• Member Since 18th Mar, 2021
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday


I can’t draw so I decided to be a teddy bear. I will probably write some stuff soon.


Shining Armour makes the terrible mistake of not looking where he’s going. After dying in possibly the most embarrassing fashion possible he awakens in Hell.

Can Shining Armour survive demonic unicorns, backbreaking labour, and the devil himself?

Will Shining Armour actually learn a lesson?

There’s only one way to find out! By reading this story!

This story was made for the Shining Armour is a Terrible Dad Competition
The amazing cover was done by: anonymous_commenter
This story was also helpfully edited by: The Fan Without a Face

(Note: The various issues in this story will be fixed at some point in the future. Until then please know that none of these mistakes were the editor’s fault as I only gave them a few hours to their job. I take full responsibility for any and all mistakes in this fanfic. This note will be removed after the story’s issues are fixed.)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 4 )

Hail Satanic Flurry Heart! And congrats to Shining for not just being a terrible dad, but apparently a terrible husband and damned soul as well. :rainbowlaugh:


Some constructive criticism would be appreciated as well. It is my first ever fanfiction on this site after all. I want to improve so my next one is even better.

I liked the story, concept, events in the story, and the unique idea about Shining Armor going to hell. (My "Too Many Shining Armors" submission/sequel was based on a large quantity of him being terrible within the rules of the contest, for some form of terrible. Though I guess this is more of a "The Good Place" like situation where it's easy to get sent to hell if Cadance was sent there for double dipping.)

https://www.fimfiction.net/writing-guide has useful advice in general.

https://www.fimfiction.net/writing-guide#Show-versus-tell has examples of ways how to show how a character is feeling (body language, actions, thoughts, etc) instead of stating it, though that's personal preference and both have their uses.

https://www.fimfiction.net/writing-guide#Dialogue has examples of dialogue. Your story has proper dialogue, and it's obvious from context who's saying what. In English (though repetition is standard in a few languages, on an unrelated note), excessive repetition of "said" or excessive forms of some repetition is discouraged by some style guides. It's mixed somewhat with asked/shouted/declared/etc in your story already, though parts of it had "said" a few times in a row. There are synonyms such as stated/questioned/implored/interrogated/yelled/etc that can be used when appropriate, but don't force it. Again, that's subjective. https://maxonwriting.com/2016/01/11/being-a-better-writer-said-and-other-repetitive-words/ (first google result for a search about "said")

https://www.fimfiction.net/writing-guide#Lavender-Unicorn-Syndrome also mentions ways to avoid repetition of names. If a single paragraph follows a single character, then repeating the names (in a paragraph) can be avoided when it's unambiguous.

Shining Armour’s jaw dropped at that statement. “You’ve got to be kidding me! Has the whole Underworld gone mad?” asked Shining Armour as he shouted hysterically.

Shining Armour’s jaw dropped at that statement. “You’ve got to be kidding me! Has the whole Underworld gone mad?” he asked, shouting hysterically.

“Oh thank goodness! I thought you might never see reason!” declared Shining Armour. “Come on Flurry. Let’s blow this popsicle stand and get you out of that ridiculous outfit,” said Shining Armour.
“Oh thank goodness! I thought you might never see reason!” declared Shining Armour. “Come on Flurry. Let’s blow this popsicle stand and get you out of that ridiculous outfit.”

https://www.grammarly.com/blog/comma/ underuse was distracting in a few places, though it can be subjective - Some writers use grammar checkers such as google docs or https://languagetool.org/ (or another word processor, if set up for it) to suggest places where this can be added or other grammar issues can be fixed. (I generally ignore suggestions for dialogue when the dialogue is written the character would say it, obviously)
That catches some issues, but not all, but the remaining missing commas may be subjective.

- "Meanwhile back in Hell" -> "Meanwhile, back in hell"
- "but there’s a mortal soul on the run and we" -> "but there’s a mortal soul on the run, and we"
- " make her part demon so" -> " make her part demon, so"
- afterall -> after all
- first born -> firstborn
- realizing and realising are both used, pick one
- chock full -> chock-full

- Thankfully, the judges and most readers don't care about the Armor/Armour show spelling (I asked in the "Shining Armor is a Terrible Dad" forum).

“No, I refuse! I demand to speak to the one in charge!” declared Shining Armour.

ICR what comic strip, the devil replied



Thank you for your very brutal, but at the same time very honest and helpful feedback. Truthfully, I kind of procrastinated on this fanfic. By the time I was done there were only a few hours left until the competition deadline. It’s a dang miracle that I finished this in time. That being said, please don’t blame the editor for any of the mistakes in this fanfic. I only gave the editor like 2 hours to do their job. So any shortcomings in this fanfic are ultimately my own fault. I’m willing to admit when I screw up.

Sorry that this response took so long. A bunch of stuff that I’d rather not get into happened. I was really busy for awhile, but my schedule is finally starting to clear itself up now. Anyways, your feedback is very helpful and appreciated. I plan to edit this fanfic to fix some of its issues now that the contest is over. Once again, thank you for taking the time to give your valuable feedback.

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