• Member Since 9th Sep, 2019
  • offline last seen 24 minutes ago


May take a while, but I'll complete my stories one at a time. Find me also on youtube and wattpad.

Comments ( 36 )

I Enjoyed the first chapter it's been awhile since I've seen a displace fic

All right we'll see where this goes

What made you decide to make this an anthro ponies story?

When I saw the title, I thought it was the Skyrim kind of dragonborn, but now I see its the baldur's gate 3 version.

Into my library you go!

Been a long while since I read a new displaced fic, can't wait to see how it develops. Love the cover art, by the way.

Hey Astral,

Very nice introduction. I've always liked displaced stories, and this looks like it's setting up to be a good one.

You definitely have me curious about who this Dragonborn guy is, as well as what got him into Sombra's cells and what will lead him to bust out. Could it be Sombra's Season 3 defeat, leading to him meeting with the Mane Six?

No need to tell me, :raritywink:, I'll be excited to see what happens when you post the next chapter.

Thanks for sharing. :twilightsmile: 👍

Having trouble continue the story?

No. I just keep getting distracted by life.

Fair enough, had to ask out of concern.

I know this will sound dumb, but who?

A couple of errors. "Lokking" should be 'Looking' and worms should be spelt Wyrm, unless you literally meant worms and not the dragon wyrms?

This part.
The stallion just laughed. "If we were scared of you and not used to seeing dignitaries from other nations, we would have left you outside of the barrier at the mercy of the winter wolves, frost worms, and the occasional frost elemental. Now, how about we head inside so that you can get dressed and then we can have proper introductions." With that, the three of us went back into the farmhouse.

Sorry about your internet going down, buddy, :ajsleepy: but I'd say this was worth the wait. 👍

Nice to have a name to our hero now; Valx definitely has the makings of an interesting hero, and I'm curious what role Lilly and Crys are going to play. Will they be minor roles that quickly get left behind as Valx goes on his adventure. Or will they perhaps play a bigger role yet to come?

I look forward to finding out when the next chapters drop. :pinkiehappy:

Until then, thanks for reading.

First off, I'm sorry about your internet being down. Second off, this chapter was worth the wait.

I don't know I heard Dumber the plan more likely that I'm going to work out

...A timeskip and quite alot has happen that you had tell the reader about it instead of showing.

Ever heard of the phrase "Show, don't tell." ? Instead of explaining in narration to the reader, you could have shown in story by having Sombra call Scarlet his son when addressing him.

I thought the Dragonborn was from The Elder Scrolls, not Dungeons and Dragons.

There is a race in DnD called Dragonborn, a race of humanoid shaped dragons.

What's his class? I have a feeling that if he is a spellcaster, something will go wrong.

Barbarian(path of the giant)/Monk(way of the astral self, but it's more like 2018 Raph's mystic power)

For other readers: only look if you want to be spoiled

I sense we're getting closer to the reason why our hero started the story in Sombra's dungeon.

The name 'Gem Pie' makes me wonder if he's related to Pinkie Pie in any way. He's certainly got the positive attitude.

And I also like Scarlet Fury's background, and how even though he's Sombra's 'son', in a sense, he's still his own person.

Great characters; I'll be interested to see what you do with them.

Thanks for sharing. :twilightsmile: 👍

Assuming that this is LV6, a lot of stats need to be high for a ... usable build, as the unarmored defense does not stack, but I see what you're going for. 15 feet range unarmed attacks are ok, but because of the need for high Str, Dex, Con, and Wis, you will not be able to get Sentinel. Even then, that needs a weapon for all of the effects. So if this is a character you have and not in an active game, I recommend you change one of the classes to an Echo Knight Fighter. If you remove the monk, you only need to worry about Str and Con. If you remove Barbaren, you can at least stop working about Str (God, monk sucks)

NP, I'm sorry for nerding out so hard. I just saw a lot of problems with the classes. More accurately a lot of issues with monk in gen

What could Sombra be planning, I look forward to it.

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