• Published 1st Apr 2024
  • 347 Views, 11 Comments

Solar: Hero of Canterlot City - Royal Pony Dude

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Chapter 18-Beached Bummed

Solar was flying through the cold air of Canterlot City.

"Well, it's the first day back at school from winter break, I finally see the guys after…" Solar said before seeing Brisk Storm. "Was that a Brisk Storm?"

She blinked and saw nothing.

"Okay, I'm seeing things," Solar said. "But it's not like Dark Eclipse is back, it's out for revenge right?" Solar asked before hearing a nearby alarm go off then headed over there.

"Alright, now this is what I call a big score," Sandstorm said as covering himself in stolen jewels.

Then Solar appeared in front of him.

"That's funny. I thought you had to know how to count to keep score."

Solar punched him which did nothing then Sandstorm grabbed her and tossed her into a hair salon.

"Gotta love villains, who can accessorize."

Solar vaulted herself to Sandstorm allowing him to catch her.

"Guess I'm a hardened criminal," Sandstorm forms a saw cutter. "How about a little trim?"

Solar used her magic to create an explosion to separate herself from Sandstorm then police cars came.

"This is where I check out," Sandstorm traveled through as jewels he grabbed came off of him. "Oh come on!"

Later at Canterlot High, the students were heading to audiotorium for Principal Celestia's

"I still can't get the image of Brisk out of my head. But I flew past so quickly, it could have been anyone. Or no one," Sunset said then her head flashed then someone jumped which made her do a takedown only to realize that it was Travis. "Travis!"

"Hey, Sunset. Not the greeting I was expecting but who would've guessed you took on karate while I was gone."

"Sorry about that. When did you get back?"

"Just last night. What's new with you?"

"Well.." Sunset was about to talk but the bell rang.

"Tell me later, we are about to get one of Celestia's semester speeches."

At Kyle's Bullseye, Tiger Claw walked in seeing a dejected Sandstorm

"Surprised you even show your face with some sparkles on you," Tiger Claw said.

"Come on, Tiger Claw, give me another shot," Sandstorm begged.

"Well, I have some ideas,' Tiger Claw smirked while Sandstorm was intrigued.

"With the shortage of cake fries, the cafeteria will have pudding tots," Principal Celestia said. "Now I'd like to introduce this semester's guest instructors. Directing this year's play we're honored to have Manehatten's very own Showstopper. And conducting a special weekly seminar… Detective Arctic Colt of Canterlot City Police Department."

"So, what's the story with him?" Pinkie asked.

"He works with my brother of force, though I wouldn't be surprised if he offers so he can keep a close eye on me," Twilight said just as the bell. "So, did any of you get an invite to Duke's party?"

"Yeah," most of the girls replied, showering their invite.

"So all of us got invited? Weird?"

"Just back in school, and already there is is back and hopefully not as Emerald Elf. Or surviving at Duke's party. Or.. Brisk?" Solar wonders as she sees him but hears the alarm. "An alarm coming from the Museum. But Brisk… is gone."

She turned around to see he was gone again.

"Okay, now I'm losing it. Elf. Dark Eclipse. Who's next?" Solar headed to the museum to a trail of sand at the entrance.

"Oh, Sandstorm," Solar rolled her eyes then walked in then her head flashed, making a duck from an incoming boulder that was thrown by Sandstorm.

"How? How are you always wherever I'm doing a job? It's like you have some solar sense or something."

"Funny you said that because…" Solar got punched into the wall by Sandstorm then headed into the vault and Solar followed him to the statute display.

"Great. Needle in a haystack. It would be a little barbaric of me to tear this place down looking for guy made of sand."

Sandstorm came from behind and swallowed her whole but Solar magic blasted through his stomach and got out before spitting out some sand from her mouth.

"You keep getting in my way. Now I got a buyer willing to pay massive bucks for the Urn of Gulag, here. And there's no way I'm missing out on my big score," Sandstorm grabbed the urn.

Solar lunged at him but Sandstorm did a backhand slap sending right into the armory display. Solar got up and took off the helmet only to see Sandstorm taller.

"Is it just me or are you taller?"

Solar cartwheels out of the way just Sandstorm tried smash with his hammer.

"Neat huh? A trick I pick up in prison. I kept losing bits of sand… so my lawers made them feed me raw sillicates. I can absorb as much as I want. But that ain't my only trick.

Sandstorm grew two extra arms then grabbed four swords and swung them at Solar who kept dodging them until kicking one of them.

"Sandy. You're pathetic. "

"I'm pathetic?"

"Yeah," Solar hurled a metal helmet to his face. "With your powers you can do some real good. Help people. But instead you use it on the same stupid crimes High Rise committed."

Sandstorm said nothing and punchn in the face.

"What are you joking with me about? I got places to be rather than being a hero chump," Sandstorm exclaimed as turn into a ball and rolled out of there.

Much later, Sandstorm had met up with Tiger Claw…

"I got you the urn. Give me my payoff," Sandstorm said Tiger Claw gave him a slim stack of money. "That's it?"

"What'd you expect more? You already know that Mr. X takes his cut and loan out fee from Mastermind for your super villain services."

"This was supposed to be my big score!"

"Then maybe you're not thinking big enough," Tiger Claw implied." There's an oil tanker that's coming into the city. Once you stop it, I got divers ready to drain it dry. All that crude, now that makes for a big score."

Sandstorm got in the water and managed to grab the boat.

At the Duke's party…

"Hey, Flash, by any chance you saw Brisk Storm?" Sunset asked him.

"Not really, why?"

Then the radio came in saying that Sandstrom was holding the oil tanker at the harbor then Sunset quietly walked out the back way and went to deal with it.

"Okay, Sandstorm, I know you're here. And this you're going down no matter how big you get!" Solar said arriving there.

"Oh really?" Sandstorm said as he grew to the size of the giant.

"Wow. I know a basketball team that could use a guy your size. Do you dribble or do you drool?"

"Mostly I'm slam dunk!"

He swung a giant spike ball at her but she dodges it before getting punched by him. With the two fighting, Tiger Claw's men approached the tank and proceeded to drain it just as Sandstorm bashed with his head making Solar fall to ground then got back up before getting smushed.

"The tap was just the beginning, sunshine."

Sandstorm created multiple sand fists and tried to punch her with them but Solar dodged them.

"Okay, how am I supposed to beat up a beach?" Solar wondered.

Solar lured Sandstorm by landing on the beach and made him chase her on the boat but destroyed it in the process.

"Yeah, I can see it," Tiger Claw said to the divers. "We got enough oil. Pull out."

"Get me out of here," Tiger Claw told his drivers as his car left the Harbor.


Solar chucked a large pile of debris on him but it went right through him.

"That's all you got?"

"Hey, it worked on Goliath."

Sandstorm swung a spike ball at her but he missed.

"Don't suppose you'd consider picking on someone your size?"

"Nope. Been waiting to squash you since the day we met."

He tried to stomp her but she rolled out of there and smash through the boat then instantly came back even taller.

"Okay how tough can this be? All Jack needed was beanstalk and an ax."

Solar replied with magic blasts and that she sees Dark Eclipse passing by.

"What? Dark Eclipse? He got the Symbiote…" Solar tried before getting grabbed by Sandstorm then noticed the tanker was on fire. "Uh, rain check on the fighting."

Both of them tried to rescue the people on the tanker now that it was ablaze.

"Fire on the oil tanker, great!" Solar exclaimed before absorbing the flames from the captains. "Hold on, we're getting out of here."

"It's too late, she's going to blow before she sinks."

Sandstorm grabbed the two people, place on them life raft and took them to shoreline which surprised Solar.

"I was just in for the bucks. I never meant for this to happen," Sandstorm exclaimed before Solar and tossed her out of there and held on to the oil tanker which it exploded but Sandstorm absorbed the blast but turned him glass.

"The heat from the explosion must've glazed him," Solar said before it broke down. "If you want a big score, High Rise. Far as I'm concerned, this is the biggest score a man could've have.

Solar left the shore unaware that Sandstorm resurfaced on the beach and vanished. With her Solar she was at the sight of where she hid the Symbiote to her knowledge. It was still there.

"It's still here. Buried under piles of rock. Okay, maybe Brisk's back. Or I'm just paranoid,' Solar said. "Either way, without the Symbiote, Dark Eclipse's gone for good."

She left unknowing of the Brisk hiding and came once out of the area.

"I knew if you made you paranoid enough you'd lead straight to the one love," Brisk said as tore the ground open allowing the alien life out and merged with him to become Dark Eclipse once again. "And this time we will crash her world on top of her."

Comments ( 1 )

Amazing chapters! :pinkiesmile:

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