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Golden Shimmer

Sunset could not see who it was, but she knew exactly whose voice that was. “TWILIGHT! HELP!”

She heard a bunch footsteps running towards her. “Don’t worry Sugarcube, We’ll get you out of this!” Came Applejacks voice.

“I’m so sorry!” Sunset said, her voice laced with the demonic tone. “I didn’t mean to! I just couldn’t control my temper and, and.....” the demonic tone flickered for a moment. “....IM SO SORRYYYY!” She wailed. “Oh shut up, you pathetic, bitch!” Came the voice inside her head. Sunset shook her head in an attempt to get the voice out of her mind.

“Don’t you worry your pretty little head about a thing, Darling! It’s not your fault.” Rarity in a reassuring. “We are partially to blame, and a certain rainbow-haired band member wasn’t much help either.” Sunset couldn’t see it, but she could just imagine Rarity giving Rainbow Dash one of her signature glares.

“SUNSET, CAN YOU HEAR ME?! IM PINKIEPIE!!” Pinkie Pie shouted in Sunset’s demonic ear. Which the redheaded demon cringed under the unusual volume.

A smack could be heard in the hallway. “PINKIE! She’s not deaf, and SHE KNOWS WHO YOU ARE!” Came Rainbow’s voice. Then her tone changed as she focused back on Sunset. “Hey Sunset, I’m sorry for how I acted towards you earlier. I’d understand if you didn’t want to be friends anymore.”

“No, it’s okay, Dash. I may have been a little irrational. I’m probably partially at fault.” Sunset pushed her words out as she began to feel a little hot again.

“Sunset, I-“ Rainbow started, only to be caught off by Sunset Shimmer screaming as an intense heat overcame her once more. More glowing tears falling to the ground.

Sunset could only hear a tiny squeak from Fluttershy before she felt herself being sucked back into her demonic self.

The mane 6 could see how bad things were getting. The urgency to help Sunset fight her demonic self becoming more and more apparent. They too began to feel a 1/4th of the heat that was coming from both the sirens and Sunset Shimmer herself.

The first blaze was still surrounding the sirens, the intense heat growing stronger and stronger. Adagio attempted to get out from under it, only to be dragged back into the flaming heat of smoke. As Sunset became overtaken by the heat once more, the heat of the smoke around the sirens intensified. They were using all the magic they had to build some sort of barrier around them, but it did little to aid them. The burning heat mixing in with their own dark magic, making it even harder for even them to control and bear.

Sunset felt herself sinking back in, but she was not about to fall down that hole again. She scratch and kicked back, fighting for her sanity.

Around her, Twilight began to hold hands with the five girls that surround Sunset Shimmer. She closed her eyes and dug into the deepest part of her, concentrating the strong friendship she and her friends shared. “Sunset, I-“ Twilight began. She was thinking about the many friendships she has and how no matter what they would be strong. No matter which world she was in, she knew that from this world to the next, that they were inseparable, and that bond grows every second shes with them. That magic is something very special to be able wield within them. Then she thought about her times with Sunset Shimmer, how even though the girl did many things that are hard to forgive, she knows in her heart that friendship is the key to the answer. She smiled at the thought of seeing Sunset Shimmer smile along with all her friends and all the new ones that are sure to come.

“Sunset, I know that what you going through is hard for you. It is never going to be easy, you have a lot to learn, and you must listen to those around you. You are very polite and you never try to cross a line with anyone, even if you wanted to. Even now, in this state, you have called upon the elements of harmony and summoned help!” The demonic eyes flickered from demons eyes to normal Sunset eyes and back again to demon. It seemed to have been in surprise to here what Twilight had just said. “We were looking for you yes, but it was the element of harmony that led us to you. You did that yourself!” Twilight’s voice raised.

Next to Twilight, Applejack was thinking that same things. Only she was thinking of how she loved working out on the farm with Sunset Shimmer. No one had ever given any interest in farm work as much as the fiery haired girl did. To think she used to claim that she hated country folks is now pretty hard to believe. “Sugar, you make me lucky to know that I have new friend like you. You have really changed how I look at others, and I like when you share honest things about yourself to me. That trust is not always easy to earn from anyone.”

Alongside Applejack, Rarity was thinking about how she made Sunset Shimmer smile for the first time when she showed her the brand new dress that she made for her. The girl lost her favorite dress in the fall at the Formal. So she knew it would be her right to only make her a new dress that she’d love even more. “Darling, you are beautiful inside and out! You just don’t see it just yet.”

Pinkie Pie bounced in place next to Rarity. She had the biggest smile as she remembered how Sunset helped her bake all those cakes for a baby shower. She just loved to see Sunset having so much fun, and she wasn’t even a bad baker either. “SUNNY!” She exclaimed. “YOU HAVE THE BEST SMILE WHEN YOU ARE HAVING FUN! I LOVE BAKING WITH YOU AND I WISH TO DO IT MORE OFTEN! I’m so sorry for not doing it before the Fall Formal. I was, just afraid, and I know you can’t really excuse what you did, but now I I AM SO HAPPY TO GET TO CHANCE TO HAVE FUN WITH YOU TOO!” She giggled. Little colorful streaks of glowing lights begin to come out of each girl.

After Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash spoke up. She flew up into the sky as she to ponies up. She remember enjoying the time she spent with Sunset, teaching her how to swim and giving her tips on ways to make her a better runner. “Ah yeah, Shimmer! You’re the best when it comes to movies and video games! You’re really good at basketball, and you’ve got some nice soccer kicks. I love joggin’ with you. Having the same gym class as you is my favorite thing about school now. I used to hate your guts, but now I love hanging out with you!”

And finally, Fluttershy stepped forward, a small smile on her face as she looked up at Sunset’s demonic self. The shy girl thought about how she gentle Sunset Shimmer actually was to all the animals at the shelter and on the streets. Fluttershy loved to enjoy a nice nature walk with the fire-haired girl. She especially liked the part that the girl just looks so cute when she sees all the woodland creatures during the walks. “S-Sunset? The girl spoke. I like being able to talk to you about anything. No matter what it is, you always seem to have an answer for it. You are always encouraging me to follow my dreams and now I am working on my dream to build an animal sanctuary in the here in Canterlot!”

As the final element came to life, a golden spark within Sunset began at the tip of her head. The intense flaming heat around the sirens had begin to dissipate, Sunset could start to feel the darkness grow smaller. This allowed her to be able to speak again. “I-I don’t know where to begin. I can’t see any of you right now, but I know now that you will always be by my side to help me get through my struggles.”,she began. A new found confidence that she had not felt in such a long time began deer inside of her.

The dark demonic glow of her eyes disappeared. “I am so sorry for everything I have caused you girls. For all the bullying, the pain, and all the inexcusable treatment I have you all. For stealing your crown, something that I now regret ever putting a hand on, I am sooooo sorry.” She black in Sunset’s eyes disappeared, and she could now see everything clearly. Her beautiful aqua eyes could be seen once more, making her friends smile more.

“I know now that friendship is not just some made up thing that ponies and humans created just for the heck of it. It is very much real, and I am so lucky to start my journey to friendship with all of you!” The unicorn girl said. The intense heat disappearing. “Fluttershy, thank you so much for helping find a new best friend! I love him sooo much, and I never would have found him if it wasn’t for you. You are always so kind do me, even when I don’t deserve it!

Rainbow Dash, you are an amazing athlete, and now because of you, I have become an amazing swimmer! I love playing games with you, and I like when I win them, too.” Sunset giggled. “You are so loyal to me, even when I am difficult to understand.”

“Pink, I LOVE YOU RANDOMNESS! I’ve needed it in my life all this time and I never even knew it until now. Seeing your beautiful smile makes me smile too! I couldn’t ask for anything more!” Sunset began to grow a genuine smile. Her demonic form started chip away. The red smoke around the Dazzling was gone.

“Rarity, that dress you made me is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever had! It’s become my newest favorite. You give soooo much not to just the community, but even to someone like me, who treated you so horribly for 2 years straight! You really are an amazing friend!”

“AJ, working on the farm is something I’ve never experienced and never thought I’d ever fall in love with. I never thought I would think that a pink little piggy would be so cute! Tell Miss Piggy I said hi when you get home, and thank you for all of your honest opinions and advice. Having things sugarcoated didn’t help me much, and having an honest answer when I need it really helps! Thank you!”

“And Princess, you are an incredible leader! You are so strong, smart, and you know how to deal with difficult situations, such as myself. The magic of friendship literally glows from within you all the time and that’s what makes you special. I like being able to consult with you and I am lucky to have met such an amazing princess. I know that what ever comes your way, that you’ll do great in it.”

“EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU HAVE GIVEN ME SOMETHING NEW LOOK FORWARD TO! Something I never thought in a million years that I would EVER have a friend. Let alone 6! You girls are the best thing I’ve run into and I don’t know what I’d be doing with my life if it weren’t for you. I don’t deserve any of this, but I’m very thankful anyways. I know now that our friendship will only begin to grow more and more. THANK YOU!” Sunset Shimmer finished off, tears streaming down her face.


Then all ways silent for a second. Then Sunset was suddenly engulfed in a beautiful golden glow. It surrounded, lifting her high in the air, spinning her around. *POP!* A bright light shot from the glowing girl as the golden light vanished, leaving behind a ponified Sunset Shimmer in its place. She a brand new dress that complemented her complexion well. It was long and silky, barely weighing anything as it clung to her skin. Beautiful knee high boots warmed her feet, and her hair was thick with volume. Her beautiful curls were enhanced and bounced around as her head moved.

That was not the only thing, she also grew a beautiful pair of flaming wings, like the wings of a Phoenix. She smiled brightly for the first time ever, a smile not one of her friends had seen before. It was confident, strong, but it was of true happiness. The harmony within her glowed just as bright as it did all of her friends, if not more. Her demon form was no more. “FRIENDSHIP IS THE MOST VALUABLE AND THE MOST POWERFUL MAGIC THERE IS!” She exclaimed.

Then she looked over to were the Dazzlings where no longer suffering from intense fire heat, all the little red marks from the tendrils had disappeared, and they were now recovering from the event. She looked down at them, though this time not with a scowl or a glare. She looked at them with stern look. “And as you now can see, yes we are very tight.” She glanced over to her friends then back at the siren’s. “But our bond goes far beyond Amir little imperfections.”

With that, Sunset Shimmer would out of the hall way with her head up high, surrounded by all of her best friends. ‘Mmm, yes, this is the start to a long journey; but I could not be happier with the friends I have today.”

Back in the hallway, the sirens got up off the ground. Angry at the fact that things did not go according to her plan, Adagio began to March out of the dark place. “Come on girls, it’s our turn to go up on stage.”

“B-but-“ Sonata started, but she was cut off by Adagio. “Shut your mouth, you idiot!”

Then the yellow siren felt a hard smack across her face. “No! You are the idiot! Did you not just see that girl just whooped our asses? ALONE?! She could have FUCKING KILLED US IF IT WERE NOT FOR OUR MAGICAL GEMS!” Aria shouted angrily.

Adagio smacked her back. “How dare you hit me! I’m your leader!”

“Well if you don’t stop trying to get us killed, I’ll do it again!” Aria continued, Sonata hiding behind her. “Well go up on that stage with you just because we’re up next, but after that you better get your shit together, bitch!” She then turned to Sonata. In a softer tone she says, “Come on, Sonata, let’s go. We’ll meet her backstage.”

Then the two girls left their leader to her thoughts. Adagio thought about it, for a moment she wondered if maybe Aria had a point, but as stubborn as hardheaded as she is, she was determined to give it one last try. “Ugh, I know it will work. It had to.” Once satisfied with herself, she followed the path that the other sirens walked off to.

——————-The End———————-

Author's Note:


I tried to make it short, but it was hard. I hope you guys enjoyed this alternate version of this story. Let me know what you think and tell me which one you liked best. I’d love some feedback on this. (Even if it may be a little harsh).

Thank you so much for reading my story!:heart:

Comments ( 12 )

i really love the cover art of the story, and the story doesn't fit with the art with the rogue looking Sunset.

so, why was the story so short ? Especially with such a cover art ?


You can't have profanity in the title, descriptions, or chapter names of a story unless it's rated Mature. I've gone ahead and changed the rating rather than revoke the story, but if you'd like you can change the title and rate the story Teen again.

To be honest, I didn’t think the cover really fit either. Nothing really did, but I wanted to kinda give a vision of what the demon looked like behind her. It didn’t really go with the overall story though. It was short because I have a hard time with creating longer stories. This is probably one of my longest ones, so I’m working on it. Thank you for reading this, I really do appreciate the feedback!

I apologize, I usually don’t use profanity as the title, but I put it there for the shock value. I removed it and changed the rating, I wasn’t really trying to go for mature. My bad.😅

the cover art didn't disturb me, on the contrary, simply it's seemed too epic for what happened in the story, i would prefer than you keep it actually.

Well, I liked how powerful the character looked. It was more on what I was looking for on the demon part. Yeah, this story is a bit more simpler than what it could have been. But if it looks better with it on, I’ll put it back on then. Just thought it could give the story a little something.:twilightsmile: I don’t always put covers on my stories.

It remind me of shaman King.
Is there a shaman King crossover with Sunset ?

Not exactly a crossover, but I can definitely see the similarities! Not a bad manga series.:twilightsmile:

What do you meant ? The Sunset of this art look a lot like Anna of shaman King.

So is there a fanfiction of Sunset in shaman King ?

I would not know, this lovely art piece is not my own. The source of the work is in the cover. The owner of the art piece is: Mauroz https://www.deviantart.com/mauroz/art/Sunset-Shimmer-491861569

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