celestia was ecstatic to learn I was dating Shining Armor. If I ever had any parents, chances are they would’ve reacted the same was Celestia did. She almost immediately started planning for a wedding, despite both me and Shining being way too young for it.

But when the wedding did come around… well, I think everypony remembers how that went.

That day was an important lesson to me. No matter how perfectly you plan things, no matter how safe you think you are, something is always going to get in the way.

Maybe I did love him. For a while, at least. I wouldn’t have gone through the effort I had done to save him that day if I didn’t. The love magic wouldn’t have worked if I didn’t love him the way I did.

But that love quickly faded when I realized a slight oversight in my plan to please Harmony by ruling Equestria.

When you marry a pony into a position of power, you have to share that power.

Let me explain. When we were appointed by Celestia and Luna to rule over the Crystal Empire, I was ecstatic. If I could get that little bit closer to ruling over Equestira, I would take as much as I could. Unfortunately, Shining began getting in the way.

I was all for keeping Shining. He was my little warrior who would defend me, even if it meant putting himself in harms way. He was a gentle giant by definition, but a fierce warrior when he wanted to be. But like I said before, Shining was too perfect.

The first time I realized something was wrong was when I tried to pass a bill. It wasn’t anything significant, of course. I simply thought that taking some budget away from the city’s infrastructure and putting it towards rebuilding the Crystal Empire’s army was beneficial to my plan. That was the day I learned that Shining had a say in my affairs. Now that he was legally my Prince, he was also on the same eye-to-eye level as I was. Despite being a Unicorn, a mortal Unicorn, he held as much power as I did. He blocked the bill, and tried to talk me out of it. Told me that the Crystal Empire’s infrastructure was critically behind safety standards, about a thousand years behind, and needed to be updated as soon as possible.

I tried pusing a bill, making it so every Stallion above the age of eighteen was made to go to boot camp mandatorily. It was a way of strengthening my army, and if I ever needed to, let’s say, push against Equestira’s borders, I could. Shining stood in my way, however, and tried to talk me out of it again. His arguments made sense, of course, for somepony who wasn’t working for Harmony.

All of this, to say, I had to get Shining out of the way. And trust me when I say, I tried to talk to him rationally. Of course, I wouldn’t tell him what I was planning. I would never tell a soul my plan to please Harmony. But I tried to give him gentle nudges. Tell him to cut it out. Back off.

He was just too perfect. Too pure.

One night, I was laying in bed next to him. The window was open, and there was a cool summer draft wafting through our room. Shining was fast asleep, while I was still awake. I was restless, replaying a thousand different scenarios in my head to figure out how to get Shining to stop interfering with me.

Of course, I had the advantage of time. I could always wait him out. After all, Shining was a mortal Unicorn. Alicorns were immortal. All I had to do was wait sixty years for him to cripple and drop dead, maybe even less time for him to be removed as Prince.

But earlier today he mentioned having a baby with me.

A baby?!

Of course, I smiled and pretended to give the idea some thought. I acted delighted, and even a little embarrassed. But internally, my heart gave a harsh jolt at the idea. Now, I’d have to wait out the foal’s lifespan, too.

I wasn’t as disillusioned as sompony like Celestia with time. For her, a hundred years must feel like a blink, or a short breath. For me, however? I was barely thirty. Waiting three times my lifespan for Shining to drop dead was an insane prospect, and one that I didn’t want to deal with.

My eyes slowly fluttered open, and I was met with the crystal ceiling. A frown was present on my lips as my eyes looked around the darkened room. It wasn’t soulless, persay, but as I sat up on the edge of my bed, I felt soulless. Empty and washed up. I had made yet another mistake in marrying Shining Armor, and now I was stuck with my back against the wall. I hoped Harmony wasn’t watching.

Divorce felt like it was out of the question. Never, in a million years, would Celestia, or heavens forbid Twilight, accept that little perfect Cadence would divorce Shining. We were just too perfect of a couple.

I lightly let my hooves touch the ground, pulling my back legs out from under the blankets as I trotted towards the only window leading out of our bedroom. The Empire looked beautiful at night. Although most of the lights had long since been retired, the city was still lit up like a festival. The crystal that formed the homes reflected and refracted like mad. Blues, purples, reds, and greens.

I carefully maneuvered around the bed and trotted out into the hallways, slowly as to not wake Shining. I was out of my usual regalia, my appearance looking slightly messy. But I didn’t care, as the chances of somepony seeing me this late was slim. Actually- somepony I cared about seeing me like this. Guards were sure to spot me, and I would simply give them a friendly wave-

“Princess Cadence?”


I jumped slightly, and turned around to face the very familiar voice.

“What are you doing up so late?” The guard asked. “I mean, I don’t mean to offend you, of course, Princess Cadence-”

“None taken, Flash.” I said sweetly.

This was practically the only guard I actually cared about. Twilight Sparkle’s crush.

“I’m just out for a nightly stroll.” I said, brushing my mane out of my eyes with a hoof. “I couldn’t sleep. Something’s keeping me up, and I’m having a hard time figuring it out.” I lied. I smiled and leaned forwards slightly. “You don’t have to call me Princess, Flash. You know that.”

I loved the Princess title. It made me feel important. But my character, the sweet and loving Princess Cadence, didn’t. And ponies liked a bashful Princess.

“Oh, of course, Cadence.” He said. I could see him visibly relax. Good.

“Walk with me.” I commanded, tilting my head down the long corridor. Flash perked up, and quickly kept pace with me. No matter how long I’ve been an Alicorn, one thing I’ve never gotten used to was my height. Most stallions were below me, physically, and I personally think that’s quite funny.

“I was thinking of inviting Twilight Sparkle over for a night out on the town.” I casually mentioned. Despite not looking at him, I could see him physically straighten up, at attention and listening. “Me and her haven’t hung out for a while, and I think it would be fun to get together again.”

“Oh, uh, that sounds like a great idea, Cadence.” Flash said stiffly.

“But that means she won’t be in the castle.” I said with a smile. “Which means you won’t see her.”

“Oh.” I watched Flash settle back down into a slump.

Oh, how I wanted to leave it at that. It would’ve been hilarious to leave him like that. His hope of seeing Twilight Sparkle again completely dashed, shredded into pieces.

But Princess Cadence would never. And really, I personally thought the two of them were quite cute together.

“So that’s why I’m inviting you to be our personal body guard for the trip.” I said, turning to look at him. Once more, his face perked up, looking straight up at me with a sudden grin.

“I would love to, Princess!” He said quickly. I offered him a small smile. I couldn’t believe that he was so blind to his own love. They both were, him and Twilight. It was like watching a game of cat and mice, except both were mice, and neither knew the other one was scared the same as themselves. It was quite endearing, really.

And if Flash was ever put in the same position as Shining was, being her Prince, then there was even more of a chance for chaos. Slow reaction times. Decisions going through two ponies. And when Flash dies, the chance of Twilight making rash, emotionally-driven decisions was much higher.

“You are dismissed, Flash.” I told him. “I’ll have the captain tell you when she arrives.” He gave me a nod, a salute, and quickly, almost as if he was scared I was going to chance my mind, he vanished down another hallway. In a matter of seconds, there was no trace he was ever even following me at all.

After what seemed like a good couple of minutes walking, I felt the feeling of fresh summer wind on my coat. Of course, it wasn’t real summer air. Although it was summer elsewhere, The Crystal Empire was surrounded by a deep winter frost. The Crystal Heart helped keep the city warm, and therefore inhabitable.

Floating in the middle of the underneath of the castle was the Crystal Heart. It radiated an intense feeling of warmth, almost feeling like standing outside as the sun beat down. That, or it felt like getting microwaved, although I don’t think most ponies liked comparing it to that.

It hummed as I approached it. Strange, as it doesn’t usually do that. I stared deeply into it’s crystal reflection, and I saw myself staring back at me. My reflection was twisted, and despite staring into an even surface, I looked ugly and mangled.

I think the Crystal Heart knew what I was going to do before I knew it.

But, at the moment, no inspiration struck me. I frowned, and turned away, taking a deep breath as I tried to clear my thoughts. Nopony was up this late at night, (except Flash, apparently,) so the chance of a pony spotting their unruly and unkempt princess was slim.

That didn’t matter, as I immediately turned around, and made my way back to our room.

Harmony chose me for this, and I was making myself look like a fool. All of this walking around in self-doubt made me look unprofessional. Uncommited. And I couldn’t have that.

After spending so long unsuccessfully roaming around, I had just about had it. I laid down- correction, flopped down onto the bed. Shining was still snoring loudly, not even flinching at my leaving, nor arrival. I turned on my bed, the blankets fighting me, until I was staring at his face. He was gripping a body pillow tightly, his muzzle buried into it’s surface. Once upon a time, I wished that would’ve been me. Now, though… I only wanted him gone.

Which was fair. He had turned my plan into complete and utter mush. I felt like a fool to myself.

I started replaying ideas in my head again. I couldn’t divorce him, as it wasn’t in character. I couldn’t legally remove him from the position of Prince, as he would have to agree to that. I didn’t want to wait for him to die, as that would’ve taken a very long time.

I couldn’t get rid of him.

I couldn’t…

Could I?

There was a moment of clarity. My eyes increased in size as I gazed upon his sleeping form once again. My brows furrowed as I felt something swell in my chest. I felt as if I had just recovered from a sickness, and could breathe through my nose once more. It felt like I had been in a dark room for my entire life, and had stepped into the sun for the first time ever.

I could poison him. Slip something into his food.

I could make it look like an accident. He slipped from the top story. He happened to walk beneath a piano.

I could bludgeon him.

I could do it right now.

I could smother him.

Don’t be stupid. He would fight back. Of course he would.

It would be messy. Poisoning him- how would I even source the poison? How could I make the excuse as to why Shining’s blood everywhere?


I wasn’t aware that I had sat up until now. I quickly clambered off of the bed for the second time that night, and pulled myself up to the window- the same one I had looked out earlier. I quickly gazed out of the Crystal Empire, back and towards the mountains in the distance. The great big mountains that nopony will ever traverse.

I could take him up there. One spell to the back of the head, and he would become unrecognizable. I could dump his corpse halfway in an ice ravine, and leave him to the wild animals.

He was a Prince. It would be a matter of time until someone asked where he was.

The Changelings. Obviously. They would never question me in a hundred, million years. They would blame the only enemy that me and him had ever had. Was this crazy? Well, yes. Committing murder was not something I thought I would ever do. Maybe that was an oversight, as becoming the ruler of Equestria surely required breaking some eggs, right? But no- I wasn’t crazy. My head was clear. Crazy ponies weren’t so clear.

I didn’t have see a problem with it. It was the ultimate way to make sure somepony stayed out of the way. And maybe there was an easier way to deal with this problem. If there was, I sure as heaven didn’t see it.

“Shining!” I said, bounding over to his side of the bed. I put my fore hooves on his back, and like a young foal, tapped him awake. “Shining, the stars!” I whisper-shouted. I smiled broadly as Shining grumbled loudly. He turned his head to face me, using the hoof not wrapped under the pillow to wipe his eyes.

“Whah?” He asked numbly, blinking at me. “Cadence? What time is it?” He rumbled.

“I don’t know, but it’s important!” I said quickly and gleefully. “The stars are out!”

“The whaht?” He asked, closing his eyes and letting the back of his head sink into his pillow. “What stars? Cadence, I have a meeting tomorrow-”

“The stars!” I said again, urgently. “They only come out once every hundred years!” I pointed out the window, and he followed my hoof. “They’re only visible from that mountain every hundred years! I was doing some late-night reading, and it said the next time was today!” I quickly got up and trotted to the closet, whipping it open and pulling a pair of boots out. “If you want to sleep, I understand.” I turned to flash him a sad frown. “But it’s only once a hundred years, and the next time, you might not be with me anymore.”

Shining’s eyes widened.

“Okay!” He said quickly, forcing himself into a sitting position. “Alright, I’m up! Let’s go see these stars, then, Cadie.”

I let out a squeeing sound as I threw him a white scarf. He caught it in his magic, and quickly wrapped it around his neck. I put on a large black coat that covered my entire body, pulling it tightly.

“The stars are only out for another twenty minutes, so we have to be fast.” I said. I watched Shining nod. “Which means I’m going to teleport us to the base of the mountain.” As the words left my mouth, I watched Shining’s expression change to one of concern.

“That’s… a very far away teleport, Cadence.” He said slowly. “Are you sure you can handle that?”

“Anything for us!” I smiled broadly. “Come here, away from the furniture.” I asked. Shining shrugged, and he got up from his bed, and stood right next to me.

A flash, and we were gone.

I didn’t even feel it affect my magic stamina. It was like a brush of wind. Perhaps it was because I had adrenaline going through my veins, getting ready for the big event. Maybe it was because I was simply that strong. Either way, I felt the coldness of the winter air, and we were many miles away from the Crystal Empire. It simply looked like a toy on the horizon. There wasn’t tracks near us for miles and miles. We were truly alone.

Shining wrapped a hoof around my back. I felt his heat, radiating off of his body in his attempt to keep me warm. I looked up and saw his smile, only making eye contact for a second as he looked upwards and into the sky.

He was comfy. I didn’t resist my urge to lay my head against his neck, feeling his soft body.

We could turn around right now.

Pretend this never happened.

Go home.

Have foals.

Be content with being second place to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.

I took my head away from his body.

“So? Are we gonna sit here and miss it, or are we going to climb up the mountain?” I asked.

“Oh, right.” He said, looking back down. “Sorry- I was just enjoying the stars.” His face darkened. “Cadence… What you said earlier, are you okay?”

“Hm?” I began trekking forwards, and Shining followed right next to me. “What do you mean?”

“That next time, I might not be around.” He said, looking up the path. Well, calling it a path might be a little hyperbolic. “Are you really thinking about stuff like that?”

“Oh, only a little bit.” I shrugged. “I’m an Alicorn. It’s a fact of life that I’m going to outlive you.” I felt as if I might have come off just a little bit too nonchalant there. “And that scares me.” I said, adding a pouting face for good measure.

“Oh, Cadence.” He sighed, bringing a hoof back around my withers. “I’m sorry about that. And… I guess you’re right, you will outlive me.” We both stopped in the middle of the path, and he turned to face me. “But that doesn’t mean you’ll have to be alone forever.”

I raised my eyebrow.

“You have Twily. You have the Princesses. You have Spike.” He breathed out of his nostrils as he looked behind him, off of the mountain and at city, far away. “You’re right, that I wont be here forever. But we should cherish the moments that we have for as long as we-”

He turned back to face me.

And then he was gone.

All that was left of his head was a fine red mist. The rest of his body slumped over onto the ground, blood pouring out of the gaping wound.

My bottom lip was twitching. I raised a hoof, wiping some of the blood on my muzzle away. My jaw was clicking up and down. I wasn’t exactly sure what to do with myself. My heart was in my throat, my stomach was ten floors below, and I found myself shivering from something that wasn’t the cold.

It was so quiet.

He was gone, just like that.

It was so fast. It had barely even been five minutes since I woke him up. And he was gone.

I hadn’t even realized my horn was still ignited until I delit it. The soft swaying sounds of the winter wind blowing across the mountain tops was the only thing that rang through my ears.

“Well.” I said slowly to nopony. My eyes danced over the horizon. “That was… something.”

The part that scared me was easy how it was. I barely even thought about it, and he was gone. Was that a byproduct of the adrenaline, or was that how it had always been? Was I always that tough? I wasn’t sure.

I looked back down at him. Or, rather, what was left of him. A body with no head. White coat stained red.

I took a deep breath.

I cleared my throat.

I cleared my head.

I felt nothing.

I used my magic to pick him up. He was totally limp, like a ragdoll. He wasn’t home anymore. He was gone.

I buried him in the snow, right there where I had killed him.

Was I a murderer now? Was that how it worked? Sure, I had done it, but murderers were crazy, right? I sure didn’t feel crazy. My brain worked as well as it did when I made the decision to marry him, and it worked as well as it does now as when I made the decision to kill him.

I cleaned up the blood. I hid our tracks.

I teleported back.

I was at the bathroom sink. In the mirror, my coat was a blood red, the only pink being the small area I wiped off. I splashed my face. It wasn’t enough.

I threw off my coat, and practically leapt into the bath. I scrubbed it face until it was no longer red from blood, and instead red from tenderness.

Things were going fast, now, and I didn’t know why.

I remember burning the coat into a pile of ash. It quickly struck me that I probably should’ve done that to his body.

And I fell into bed.

And things slowed down again.

I let out the first breath in my room. My room. Nopony else’s room. Mine. I pulled my blanket up to my chest as I stared up at the ceiling I had stared at no less than, what, an hour ago? Although it was nearing 5 AM, I didn’t care.

I would have to wake up in the morning and deal with what I had done. I had to act like I had never acted before. But that was okay, as Harmony had a way to help me. Harmony wanted this. I wanted this.

I was free.

I just hope Twilight wasn’t too distraught at her brother’s sudden disappearance.

And I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

Comments ( 11 )

[TRIGGER WARNING : Premeditated Murder. This is written from the perspective of a psychotic pony. I, the author CXCD, do not think nor behave like this.]

Cadance is psychotic? (in your AU)

"I've lost all form and unity.
Where has my life gone?
I'll bring you doom that you can see.
And bring you down to see you bleed."
~Elena Siegman, 115

~Excellent work!~

I casually mentioned. Despite not looking at him, I could see him physically straighen up, at attention and listening.

I think you mean "straighten"

Oh, sheesh. That was genuinely chilling. I think the worst (best? Most well-written) part of the whole thing has to be the way Cadence behaves. Her narration, it gives no hint of her deteriorating sanity--at least, not in any way I've seen before. She sounds--feels--so put together, so stable. That's the most terrifying part by far.

Poor Shining. He deserved better.

Though, the description seems to indicate that he won't be long out of this world. I find myself very curious as to how he may manage to return, given he no longer has a head.

I'll be tracking with interest! Good work!

I might have read this mystery, if the first sentence of the description didn't tell me who did it.

womp womp, its still good

The mystery isn’t who murdered Shining Armor. It’s how he came back. If you’d actually read the description, you’d know that.

Son, I read the description, and it didn't tell me of any resurrection.

I don't know why but this story gives me the feeling that it will be like the story of "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe....but in this story the raven will be Shining Armor

This is quite dark, but equally interesting, i am really looking foward to the next chapter.

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