• Member Since 14th Feb, 2019
  • offline last seen Nov 21st, 2023

Sunset Awesomness17

"You’re born to Shimmer!” Thank you for checking out my stories! I’m not the best writer, but I hope you like what I have to give! Enjoy!


This story is a sequel to “Have Some Fun With Us, Sunshine.”

The Dazzling are quite the trio, but when they step beyond a certain redhead’s boundaries, they are surely to pay the price. Sunset Shimmer teach the siren’s a lesson on what happens when you mess with wildfire.

This is an alternate version of the story, “Have Some Fun With Us.” This was going to be how the story originally would have went, but obviously my mind went into different territories.🤣

Anyways enjoy!:raritywink:

Also, THIS IS NOT a hook up or a romance type thing. So just a heads up this is just a very different version of the story. :raritywink:

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 16 )

i had found this story by coincidence.

And the alternate version seem to be... Something else :rainbowhuh:

This might be interesting, i will read all and give my conclusion at the end.

so, what Sunset demon equivalent did to the sirens was essentially a "uno reverse card" ?

i really love the cover art of the story, and the story doesn't fit with the art with the rogue looking Sunset.

so, why was the story so short ? Especially with such a cover art ?


You can't have profanity in the title, descriptions, or chapter names of a story unless it's rated Mature. I've gone ahead and changed the rating rather than revoke the story, but if you'd like you can change the title and rate the story Teen again.

To be honest, I didn’t think the cover really fit either. Nothing really did, but I wanted to kinda give a vision of what the demon looked like behind her. It didn’t really go with the overall story though. It was short because I have a hard time with creating longer stories. This is probably one of my longest ones, so I’m working on it. Thank you for reading this, I really do appreciate the feedback!

I apologize, I usually don’t use profanity as the title, but I put it there for the shock value. I removed it and changed the rating, I wasn’t really trying to go for mature. My bad.😅

Yes that would probably be the best way to describe it, lol.:twilightsheepish:

the cover art didn't disturb me, on the contrary, simply it's seemed too epic for what happened in the story, i would prefer than you keep it actually.

Well, I liked how powerful the character looked. It was more on what I was looking for on the demon part. Yeah, this story is a bit more simpler than what it could have been. But if it looks better with it on, I’ll put it back on then. Just thought it could give the story a little something.:twilightsmile: I don’t always put covers on my stories.

It remind me of shaman King.
Is there a shaman King crossover with Sunset ?

Not exactly a crossover, but I can definitely see the similarities! Not a bad manga series.:twilightsmile:

What do you meant ? The Sunset of this art look a lot like Anna of shaman King.

So is there a fanfiction of Sunset in shaman King ?

I would not know, this lovely art piece is not my own. The source of the work is in the cover. The owner of the art piece is: Mauroz https://www.deviantart.com/mauroz/art/Sunset-Shimmer-491861569

Along with the horrific nightmares and conjured up horrific memories from her past about her childhood, her school days and with Princess Celestia, being thrown out of the castle and into exile, figuring out a world without magic and its bazar creatures, stealing the crown, her falling, and all the horrible treatment she received afterwards, the bullying, the humiliation, the harassment, the....

LOL Bazar is Hindi for shop :rainbowlaugh:

I'm guessing now that bizarre creatures became shop creatures?? 🤣

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