• Published 6th Mar 2024
  • 225 Views, 8 Comments

Equestria Girls: The Contest of Champions - Time Agent pony

Dropped into a contest and their entire earth on the line Twilight and the others must fight not just for themselves but for the fate of their entire world

  • ...

Chapter 4

Twilight and Tommy regained conscious, they were right back where they started, back in their cell.

Tommy immediately looked for his stolen keycard, only to find that it had been taken.

"I guess we have no choice now," Twilight sighed, "we have to play along, there is no other option."

"Looks that way," Tommy replied, "but something doesn't feel right, Spiral should have destroyed us for attempting to escape, but she didn't, why?"

"And what did she mean 'we'll be grateful for this'?" Twilight added, "they're clearly hiding something from us."

"But what?" Tommy stated, "what would be gained from all this?"

The two were interrupted by the announcers, the contest had been going while the two had attempted to escape.

"Now, it's time to switch things up!"

"Ooo, a shake up and some added spice to keep the audience watching?"

"Indeed, my co-commentator."

"I'm intrigued, tell me more."

"Well, this next fight will be different, it's time for a TAG TEAM."

"Alright, very interesting so who are the lucky tag teamers?"

"It's between masters of martial arts, on one side we have Son Goku & Prince Vegeta vs. Iron Fist & Shang Chi, Master of Kung Fu."

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's get this show on the road."

Shortly, the four combatants appeared in the arena, staring each other down.

In the VIP box.

"I sense great power from these ones," Grandmaster said, "they may provide a true spectacle."

"I assure you," said a voice, "the Saiyans will put on a show like no other."

The voice belonged to Lord Beerus, the god of destruction, he and his assistant Whis were one of the gods from various other earths that had been invited by the Grandmaster.

As soon as he had arrived, Beerus had immediately made a beeline for the refreshments, as he had an immense fascination with foods of all kinds.

"I can vouch for them as well," Whis nodded, "those two are best of the best from our Earth."

"Well, then," The Grandmaster replied, "hopefully, if they are as powerful as you say, our mysterious backers will be pleased."

Back with Twilight and Tommy.

The two watched as the fight started, the four contenders both using their respective fighting styles.

Goku and Vegta fought in perfect harmony, both not holding back using very ounce of strength.

Their opponents likewise did the same, using very ounce of power and skill to try and find an opening to strike.

After a while, the two eventually reached a stalemate, nether having gained or lost any advantage over the other.

"Man," Tommy said, "those two's fighting style is wild, like nothing I've seen before."

"No kidding," Twilight nodded.

Just then the announcers started up again.

"Looks like we've reached a standstill, folks"

"Indeed, unless these Saiyans have a trick up their sleeves, we may just have to go into sudden death."

Suddenly, Goku and Vegeta began radiating energy, there was a blinding flash of blue and when it subsided both Saiyans had changed, their hair had become blue and blue energy surged around them.

Back in the VIP box.

"What in the world?!" The Grandmaster exclaimed, "those twos power levels are off the charts!?"

"Indeed, brother," The Collector agreed, "their way over 9,000!"

"Way over 9,000?!" The Grandmaster replied, shocked, "theres no way that can be right, it can't!?"

"Told you so," Lord Beerus smiled,

The two brothers looked at Beerus and Whis, a look of utter shock and disbelief on their faces.

"I hope you and your audience are ready for a true show, from some true champions," Lord Beerus proclaimed.

Back with Twilight and Tommy.

"That's incredible," Tommy said, "those two's combined power just exploded, I can feel it from here."

"Amazing," Twilight murmured, "I wonder how they would do against Superman."

Back in the arena.

Goku and Vegeta, now in their powered up forms of Super Saiyan Blue, otherwise known as, Super Saiyan god Super Saiyan, faced down Iron Fist and Shang Chi.

The two heroes charged at the two, using all their skills and all their abilities.

The two Saiyans seemed to have gotten stronger, the attacks barely phasing them.

Soon Iron Fist and Shang Chi began to get tired and slow down.

Seeing their opening Goku and Vegeta took it.

After a few quick strikes, the two Saiyans launched two powerful ki attacks to finish them off.

Like before, Iron Fist and Shang Chi were teleported away before the attacks could hit.

"Whoo! Yeah! Now that's what I call a show!"

"Indeed, that was truly spectacular."

"Well, what do you say we keep the tag team train rolling?"

The crowd roared in answer.

"Alright, then, on with the show."

"Next up, will be a battle of the machines: Penny Polendina & Jenny Wakeman vs Aigis & Labrys."

"In that case, let get ready for a robo rumble!"

Moments later, the four robotic combatants materialised in the arena.

"Be sure to keep your eyes peeled, folks, after that last fight nothing is as it seems."

"Indeed, be ready for anything."

The crowd was practically beside itself with anticipation.

With that, the match started, the four beginning to launch attacks at each other.

Penny and Jenny, at first, seemed to have the upper hand, due to their versatility and manoeuvrability.

Seeing that they were getting nowhere, Aigis and Labrys nodded to each other, they knew what they had to do.

"Persona!" they both cried.

In an instant, two mechanical ethereal figures appeared behind Aigis and Labrys.

"Well, well, well, looks like our two attractive automatons have summoned their personas."

"Say Bug, what is a Persona? Asking for a friend."

"Well, since you asked, a Persona is the manifestation of one's shadow or one's repressed self once it has been accepted the user can summon it to aid him or her in battle."

Now that Aigis and Labrys's Personas, named Athena and Ariadne, had been summoned, Aigis and Labrys reengaged their opponents.

Penny and Jenny tired their hardest to attack as well as defend, but they were effectively fighting four opponents now.

They fought as hard as they could, but eventually Penny and Jenny were overwhelmed by the two Persona users.

Like clockwork, Penny and Jenny both were teleported away before the finishing blow could hit.

The contest continued on with fight after fight after fight.

As Twilight and Tommy watched the fights, Twilight noticed that some of the fights were incredibly one sided.

"Some of these fights are so unfair," she noted, "why hasn't anyone released that?"

"I think that fact that it hasn't been caught," Tommy replied, "means that the ones running this whole thing, are willing to do anything to make it more entertaining."

"Like messing with the fight brackets?" Twilight said, after some thinking.

"Exactly," Tommy nodded.

Just then, Spiral, along with some guards, approached their cell door.

"Your on," she barked, pointing at Twilight, "move it."

The guards grabbed Twilight, pulling her out of the cell and dragging her towards the arena.

Once they were close, her ring and geode were returned to her, after which she was teleported into the arena itself, by Spiral.

Twilight shielded her eyes from the sudden brightness of the arena.

"In this corner, we have the bearer of the Starheart Twilight Sparkle"

Seconds later, her opponent appeared on the opposite side, a purple anthropomorphic cat in an ornate dress with a stoic look on her face.

"And in this corner, we have the Guardian of the Sol Emeralds and protector of the Sol Zone, the fiery feline, Princess Blaze the Cat."

Twilight assumed her best battle stance, waiting for the signal

As soon as the fight began, the cat rocketed straight at Twilight, apparently she was a pyrokinetic.

Twilight responded by blocking the cat with a shield from her ring.

The cat threw blast after blast from her hands, trying to break through Twilight's defence.

Twilight managed to maintain her shield, which eventually began to make her opponent tired.

Seeing an opening, Twilight, using her ring along with her geode, managed to immobilise her opponent and then hurl her across the arena, slamming into one of the walls.

The crowd cheered, Twilight was worried that she might have gone overboard and was prepared to deal the finishing blow.

As the fight raged, back in the VIP box the Grandmaster and the Collector watched.

"This proving to be a most enjoyable show," The Grandmaster remarked.

The Collector was about to answer, but was interrupted by Topaz.

"Master," he said.

"What is it, Topaz?" The Grandmaster replied, "we're enjoying a good show, here."

"You have a call," Topaz answered.

"Put it on hold," The Grandmaster retorted, "I don't want to miss a moment of this."

"It's Mr. Mojo on the line," Topaz insisted.

The Grandmaster groaned, he hated dealing with the inhabitance of the Mojoworld in particular its ruler Mojo.

"Put him through," he grumbled.

The face of Mojo appeared on a screen.

"Grandmaster, GM, baby!" Mojo declared, "I do hope I'm not interrupted anything."

The Grandmaster grumbled.

"Anyway," Mojo continued, "I just wanted to call to offer congrats, the rating are off the charts."

"Get to the point," Grandmaster insisted.

"Mmm, touchy," Mojo remarked, "is that any way to thank me? It was because of me that your little contest is even happening, it was because that you were able to get all the combatants and don't forget you signed a binding contract."

Mojo pulled out a piece of paper.

"The contract," he said, "clearly stats that in exchange for the rights to use my number one guy, Longshot, Mojo Media will be given exclusive broadcasting rights for the Contest of Champions."

"Where exactly is this going?" The Grandmaster deadpanned.

"Oh, I'll tell you where this is going..." Mojo began.

The conversation was saved from going any further, as an explosion from arena drew the attention of everyone.

Back in the arena, Twilight's fight with Blaze, had really began to heat up.

As Twilight had prepared to deal the finishing blow, Blaze had unleashed her full power, her Burning Blaze Form.

Now, Twilight was trying her hardest to staying alive, switching between attacking and defending.

She finally saw an opening and managed to put a dome construct over Blaze, completely immobilising her.

However, Blaze wasn't one to be contained so easily, she blasted the dome with powerful fire attacks.

Twilight strained under the pressure, she had to maintain her concentration so that the strength of the construct would hold.

She knew that, sooner or later, her opponent would burn up all the oxygen inside the dome.

Eventually, Blaze had managed to break out of the dome, although she looked defeated, drained and was gasping for air.

Twilight knew that she had to act fast, before her opponent could recover.

She summoned up a giant fist construct, which slammed into Blaze, knocking her out.

"And that's the end of that, everyone."

"True dat, Bug, on with the show."

Twilight didn't have time to rest as she was teleported back to her cell with Tommy, her geode and her ring taken off of her again.

The contest continued on, with more and more fights.

Twilight's friends had their own battles: Rainbow Dash against Aisha, Fluttershy against Bubbles, Applejack against Sailor Venus, Rarity against S.P.D. Pink Ranger, Pinkie Pie against UniKitty, Midnight against Sub Zero and Sunset against Mal.

Twilight cheered her friends on in their fights, but not all of them were victorious, Fluttershy lost her fight with Bubbles, Midnight lost to Sub Zero and Pinkie Pie's fight ended in a draw, thus they were both disqualified.

Twilight was slightly worried for her friends, but Tommy was on hand to comfort her.

"Don't worry," he said, "I'm sure that when this is all over everything that happened here will be undone."

"What are you basing that on?" Twilight asked.

"Well," Tommy replied, "we saw that defeated combatants aren't killed, they keep them frozen in stasis, there has to be a reason."

"That's right," Twilight murmured, "we saw that when we escaped, but why keep the defeated combatants around?"

Her train of thought was interrupted by the commentators.

"Ladies, Gentlemen, beings of all ages, we are down to our last few combatants!"

"That's right, Bug, we're in the end game now."

Twilight and Tommy looked at each other, they knew they would have to fight as hard as they could, the fate of their Earths depended on it.

Comments ( 3 )

Another great job on the dialogue, characterizations, action and future chapter set-up. Definitely appreciated Twilight and Tommy's reflections on how things were going in the tournament as well as Goku and Vegeta's tag team fight (and ironic callback to the number of times Superman and Goku have fought in various fan series). The chats between the tournament's organizers were also good material. And Twilight's fight with Blaze and reflection on her friends' fights were also rather good.

VERY MUCH looking forward to more of this.

Once again, thank you for the comment and the support:twilightsmile::raritywink: and sorry for the delayed release of this chapter:twilightblush:

Quite all right. I know real world concerns come first.

And you are quite welcome.

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