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Well hot damn..... Now I want a sequel that was some top notch emotional shit.
That was... disturbing and messed up.
Wow, very nice!
I gots to know. Will he ever wake up?
i guess not,like Twilight said:
he is the only pony left who care for Cozy Glow,that mean Twilight doesn't give a sh*t about what happened to Cozy Glow,except Discord who can used her to manipulates for some dumb things,like boosting Flurry Heart confident this time
Twilight didn't get Stoned and having conscious right?No wonder why she can agree to do something so inhumane,even if he ask for it
Dang, stories about Cozy have a tendency to get weird, don't they?
Technically this story had no cozy in it so I dont think it counts as a cozy story
I would like to know if the two could really have talked when he became stone.
Wow dude, you almost got me to cry. Congrats.
seeing how she dealt with everything else... yeah.
that peabrain princess needs either guilt trip, complete submission, or dramatic speech. she's incapable at comprehending complex stuffs by herself.