• Member Since 9th Sep, 2019
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


May take a while, but I'll complete my stories one at a time. Find me also on youtube and wattpad.

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Mikashaia, a fan of Mobile Suit Gundam and My Little Pony, went to their first BuildCon with a repainted gunpla (or Gundam Plastic Model) of the Gundam Barbatos Lupus Rex. While there, he found out that the main weapon of the gunpla had been damaged when he got there. As he was looking around the stands, he came across a person dressed as Amuro Ray selling custom weapons. He found a pair of swords that went perfectly with his gunpla. He purchased them and then got knocked unconscious by some unknown force and woke up in Canterlot Castle.

Thought this up when noticing that none of the stories that are based around Gundam involved a human turning into a gunpla. So I thought why not?

First story on this site so no saying that this sucks or anything like that. If you don't like it, that's fine by me. Constructive criticism is allowed.

For the cover: replace the blue with green and change the yellow on the "tail" to green as well. I added in the closeup of the face to show green as normal and red as the rage filled eyes.

Partially based on Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans.

This is a displaced story. If you don't like that kind of thing, you can just leave this alone. No planned crossovers yet.
There will be a time jump from the prologue to chapter 1.

(Alt. Universe tag explanations: Takes place during the show. Sunset Shimmer lives in Ponyville and the mirror portal doesn't exist. Nothing that happens in the human realm affects Equestria.)

Disclaimers: Mobile Suit Gundam belongs to Sunrise, My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro.

Gore, death, and violence tags explanation:
Now that would be telling wouldn't it?

Chapters (2)