• Member Since 8th Jul, 2018
  • offline last seen Sunday

Lunatic God

I may stand there with 22 ping, but know that my widowmaker is reloading shells, I'm listening to voice chat as if I'm not lagging, and I'm watching my ping get higher than the age of the universe


Sometimes time travel is possible. Sometimes it goes wrong. Sometimes a futuristic soldier goes on a killing spree to reach the time machine to get back home. It happens. What doesn't happen is time travel, into another fucking dimension, with a futuristic soldier, with a couple of enemies-- oh what am I kidding he's being followed by an army of *Spartan-like Civil Security hell-bent on his destruction, heavily armored and geared bird-like Falkok, and HUNDREDS OF ALIENS WITH GREEN LASER ROCKETS AND BIGASS RAIL GUNS.

That doesn't pair well with friendship. Or Non-Violence. Or anything to do with harmony. Maybe a certain filly can change his mind? Maybe convince him to try a different, nicer way? I dunno, read to find out!

Originally based on Plasma Burst 2 by Eric Gurt.
*Halo Spartans

Chapters (24)
Comments ( 33 )

Wait what? There are more pone lovers who play this game than I thought.

wow i played this game when i was like 10 on arcadeprehacks

It’s pootis spencer here. POOTIS!

Oh my god... Its fookin plasma burst! Oh god that wave of nostalgia is hitting me like a goddamn truck! I hope I wont be disappointed

Any ideas on this?

Yeah call my Bionicle OC and he'd enjoy taking on them ghosts even if he couldn't kill them he could still take away their advantage.

Out of all games you could've used, Plasma Burst. You are a genius.

Wait a minute... id recognize that picture anywhere! Its plasma burst!

It wasn't until I searched for the game when I realized what it was. I've been trying to find it for years, I just didn't remember the name.

Luna has good taste in games. She'd love to recreate the Crucible if not the BFG 9K.

Oh you haven't seen anything yet. I think.


HAHAHHAAHA...I miss those games...most don't work on there anymore

Also..I like how thr end of this chapter was a Rudolf the red nosed reindeer refrence

Also...I find that it's easier to think of cute things and all that after about an hour of slaying demons and raiders from other games..so doom eternal would be a bit of a stronger feeling I think

This is the most confusing thing I've ever read

Heh I guess that's what tends to happen when I get into the zone 😅

A space engineers AND entropy zero 2 crossover, all in one story?


It's pretty cool to see some Roblox crossover here😏

Read the title and description. Something tells me this was either written in the 9th zone, on drugs, effected by sleep deprivation, or some combination of these 3…

Hey, uhh. I added this in a group that I joined, and I wanted you to publish new chapters.

Don't worry, I'm working on it!

..Just not nearly as fast as I should be :twilightblush:

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