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Author's Note:

If you have already read the original version of this story, this chapter will not be necessary for you to read. It is merely just so that those who have not read the other version (whether it’s because it’s rated Mature or for another reason). This is really just the setting of the story, although it does have a little bit of a different ending than the rated Mature version.:twilightsmile:

Sunset walked through the halls after her embarrassing incident with Rainbow Dash. She hadn’t mean to act so irrationally like that, but what else was she supposed to do? Rainbow was just being a big show off and careless. “Ugh! It’s not my fault. It’s not like I’m the one showing off my mad guitar skills in the band.” She rolled her eyes as she let out a frustrated sigh.

“I don’t know how much more of this I can take.” She focused her gaze on the floor, not really focusing on where she’s going. The halls were quiet as not very many students were inside, but rather they were outside busy trying to one up each other.

She unconsciously moved to the darkest hallway, where no one’s ever went to because.....well it was old, the lockers didn’t really work, and the lights just never worked because of something with the wiring of the school that just screwed it up from the start. At least that’s what the principals have told us.

She looked around her to make sure that she was alone, then she hid into the shadows of the hall. The wall made for a nice surface to lean against. Across from her she noticed a mirror that she had placed on one of the lockers. It was small, but big enough to see her face in. Course her facial features were shadowed by the lack of light in the hall, but Sunset didn’t care.

Sunset Shimmer walked up to it and examined herself. She checked her face, her hair, and then fixed her lip stick. As she was putting away her lipstick, the unicorn turned human could hear some faint footsteps in the distance. Quickly and quietly, she went into the darkest part of the hallway, so dark you wouldn’t even know she was there if your weren’t paying attention.

As she listened, she could make out that there was more than one person coming. The footsteps grew louder and louder, then once they rounded the corner she knew exactly who they were, The Dazzlings. Sonata, the dummy of the group who (as scary as it is) is a LOT like Pinkie Pie. She wore a nice pink and purple dress, with a minty green accent on the hips, a matching pair of boots, and tied her hair up in a ponytail. Aria, the mean bitch of the group. She had on a purple dress with a green skirt, purple and white......tights? and a pair of purple ankle boots. Then there is their pack leader, Adagio Dazzle. The girl could honestly give me a run for my money on her confidence level. She had one a purple dress with a tutu skirt and purple ankle boots. The most noticeable thing about them is their magenta eyes and their massive hair. Like, TALK ABOUT VOLUME?!

When they rounded the corner, Adagio gave a hand signal at the other two girls, then she focus her gaze right on Sunset. The redhead knew that she couldn’t hide in the shadows any longer, and the way the leader just looked at her gave her goosebumps. Sunset flipped her hair to try to hide it. She was not about to let them see any sign of weakness in her, so she took a step out of the shadow. “You’ll never get away with this.” Sunset said in a low, warning tone.

Adagio scoffed, “Why? Because you didn’t.” Sunset’s eyes flickered for a split second, but the redhead forced herself to stand her ground. Adagio caught it though, and advanced on the girl before her, her lackeys giggling behind her. The head siren began to circle around Sunset Shimmer. With a wicked grin upon her face, the head siren spoke began to talk down to her. “Oh, we know all about you Sunset Shimmer, you’ve got quite the reputation here at Canterlot High.”

‘Girl you better step back.’ Sunset thought to herself as she spat out the first thing that came to her mind. “I’ve changed! I’m in a much better place now.” She said bitterly, her anxiety getting the best of her.

“Waiting in the wing while your friends have all the fun?” Aria threw in as she and Sonata joined in with their leader, circling around her. Sunset hated the feeling of being the fly caught in a web, but right now that is what she was feeling.

“Too bad, so sad.” Sonata added. The girl just following along with the other two. Sunset felt a ping inside her, knowing that they were not wrong. Though she held on to her self control for as long as she could. The circling around and getting in her space was already enough to throw her into a tizzy, but to add in their taunts made it hard to bare. ‘Oh Sunset, don’t let it get to you.’ She said to herself.

“Girl, you better back the HELL away from me.” Sunset warned. She could feel something brewing within her. Something that she thought she buried the night of the Fall Formal. It must have been an effect from putting that stupid crown on her head, and it was about to be unleashed. Though given that she was already in a crappy mood before these three showed up.

“Oh yeah, you girls are so tight. And yet, they didn’t invite you to join the band.” Adagio continued.

Aria added in some salt to that injury. “Probably afraid no one would want to see them play if she was in the band.”

Then Sonata jumped in front of Sunset’s face. “Aww, boohoo.” did it, Sunset had enough of this play. The little redhead clenched her teeth, pushing Sonata out of the way roughly, and tried to walk off.

She felt a hand grab her wrist and yanked her back. Sunset let out a surprised yelp and struggled to get free. “Oh no you don’t. You’re not getting away from us that easily.” Aria said. Sonata giggle. “Though you can try, silly.” She put in. Sunset heard the two girls laughing and giggling when she felt Adagio’s hot breath on her ear. “You’re coming with us.”The head siren said with a cackle.

Sunset Shimmer growled low under her breath. In a serious tone of voice, she gave the girls another warning. “Bitch, you Better. Get. YOURE DIRTY LITTLE CLAWS! OFF OF ME!!!” The sirens laughed at her, not listening to her warnings.

“Aww Sunset, can’t handle the truth? That your friends are fakes?” Adagio pushed further.

“Or maybe she actually believe that anyone would ever be friends with someone like her.” ,Aria added.

Sunset tried her best to pull away. The unicorn felt Aria pull on her leather jacket (which was already weakened and damaged by the events of the Fall Formal, though she had patched it back up herself with a needle and thread), then Sonata pulled on the opposite side of her fellow purple siren. The struggling girl felt a finger caress her cheek. “You’re struggling won’t get you very far with us, Sunshine. Though it is adorable.” Adagio said in a singsong voice, trying to work her siren magic on Sunset.

Sunset Shimmer pulled even harder. Suddenly, a loud rip was heard throughout the hallway. Soon the redhead’s shoulders were met with a icy cold air as her jacket was ripped clean off her body. The girl stopped struggling for a second at the realization came to her, followed by pure anger and rage.