• Published 18th Dec 2021
  • 1,798 Views, 19 Comments

Realistic - Bendy

In this story, you are an evil rapist. The first pony you see you attempt to rape them. However, it turns out to be rather realistic.

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Comments ( 19 )

since she was currently not pelvis-shattering anyone, and 1000 years is a standard sentence, does that mean that in the last 1000 years not a single pony was raped?

I guess so. It is implied Twilight can clone herself. Since the human passed by a doorway and saw another Twilight.

I wanted to make fun of rape fics. The story was a long time coming.

Story called Realism. Written by Bendy
I knew only the idea would be realistic. The story is as fun and weird as usual.

The angry glare on Twilight's face vanished, replaced with a look of horror, her jaw-dropping. “Oh, I’m so sorry. You weren’t a rapist. I should have scanned your brain beforehand. It was negligence on my part. Can you forgive me?”

Not after mindraping me. Just kill me dammit! And no more funny business with my brain!

Well now, this is a little out of your wheelhouse. Also, has anyone thought of taking a sledgehammer to the statue of Rapecord and turn him into road gravel?

Considering my rather infamous reputation. I don't think my username alongside realistic makes sense. XD

Now that you mention it. She did kind of breach his privacy. But at the same time though, she did save his pelvis.

That would be risky. It may unleash him back into the world.

I don't get it. I was expecting more from you Bendy. Not your best work. I still love you long time bb

“The only other alternative is death, I'm afraid. Rapists are not tolerated in Equestria. Too many foals and innocence alike have been ravaged by evil members of your race,” she said sternly, before speaking softly. “But you don't have to worry about that. You will find your treatment in Equestria satisfactory. Good, non-evil humans like yourself have mares lining up to you. In fact, I want to mate with you. To say how sorry I am for nearly raping you.“

Why the Hell does it have to be our kind? Why can't ponies be the evil rapists for once?!

Not that I really want that. But I'm getting f******* tired of having our race be depicted as the "bad guys" to the ponies eyes. Much less of being "weak" to them. We can be Super Strong/Power too.

Edit: Oh yeah, I'm remembered that some of your stories do have the ponies being evil rapist freaks! ( And definitely Xenophobic/Misanthrope jerks. )

That must be pretty painful though for a crack bone. I know how I felt when a bone crack on my ankle it was pretty painful.

This story is clearly a joke. Not very well liked joke but a joke on the less.

Most of my stories have ponies being good. The same case for humans. This story is simply making fun of rapefics.

I imagine it would be terrible. Imagine a thousand years of it?

Xenophobes & misanthropes (Such as myself) have their reasons for their opinions.

It is exactly what I said it means.

hahahaha what?

this was good. I'm glad my pelvis isn't gonna be shattered for 1000 years.

She was quite literally the size of a full-blown African elephant.

Possibly the best line I've read in a fic in a while.

Yep, your pelvis is safe.

I wanted to make fun of rapefics.

Looks at the downvotes. Yikes. XD

She was quite literally the size of a full-blown African elephant.

Many of my stories have super-thick big ponies. In some, they even grow bigger.

And I love you for that reference.

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