• Published 12th Aug 2021
  • 287 Views, 16 Comments

Ashes and Embers - Bronycommander

When two worlds collide an innocent pony has to fight a war that isn't his to find his way home. But as he tries to solve the mystery of how he ended up in the alternate world he begins to question everything.

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Chapter 5: Dispite, distrust

As yet another blood curling wail erupted, Shade leapt into the air and flew upwards for a few meters, her eyes scanning the landscape. Fletcher tried his best to see where he was looking, but it was hard to tell what was drawing her attention.

“Oh, damn Celestia, not another one!” she cursed all of a sudden. “I thought there were only three!”

Fletcher looked down of the balcony, seeing to his surprise how a pink a Alicorn with blue eyes and a black mane with purple stripes fighting Crystal guards with her hooves and firing defensive spells from her horn.

The guards did their best at dodging but they never had seen anything like this, getting slowly taken out one by one.

Without a word or hesitation, Fletcher and Shade ran towards the corridors and exit, joined by Sombra, who somehow managed to remain calm and quiet despite the chaos erupting less than twenty meters from his castle. Fletcher found it unnerving, but didn’t say anything.

Some Elite Guards managed to build up a wall of shields around the Alicorn, regular guards behind them, as they encircled the mare.

Fletcher got a closer look at the colt, he was small, almost of Pip’s size. His green eyes were filled with terror, clutching the mare’s back with his little hooves as he shook with fear. His coat was orange, and his mane was red with orange stripes.

Shade gestured for Fray to stay back as the mysterious Alicorn put the colt behind her.

King Sombra walked over to the struggling Alicorn and her foal slowly, smiling at them both.

"Hello," he said softly.

She lashed out, sending a blast of magic in his direction, but he dodged it with ease. The guards continued to try to contain her, but he held up a hoof.

"Guards, lay down your weapons," he said simply. "Give the mare some space to breathe."

The guards all stepped back, allowing him to approach the mare. Her little colt cowered behind her, and her wings flared out to the sides as she glared at him, a sphere of magic surrounding both of them.

"Don't worry, I am not here to hurt either of you," he continued.

Moonlight stepped forwards, but he turned and shook his head at her. She nodded at him, allowing him to continue.

"I should warn you, the rumors you may have heard about the Crystal Empire and myself are vastly different from the truth. If you can please stop attacking me, I can explain everything."

She seemed to understand and folded her wings back by her sides as the pink translucent shield around her faded to nothing, allowing Sombra to walk closer. She whispered something to her foal, who nodded but still looked fearful.

Sombra was now by her side, a little dark magic surrounded that long spiraled unicorn horn atop his head as he continued to talk. Fletcher had no idea what Sombra was doing, but it seemed to work. She was no longer fearful, and whilst the foal was still clearly anxious, he was not quite as afraid once he saw his mother relaxing

"There you are. Good mare. Now listen carefully." The king seemed to smile slightly. “As I said, neither of us means harm, this is just a misunderstanding.”

“How about some warm tea to settle down?” Shade suggested, the mare and colt slowly nodded, following her, and Sombra into the castle, Fletcher close behind, looking puzzled at the new Alicorn.

Nonetheless, once in a guest room, with a servant bringing the ordered beverage, the two newcomers seemed to relax, gladly taking in the warmth of the tea.

“So…” The bat pony started, trying to find the right words, given the situation. “I am Moonlight Shade and this,” She pointed to Fletcher, who smiled weakly, “is Fletcher Fray, a current guest. And may I ask who you are?”

“Sparkling Medley.” The Alicorn replied.

With slight fear in his eyes, trembling, the colt stuttered, “I am Thunder K-Kicker. We were only enjoying a warm day and suddenly…a portal appeared and sucked us in.”

In response, Shade lowered her head, quietly sighing. Damn it, Celestia… she was sure the Princess of the Sun had her hooves in this.

“Shh, Kicker.” Medley wrapped her hooves around him.

Fletcher decided to take the word. “I know this is all sudden but you should try to calm down.”

“Yes, we have some guest rooms you could use.” The batpony offered, only for the pink mare to take a defensive stance with a distrustful expression.

“And why should I trust you, Sombra, an evil king? You just try to lure us into a false sense of security.”

Countering, Shade raised her hooves, “I assure you, we aren’t. We just want to help you, just we trying to help Fletcher.”

Sparking stayed silent for a moment, then her expression softened. “Even so, I would rather take help from Twilight and Celestia.”

Moonlight raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Oh, really? Celestia, who would rather have an innocent stallion killed than give him a chance to prove himself? Twilight, blinded by her own arrogance and her admiration of her princess? They won't help you."

"You're lying," the Alicorn said, raising her voice.

"I'm really not. I'm trying to make sure you don't get killed. But if you'd like to go and risk your life - and your foal's life, too," she added, glancing at the colt, "by all means, go ahead. I can't say if the train line is still open, but you can try."

The two were locked in a stalemate, glaring at each other for a minute or two, magic at the ready, wings spread out to the sides. But finally, the Alicorn gave a sigh, and lowered her head. "Fine, I'll stay here. But if you hurt even a hair on my son's head-"

"We won't."


Shade opened her mouth, only for Fletcher to raise a hoof. “It’s your decision, we don’t force you.”

Medley levitated her son on her back, nodding. “Good day.”

With that, she left, her host looking after her until she was out of sight.

“Why did you do that?” A slightly irritated female voice reached Fray’s ears, turning towards the batpony with slight surprise, who matched her expression. “You might have just given Celestia a big asset against us!”

“He did have a point, my little bat,” Sombra wrapped a hoof around her and spoke in a calming voice. “After all, you granted mercy to the Elements of Harmony.”

"Fine, I did, but still, she's an Alicorn who we don't even know and she's just going to be manipulated into fighting against us. With the Element Bearers, there was nothing either of us could do, and they already know how this world works, and... ugh," she sighed and facehoofed.

“I could try to keep an eye on her if things go pear-shaped.” The unicorn offered.

Sombra nodded. “Good idea, Fletcher, but first we need to think of a plan. Until then, why don’t you take a walk, have some fresh air and clear your cluttered thoughts?” His host offered and he nodded.

Outside, every crystal pony greeted him, which he returned, yet his mind was wandering. With Medley and Kicker being in the same situation as him, trapped in a foreign universe, there was no telling what could happen to them, especially with the threat of war breaking out.

“Excuse me, sir?” a male voice tore him out, being faced by a few Crystal Guards, who looked rather curious.

“Yes?” He asked, confused and surprised.

“You’re Fletcher Fray, right?” The stallion nodded. “You did quite put up a fight.”

This caused Fletcher to tense for the worst before the guard smiled. “Very impressive I must say, we sure could use someone like you on our side.”

“Uh…thanks?” Fray replied, totally caught off guard that the crystal guards were not mad at him at all.

“I guess they appreciate the experience, it’s the best teacher after all.” Ifrit commented flatly.

Nonetheless, Fray hoped the newcomers would be alright.

Medley walked with her son out of the room, then stopped as he looked concerned at her. “What’s wrong?”

“How are we gonna get to Ponyville, Mom? It’s a long way and the train might not work.”

“Don’t worry, Kicker, I got this. Climb on.” She lowered herself and once he was up, focused her magic for a teleport spell.

In a flash, they found themselves at the outskirts of Ponyville, although slightly staggering from the amount of energy and magic used. Then the mare cast another spell, and with another flash, she was dressed in a black sweater, covering her wings.

As they walked into the town, the looks of worried ponies caught their eyes, forcing them to realize how bad things were.

Yet they headed towards the library, regardless. Sparkling knocked on the door. As it opened to reveal a purple unicorn, a glint of hope sparked in their eyes.


“Pardon Miss, but me and my son are in need of help and we were told you would be our best bet.” Medley explained with a weak smile, her son did too.

“Oh, then come in, what is it?” Twilight led them into her library to the living room, where they sat down on a couch and brought some biscuits.

“Well, we are actually not from here. We’re lost.” Medley explained in awkwardness, “From another universe in fact.”

“W-what?!” Twilight could not believe what she heard.

“Yes.” With that, Medley took off the sweater, revealing her wings. “We were enjoying a warm day and suddenly, a portal appeared and sucked us in.”

She and the colt waited eagerly for the mare’s reply, who processed everything.

Then a nervous smile. “Um, I'd really love to help you, but right now I'm getting ready to go on a mission to the Crystal Empire to stop King Sombra, so I'm really busy. Maybe we can hang out some other time?”

Their hearts sank at her reply, with the Alicorn forcing a weak smile as she put the sweater back on- “I see, sorry to have bothered you then.”

She then left with Thunder behind, walking towards a park, sitting down on a bench, with her son snuggling against her. “What are we gonna do now, mom?” Kicker wondered, sniffing as he tried not to cry.

She stroked his head. “I don’t know…”

None of them could tell how much time passed before a voice tore them out. “Excuse me, Ma-am?” Both looked up to see a royal guard facing them.

“Yes?” The mare asked.

“Princess Celestia wishes to see you, if you would please follow me.” The guard pointed to a carriage and with hope, Medley and Kicker obeyed, getting in.

It was only a short flight to Canterlot, they were slightly trembling, out of bad memories and being nervous as they were led to the royal chambers.

Their eyes went wide to see the Princess watching them with a smile, but Luna was nowhere to be seen. They bowed out of respect.

“Rise.” Celestia spoke, her voice calm. “My student Twilight informed me about you, my condolences. But…” She started to sound curious. “Is what she said true?”

“Uhh, yes, I am an Alicorn.” Medley revealed her wings with slight unease, shivering.

“Fascinating,” She remarked, “But, I am afraid I got bad news. From what I gathered, it is most likely that King Sombra is what brought you here. And an Alicorn can be a powerful attribute to either side.” Celestia explained. “It would be for your own safety to stay in Canterlot.”

Despite the offer, the answer was clear for the pink mare. “With all due respect, your highness, this is not my war. I only want to go home with my son.” She tried to stay calm and the princess sighed.

“Then we shall have to do this the hard way to ensure Sombra won’t use you.” Celestia’s horn lit up with a golden aura and before Medley or Kicker could react, they suddenly felt sleep washing over them. They struggled, but their eyes felt heavy, slowly closing.

“I am so sorry, my little ponies, but I promise you, this is for the best. Sleep well and I shall make sure you are looked after properly.”

Sparkling glared at Celestia with the little strength she had left, and vowed to get revenge for using magic against her and her son. But she knew that there would be a struggle first.

Author's Note:

Sparkling Medely and KIcker belong to Captain_Cosmos