• Member Since 8th Jul, 2021
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Clopfic Appreciator


Comments ( 11 )

I dig it

Perhaps it's only tangentially related to the story, but I really don't like some authors' tendency (in other fandoms as well) of making tomboyish female characters trans.


Tomboys are a national treasure and must be protected at all costs.

Eh, people have their headcanons. I like canon Zipp a lot, but for this story, I went with another idea that I also liked.

That was really cute and sweet. :yay:

“Zipp’s not my marefriend,” Hitch says automatically.

ahaha love the double meaning here

Hitch nods and walks over to check the note. It’s clearly from Zipp, no question. It’s written in the pegasus’ jaunty but clear script, with their signature magenta ink, on their personal stationery. Not the fancy stuff with “From the Desk of HRH Zephyrina Storm” at the top in gilt lettering – most of those pads were packed up in a box and hidden in the Brighthouse’s basement when Zipp and Pipp moved in, with a few given to Izzy who was awestruck by the quality of royal stationery and its possibilities for papercraft – but the ones with just Zipp’s crowned lightning mark in the corner. The note is a short one:

i adore this foray into royal stationery, i love details like this!

Hitch: Just received confirmation that my package is coming in today. I really want to show it to you. See you tonight. – Z.

ahaha love the double meaning here

“Yeah, about that...” Hitch starts, then stops whe he sees Sunny looking at him, head tilted quizzically; he needs to have this talk with his friend soon, but this isn't the right place.

oof yeah, that timing is always awkward

Ponies tend to underestimate how perceptive Hitch is, as if understanding ponies wasn’t an important part of a sheriff’s work.

so true

But where Sunny is natural and carefree, Pipp coy and flirtatious, and Izzy flashes other ponies with careless abandon when she roots through some pile of junk, Zipp makes sure nopony gets more than the slightest glimpse of her vulva.

that is certainly a consequence of this civilization of nudist ponies

Hitch stifled his urge to laugh as he looked at Zipp. As funny as he found the situation, he felt they might take it the wrong way. “That’s the weirdest and possibly the most flattering thing you’ve ever asked me, Zipp,” he said. “Uh, sure, why not?”

that is indeed very weird and flattering!

Zipp, looking up from their notebook, finally noticed his flagging interest when his erection started to droop, no longer as firm and fully engorged as before.

aww too bad Hitch doesn’t have the good taste to have a fetish for someone taking notes about his bits

(He gave it to Sunny, originally, which is ironic given how many times he had to lock her up in the jail for causing public disturbance, vandalizing Canterlogic property, and other activism-related charges.)

that is indeed ironic

Hitch has, in fact, noticed Queen Haven’s rather large teats, though he has not mentioned it to Zipp. He nods cautiously, as the pegasus continues.

ahaha what a line

He can’t stop his first thought coming out. “I thought I was bigger than that?”

ahahahaha love that this is his first thought

They, uh, also changed the details a bit, so it’s not exactly the same. I asked them to do it. I… I don’t know, it felt wrong somehow to just duplicate you. Like I was appropriating something. And it wouldn’t have felt right, anyway. This is my cock, now, not just a copy.”

aww, that is an important thing to do!

Sure, he did fool around with some of his male friends back when he was a teen, but doesn’t everypony?

ah heteronormativity

He replies in a slightly shaky voice. “I’m feeling stuffed. How… nnnhh… how do you manage me?”

really makes you think

With a whinny of pleasure, Hitch cums hard; the towel catches most of his spurting seed and is soon soaked with thick stallion cream. Zipp’s nostrils widen as they catch the musky scent of his jizz, and the knowledge that they have fucked it out of this big, handsome stallion now writhing and moaning beneath them is what makes their sex clench hard as the best orgasm they’ve had in ages explodes through them.

hell yeah

He laughs. “That sounds good. But before that, I’m going to fuck your ass, while you’re wearing this. What do you say, detective? Is it a deal?”

Zipp pretends to consider Hitch’s words carefully, but their perked-up ears tell him everything he needs to know about their opinion on the idea before they open their mouth. “It’s a deal,” they say, and giggle as Hitch leans in to kiss their cheek.

ahaha the use of “detective” here is perfect! and aww, this was so sweet! i almost wish there were more clop entries in the contest just so i could say this one was the best of them without that being hollow. thank you for writing this necessary contribution to the literature!


ahaha love the double meaning here

Thanks! I had fun playing with those in this story.

i adore this foray into royal stationery, i love details like this!

Again, thanks! I'm kinda proud of that section, because it's a funny bit of setting detail, a reminder that Zipp and Pipp come from a super-privileged background compared to their friends, and shows Zipp being uncomfortable with all the princess stuff.

that is certainly a consequence of this civilization of nudist ponies

"We don't normally wear clothes." :ajsmug:

ahahahaha love that this is his first thought

Hitch doesn't want to admit it out loud, but he's kinda vain about his looks. I mean, not without a reason, but still!

ahaha the use of “detective” here is perfect!

It's a great way for Hitch to address Zipp! I think I picked it up from the comics.

i almost wish there were more clop entries in the contest just so i could say this one was the best of them without that being hollow. thank you for writing this necessary contribution to the literature!

You're welcome, and thank you for the comment slash mini-review!

I know this has been out awhile now, but I just read it, and wow! I love this so much. I love transmasc Zipp quite a bit, and I’d love to read more about their journey to being a stallion. :twilightsmile:

Thank you! This is probably the best story I've written, and if I get a sufficiently good idea, I'd love to write a continuation for it.

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