I haven't made a story for a while. The procrastination is hitting hard. So, I have some options.
A Cadance Story. It's more of how she became comfortable with Celestia. I have the story outline done. A Flurry Heart Story. I have all 3 (main) character information all written down, but not outlined yet. Twilight, years after her friends passed, looking in the journal. I don't have an outline for it.
Feel free to choose if you're not a follower. I don't have many anyways.
Hello. I'm a brony who has ADHD. I have unusual opinions on ships, such as: 1. Rarijack is a stupid ship 2. I dislike Fluttercord 3. Flashlight is a great ship
Applejack takes Rainbow Dash camping, hoping to share her true feelings for the Pegasus. When you're in love, you want to be right where she is. Home. She is you're home.
What happened after Twilight established the "Friendship Counsel"? How was the journey back to Ponyville after the coronation? How did Appledash truly begin?
With less and less time being able to be spent with Rainbow Dash's marefriend due to circumstances outside of her control, Rainbow Dash wants to make it up to her. Even though she doesn't entirely know how.
AJ and Rainbow head off to Whinnypeg to find a friendship problem at the convention center. The only real issue is that the con is a couples retreat, everypony is flashing them knowing looks, and the two of them aren’t together like that … anymore.
Rainbow Dash and Applejack are convinced that a relationship between them wouldn't work. Rarity believes otherwise. Determined to prove her wrong, Rainbow agrees to a 'three date trial' with Applejack...
Twilight accidentally casts a spell on Applejack that forces her to talk nonstop. Now AJ's in danger of admitting her true feelings for Rainbow Dash to the whole world - and worst of all, to Rainbow Dash herself.