• Member Since 16th Jul, 2020
  • offline last seen 26 minutes ago


The Second Biggest MLP G5 Apologist under Admiral Producer



After a long and stressful Friday at your current job at Maretime Bay. You come home to the Crystal Brighthouse with the intent of letting off some steam by relaxing and taking a nap. Unfortunately, you have trouble falling asleep in order to take said nap. But luckily, your marefriend Pipp Petals knows how to deal with that.

Edit: Now with an audio reading by Mystery Pony Fiction!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 9 )

The story itself, cute. The cover art for this story makes it even more adorable.

Now that is totes adorable.

nice work:twilightsmile:

This was adorable.

So who is up next? Sunny? Izzy? A Sunny Izzy cuddle combo?

I want to do another story like that or with Posey or Misty, But I can't since I want to focus on my current series at the moment.

Mm, a Posey fic would be nice to see. She needs a break from all the shenanigans that keep happening to her. :twilightsmile:

A Misty romance would also be awesome to see! She could use some love as well as a hug! :twilightsmile:

This story is absolutely amazing, the fellow in this story is one lucky chap, having Pipp as his marefriend and a cuddle session, everypony's....or in his case everyone's....dream come true.

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