This story is a sequel to Pipp's Snuggle Session
While you and Pipp wait patiently for Sunny and the others to arrive to the Crystal Brighthouse, you noticed that she's more eager than she usually is about something. You would soon find out when she can't handle her patience for another second.
Oh my gosh, this is so cute... Also don't worry about not releasing this until after Christmas my friend. I'll just it's that gift that was hiding behind the tree all along.
Very lovely. Pipp deserves all the stories.
Was expecting the Sunny fic, but having more Pipp love isn't too bad either.
Yeah, I had this idea while making the Sunny fic and I decided to make it first because of the Holiday season.
But don't worry, the Sunny fic is guaranteed to be next this time.
Awesome. Can't wait to read that.
Marefriend? What about Zipp in Stormed Right into Your Heart? Didn’t her and Anon develop a bit of boyfriend/girlfriend relationship at the end?
These stories don't take place in the same universe
What do you mean? They both take places in locations in Equestria
What do you mean? They both take place in locations within Equestria.
Yes, they do take place in the same locations. But not the same universe.
Take RunicTreetops for example. They write many Anon x Pony stories of many different ponies. But they all aren't connected.
To put it simply, none of my stories (Minus Pipp's Snuggle Session and Pipp's Holiday Snuggle Session) are sequels.
Sorry, I’m kind of new to the site. I really like your stories. But do you think you could specify a bit on the same location but different universe thing?
Okay. Maybe saying that same locations, but different universes is a bit much.
What I'm trying to say is that Pipp's Snuggle Session is NOT a sequel or a prequel to Stormed Right Into Your Heart. They are their own separate stories that have no connection to one another like many fics on this site.
nice work