• Published 27th Feb 2021
  • 1,398 Views, 20 Comments

Static hero of Canterlot high - Jayelms43

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Static shock and Izanagi's going to school

Static shock and Izanagi's going to school

(Third person pov)

Static was taking another flight through town after another day saved when this little guy was causing havock (jumping on people, burning trashcans... All while giggling howdy ho!).

When static saw what the thing was doing his first thought was.

"Why is there a 6 year old starting fires, I better stop him before someone gets hurt" he said flying down to the child.

(Unknown location)

Fire... Fire everywhere... The pyro pony was burning everything to the ground while smiling like an idiot, he spotted a poor unfortunate unicorn who got his tail stuck under a pillar, he rose his right hoof and ignited in orange flames of inferno and was about to throw it but something caught his arm

agh... Wha the!?" it was so abruptly that it sent a jolt of pain through him, looking up he spotted two very intimidating yellow eyes staring at him

"look pal, I hate blue bitch as much as the next guy... But burning him into a crisp Is not gonna do anyone any favors" the fiery pony tried using his left hoof, but he was grabbed by the throat and slammed against a wall, he gag and coff fighting for air, but Izanagi's arm seems to be made of steel

"what's wrong? Too much pressure? Hehe and here I thought you could handle the 'heat' but it looks like you're 'melting under pressure' hehe"

"ouch... Dude... that was just... terrible... But let me tell you a better one..." then pulled something out of his pocket and throwed behind Izanagi

Then from thin air appeared a rift... To Canterlot High school...

Before anyone could react a giant dark hand came from the portal and grabbed Izanagi, at first he thought nothing of it but then he got yanked like a ragdoll through the portal

"NOOOO!!!" without thinking Moonlight jumped through the portal mere seconds before it close leaving no trace it ever excited...


(Static pov)

After catching the little bastard from setting any more fires around town he threw some out of his pocket which open the rift second later something fell out and landed in the soccer field.

"What the hell did you just do" I asked while shaking it viciously, he just laugh before disappearing Into Thin Air.

I just stood there for a couple of minutes before shaking my head and flying off to the soccer field to check and see if anyone got hurt; once I got there I saw something laying in the ground with a huge crater once I got a closer look I saw something that both Amazing and shocked me.


(Izanagi pov)

> now listen... Crossing AUs isn't painful, but when your being dragged by giant hand like a toy then it hurts like a mofo

> After hitting the ground I hissed in pain before slowly getting up, Then after hearing screaming I look up to see someone falling, I quickly extended my arms and like total shad I managed to grab her before she hit the hard ground...

> She was on my arms, bride style, and before I could make a funny remark... I paused... For the first time in years... I... Am speechless...

> She looked at me and sighed with relief but then she noticed my silent stare, she rose a brow before looking at herself and... Start hyperventilating...

> Shit, she's gonna scream!


> I quickly covered her mouth and tried to calm her down... The key word being 'tried'

> After many failed attempts i sensed something coming our way, with one swift back jump i dodged a... Lightning strike? No it was too weak for that... But something tells me i should know what it is but i can't quite put my claw on it...

> Being trapped in stone for a thousand years on a lonely labyrinth with no visitors does that to you

> I looked up and...

> ...

"ah... Crapbaskets..."

Static pov.

"Hey! Come on pal you should know how to read a girls body language, and hers says 'not in a million years' " I said sitting on my metal board looking at him what kind of powers does he have I never saw someone like this before maybe he's some sort of new bang baby.

"Or do I need to help you learn this lesson? I'll be happy to" I said as purple electricity came off my hands

> Static... Fucking... Shock... And I got to fight him, I know it's a miss understanding, but one: I want to know how strong really is he and two: I like a good challenge

> I quickly jumped away and manage to land on top of a building, what? I know how to jump good

> I put Moonlight down she tried to stay up but to no Vail I help her get a comfortable siting position before turning away to jump good but stoped and looked back at her

"don't worry moony we will make it through... Just give a second here, I need to kick some hero's ass"

> I then turned back to face my opponent he was above us ready to strike which he was going to do if I didn't appeared right in front of him and delivered a powerful punch

> He manage to raise a force field which protect him from the impact... But not from the momentum...

> He hit the ground hard raising a lot dust in the process

> He didn't suffered a scratch... Good...

> I land a few feet in front of him and was going to grab my halberd, but I decided against it after all this was just for shits and giggles

> His firsts were pulsating with electricity, and so were mine

> You didn't have to be the greatest detective to see the clear difference between Static... And Lightning

"all right kid... Show me your moves!"

> I may have said that last part imitating a certain captain of falcons but you know what who gives a shit

> he flew up in his disc literally surfing through the air, me jelly

> He shoot blasts of electricity and normally that would stun/stagger/kill someone... But here's the thing... I am the god of thunder~

> I simply stood there and took everything and the look of surprise on his face when his blasts did nothing was just priceless

Fiscal: -
Fire: -
Ice: -
Wind: weak
Electric: STRONG
Light: -
Darkness: null

> I tried to punch him again but this time he dodge it and flew away after getting some distance he used his magnetism to rip a lamp post and used to tie me up

> I just chuckled at that, that guy CLEARLY never even heard of persona

> I simply broke through it like it was nothing, than grabbed a another lamppost and instead of doing the same shit he did I jumped behind him and stroke him with it

> Again he did stop the impact but not the momentum, he was send flying and through three buildings before stoping on the forth

"Okay that hurt" I said coming out of the pile of rubble I start to think on what to do before I remember I got a little present from another displace.

" he may be strong and fast, but let's see how he does against someone who can predict his move, the Sharingan!" I said flying out the building and getting ready for round two.

Izanagi saw him coming straight towards him he's going to hit him again but he was very surprised that he was able to dodge out of the way and counter with a electric punch to the face.

He looked at him right in the eyes and he was in shock and a little concerned about it knowing were he saw those eyes from, the only ones who have those eyes are Uchiha members so...

"How the hell did you get a Sharingan" Izanagi said while trying to think of a plan cuz if his hunch is correct about the Sharingan he can't do close quarter combat because he read him like a book.

" you can say a friend or in this case Clan member gave me an eye" static said before rushing at him delivering electrical punches and kicks Izanagi was sent back a few meters before skidding to a halt near the parking lot of the high school.

> That's no good... The tazer punching, nova bombs and shock blasts I can take no problem but if I can't hit him at some point I will go down...

> The only way would be to keep my distance and attack with magic but here's the problem... If I hit him with my lightning he will go overdrive and my electric resistance won't matter, sure it would really mess him up but I would touch the floor long before he does

> Damn... And I don't have anything to actually hurt him, fiscal he will always doge, electric he will go overdrive and rail me, and my buffs and debuffs...

> ...

> I am an imbecile...

> I stretch my arm at his direction, at first he assumed a stance but when "nothing" happened he just raised a brow and looked at me confused

> Then I moved my claw in a 'come at me' gesture

I was confused why he was trying to taunt me into coming at him knowing that even though I have the Sharingan I don't have any fighting experience against him he might have had lots of experience.

"Alright ready or not here I-" I didn't get to finish before seeing a batrang sent past me straight for Izanagi he Dodge it but on the way he got punch to his left face sending him skidding across the parking lot

"what the hell just happened" I thought before I saw Jonathan Kent AKA Superboy and Damian Wayne aka Robin.

" we thought you might need some help" Superboy said while Landing next to me

Robin just stuffed and crossed his arms "Don't make it a habit... We were just coming to check an anomaly of space and time we detected"

"Alright i could use some help, but quick warning this guy is pretty tuff and i don't think that spear is just for show" i said getting ready for the clash

"Eh... I could use a good warm up" superboy said bumping his fists while robin just drew his sword and got into a stance

> You got to be KIDDING ME!!!

> Robin is a no brainer but fucking SUPERBOY!? Oh now the stakes are higher

> Ok no more shiting around time to get serious

> After regaining my footing i finally draw my halberd, spinning around until it rested on my shoulder and after a satisfying crack of neck i looked at them with furious eyes, not that they could see much, for others i have the same expression... Sad really...

"alrighty then... IT. IS. ON."

> Robin started by throwing batrangs at me, I slashed all of them with one swift move, superboy tried to punch me but i just grabbed his fist

> Man the look of surprise in everyone's faces, too bad i didn't have a cellphone

> Then he was hit by a powerful lightning straight from the heavens knocking him hard on the ground,

> Static rushed trying to hit me only for me to dodge all of his attacks

> Robin helped superboy stand and asked the question that was plaguing his mind

"What happened there?"

> Superboy was still disoriented but manage to recover after shaking his head

"Magic... Agh... Yeah definitely magic..."

> Robin squirted is eyes thinking of a way to win...

> Me and static were on a pass, we both were dodging or blocking the other moves, he tried to tie me with his electricity but i quickly jumped away and landed on top of the school

> Trying to steel my lightning? HA Not a chance

> After that superboy and robin joined the fun... Oh boy this is gonna be difficult... i like that...

"OK this is getting us nowhere" I said gritting my teeth before grunting in pain from my left eye.

" hey are you ok-" superboy didn't get to finish because him and Robin stare at me with wide eyes.

I was wondering why they were looking at me like that and I turn to Izanagi who's eyes were wide and he pointed to my left eye I touched it pull back to I see blood on my fingertips.

" okay I don't know what's going on with you guys but let's continue" I said while thinking about having a sledgehammer will be good right about now.

Then surprisingly a sledgehammer made of electricity formed in my right hand; " okay I'll worry about this later but right now it's on metal face" I said while rushing at him with my newly acquired weapon.

As the fight Progresses both sides starting to get tired until I heard someone yell out.

" okay what the hell is going on here" someone said I want turned around to see Batman and Superman standing there with their arms crossed.

"Huh? Batman and Superman how long have you been standing there" static asks as everyone stop fighting and he was standing right in front them.

Izanagi but started to get worried and now not only does he has to deal with Superboy and Robin but with the world's greatest detective and the Man of Steel himself.

> Holy inconvenience batman! It's the hole justice league going to appear? Talking about unfair...

"oh... Nothing major just having a little fun sir guard"

> Ok not my best move but i was still surprised with all the inconveniences first: the Sharingan, now two kriptonians one being fucking superman

"If buy fun you mean wrecking the city and bullying kids than i have to disagree..."

> Batman said with that tone of disappointed father we all know and hate... Now the funny thing is... Before, that would totally work on me... Except i was transformed into my favorite persona, got isolated in stone for a thousand years, my boss is a talking horse with batwings, the one who has my heart it's out of my league and there's no one in existence that can understand my preference...

> Well... It was good wen it lasted but now that daddy's on the house... Time to collect the toys and go to bed...

"eh... Sorry about the mess but I'm not cleaning that up i have important business to attend to... "

> I shrug putting my halberd on my back and crossed my arms before looking straight to static and chuckled

"and Static... You're strong but don't push yourself too much, after all..."

> I slowly vanished like i was not even there in the first place but not before saying:

"we are all looking up to you......"

me and the others looked around I look back at the two superheroes and Sidekicks before saying; " sorry but I got to go to school now i hope you guys have fun cleaning this mess up" I said before flying away as quickly as I could.

Batman and Superman looked at the sun before handing both robin and superboy a broom and dustpan "I hope this will teach you about collateral damage" Batman said and added not to argue with him or else.

I landed on top of the building catching my breath for looking around and put it on my Street clothes and went inside the school.

" who were those guys? and also why was he here? what was that? what was that portal? it almost looked like--" my thoughts were interrupted by someone bumping into me I'm going to say sorry before I looked at the guy in my eyes bulge out of my head.

Standing there was the guy that i was fighting a moment ago except he look different he look like a human with his friend also looking like a human.

"Sorry..." he simply said his expression neutral but i could see he truly means it

"Don't sweat it... You're knew in town?" I asked and he nods he didn't say anything else so before the situation got awkward i said

"I'm Jackson, nice to meet ya!" I extended my hand, he smiles and shook my hand while also giving me his name

"Yu Narukami" his friend stepped forward and waved and stroke a pose

"Hello there! I'm Rise Kujikawa" she said while hopping in place like a certain pinkie puffy haired sugar addicted girl I know

"nice to meet you both but..." I said before transforming my eyes into the Sharingan.

" you could disguise your looks be can't disguise your energy I Know Who You Are... meet me at the Statue after school there's someone we need to meet as well" I said gripping his hand hard showing that I mean what I said.

Both of them nodded one of them sweating bullets.

Back to school me and the girls were standing outside the statue they were asking me a million questions on what we're doing here but I was going to answer before I saw him and the girl from before.

" so you finally showed up I thought I had to go track you down myself" I said getting off the statue and get right in front of him before bracing myself for what about to happen.

Before anyone could say anything a purple girl and a dog came out of the statue I was able to catch the girl not the dog he fell on the ground face-first.

" you must be Princess Twilight Sparkle I believe?" I asked while helping her to her feet.

"Uh... Yeah, yeah... That's me you must be Jackson correct?" She asks while shaking my hand

"NOW! are you going to tell us why we are here or not?" RD asks taping her foot impatiently

" okay but first we can't do it here we're going to have to do it somewhere else" I said before yelling out.

" yo Superboy Robin you think Batman won't mind we use the Batcave" I stated the one in particular before anyone could question me what I was doing Superboy and Robin appeared.

" I guess not as long as it is important for him to know it well" Damian said while crossing his arms and everyone else was shocked that I knew them.

" also you must know me because Sunset message went through the portal" I asked Twilight when she nodded saying that neither she or some guy named Jackson won't be able to stop her.

So after a car ride or in this case an awkward one you made to the Wayne Manor which property they all went to the Batcave

RD and Pinkie were zooming all over the place gaking and gasping and screaming of excitement

"Oooohh... What does this do?" Pinkie was about to touch a random bottom when Rainbow slapped her hand away

"NO! bad Pinkie no touchy!" RD said in a serious tone not on batman level but still somewhat serious

"Ow... Rainbow..." She whines as she shakes her hand like a puppy

"So what are you doing here static" Bruce said while looking at the group of people in the batcave.

"Sorry batman but this is the safest place to do this" I said as we were given some tea; "so are you going to tell us darling" Rarity said as she sip some of her tea.

"Well to make a long story short I'm not from this universe neither is him and his friend over there" I said point at them.

"Also batman someone named sunset took Twilight crown and brought it here" I said making batman eyes grow wide with shock.

Before he could say anything the alarm goes of making everyone panic Bruce quickly browsed on his computer and then turned to Jackson

"I believe this is for you..." He said while gesturing to the computer and wen I looked I could not help but wide my eyes

"Greetings Static, I'm Ebon master of shadows and darkness, we need to have... The talk... Meet me at the shopping, and better not try anything funny or this beautiful little girl will never see the light ever again..." Then he punched the screen cutting the connection with it

"That mother FUCKER" I was very pissed cuz I let out a huge electrical post that short circuit all the technology in the Batcave while showing moment.

" Batman do not get involved as for the rest of you girls you stay.right.here" I said puncturing every word meaning I was serious before unplugging to Superboy and Robin in the other guy and said.

" you three are coming with me to deal with this guy and teach him a lesson that he will soon not forget" said through gritted teeth trying to control my anger and Power what was surprising cuz it started to keep Rising uncontrollably.

All three do not hesitate not to anger him more and they set out to do as they were told, Batman sent a mini drone just in case things go south and watch over them so they won't get injured.

" be safe James" Pinkie said while holding his hand, he nodded for the headed out to the Mall that Ebon specify to

After they arrive they saw Ebon right in front of the entrance holding the girl who was tied into a chair and there was a black and purple portal right in front of her on the ground, the only thing keeping her from falling all the way in was Ebon holding her hair

Static bit his lip and he was going to move but...
"Ah-ah-ah-ah..."said Ebon moving his arm making the poor girl stare into the abyss that was in front of her "don't be a stranger..."

"what do you want ebon" static said through gritted teeth.

" all I want you to do is do as I say when I say it" ebon said while someone came from behind him once Jack saw who it was he was angry and shocked who it was.

"Miss me Sparky" hot streaks said while line up his hands in fire before getting ready to throw a fireball at them

" not yet hot streak I want them to do something for me," ebon said holding out his arm to stop him.

" and that will be?" static said ready for any surprise attacks, the horse in the green rock thrown at Super boys feet.

Superboy start to feel weak and fell to his knees while Robin was tied up Dark Shadow substance.

" all I need you to do is fight each other what I mean by that is that one of you have to kill the other" ebon said as James and Narukami look at each other

Narukami looked back at the girl and then... His silvery eyes shined and he couldn't help but smile... He looked back at James and gesture to the girls covered mouth and winked

"What are you--" but before he could finish a golden spear came from out of nowhere and hit the cloth in the girls mouth ripping it of...

And before anyone could react she screamed at the top of her lungs begging that the heavens would hear her prays for salvation...


> You know the funny thing about being a persona? Is that when your not in "usage" your in a limbo that is equal but at the same time different than the normal plane, imagine your surroundings, now imagine those surroundings totally black with blue outlines... That's what it was like for me...

> I was there but... I wasn't able to do anything... That is... Until she called my name...

> In a blaze of blue inferno I appeared and Falcon punch that asshole across the face sending him flying hitting hot streak on the way and both got sent through a building or two

> I quickly grabbed Moonlight and jumped away until I landed on the roof of a nearby building after freeing her from her holdings she quickly hugged me for dear life... And she started to cry...

> Damn she is a mess... Note your self NEVER do that EVER again...

> She keep't crying as I pat her on the back until I remembered something... Something my Mon would when I was upset... Something she needs right now

> I started to slowly rock her back and forth and hummed one of my favorites...

> She started to calm down and after a minute she looked at me with puffy eyes and if I had a mancard I would have throwed through the window now

"y-you c-c-came f-for me..."

> She sniffs and hiccups trying and failing to contain her tears...

"oh... Honey haven't you heard...? No one is ever really gone..."

> She smelled completely ignoring her blush... We look at each other's eyes and--



> She looked away in embarrassment... But too late damage's already done...

"you naughty little batty..."

> Now she was ruby red and stuttered while trying to explain herself but I shushed her by putting a single claw on her mouth

"hold that thought sweety... We got some villains ass to kick and a home to return THEN we can have... The talk..."

> She hesitates for a bit but nodded and I give her sword back she was gonna ask how he found it but he stopped her and pointed to the ground group

"we should probably help them..."

> She saw them fighting each other like crazy Narukami and Robin were fighting hot streak while Static and superboy were fighting Ebon... And it didn't look pretty...

"yes we should..."

> We both nodded and we jumped into battle

"Okay this it's going anywhere" static said while dodging ebon attacks, "anytime now" I yelled out to Izanagi.

And just in the nick of time because he delivered a kick to ebon face sending him flying through a building.

"What took you so long...?" I said while Breathing heavily and the loss of some my electricity energy.

"Well... Let's just say I needed a break, I may be a demi-god but I'm not a machine you know" he said smugly making me grind my teeth and I swear I heard train whistling

"On a side note it seems our frienemies are more than meets the eye... How about we even the playing field" Before I could ask he stretched his arm at Ebon direction and after a moment a powerful lightning storm stroke Ebon and it lasted for a hole second before ceasing

Not gonna lie that was actually pretty impressive, I was about to put my hand on his shoulder but he grabbed and shook his head "tsk tsk... Static come on brotha didn't your parents teach you that stealing is wrong... Besides all you gotta do was ask"

Before I could respond he rose his other arm up High and then a lightning stroke right in the palm of his claw forming a sphere of pure electricity "bottoms up!" He sang while giving it to me

After I absorb the electrical energy in a joint of 10 Monster drinks in one swing, I felt more energize than never so I looked to ebon and gave him a smirk before pointing out one finger at him all but a small electrical blast it may look small baby pack a punch of a semi-truck and sending him fly back to that building.

"I got to admit Izanagi that's what I call a supercharge" I said purple electricity with coming off my eyes

"I thought you might appreciate it, so... let's go knock some heads out" Izanagi said drawing his weapon and getting into a fighting stance as well as Superboy and the rest who join in to.

I activate my Mangekyou Sharingan summoning a Bo Staff made of electricity " I thought you'd never ask" I said as we rushed at him

"WAIT!!!" We all stop on our tracks and look at Izanagi "what happened to the hot headed punk?"

Both robin and Narukami made a deadpan face and pointed at Moonlight who was scratching the back of her head while smiling cheaply "I might have kicked him a little too hard on his weak spot... Yeah... Let's go with that..."

We all looked back to where they were fighting hot streak... Only to see him on the ground holding his crouch and whining in pain

" right to the Family Jewels" I said Fletching at hot streak misfortune, I looked over to see if the others doing the same thing.

"Damn Izanagi your friend knows how to kick right at the wrong place" I said looking over to him see him flinching at hot streak pain.

" why...? why they always hit me in my family jewels?" hot streak wailed while rolling on the ground

" all right... now that we got that little thing out of the way let's do this" I said it the other three nodded as we rushed at ebon

> To say we absolutely steamrolled Ebon would be the understatement of the century... My ziodyne, static shock blasts, heat vision, batrangs, swords... Talking about overkill

> After the beat down of the decade we were surrounding him from all sides, there was no escape

"aaand... Check mate... Looks like we win!"

> To everyone surprise Ebon started to laugh, started as a low chuckle but it got progressively worse until it becomes a full blown out psychotic laughter

"WE don't think so..."

> ...no... That bitch wouldn't dare...

"WE still have a trick under OUR sleeve..."

> He reached for his back and looked straight at Static

"Static... Want to hear something funny?"

> He was going say something but Ebon beat him to it

"Like you I'm also an outsider... A displaced..."

> Both me and static got wide eyed... How a total psycho like him came from the real world?

"But... Different from you i didn't play hero or villain... Naw... We all know that's bullshit"

> I have a bad feeling about this...

" I for once did what ever the hell i wanted... No law, no rules, no restrictions, just me and all the women and booze could have..."

> I don't like were this is going...

"Hehehehe... And to think... A bunch of teenage foolish little girls tried to stop me..."

> Uh oh... I looked at static and... His expression was dark and his fists were closed tight

"But... Well... Let's just say... I never had so much fun in my life..."

> Everyone cringed and i could see Moonlight cover her mouth and tears rolling on her eyes

"Especially the pink puffy girl..."

> And that open the flog gates, static screamed in anger and with both hands shot a wall of electricity similar to a certain arrogant prince we all know and love

> Ebon then pulled a container from a portal and throw it on the wave of electricity

> That son of a prostitute whore!

> I quickly grabbed both Narukami and Moonlight and summoning all my strength i jumped as far as i could

> superboy used his super speed to snatch static and robin and flew away as fast as possible

> After a good second the hyper charged nuclear juice exploded like a atomic bomb and if take a wild guess that was twice as powerful than the tzar bomb

> That maniac... He was going to kill himself just to take us down... And bring the hole city down with him...

> The city was gone... Gone in a poof of smoke... I honestly don't know if i should be impressed by his boldness or absolute livid for the many lives lost in the explosion

> Superboy and Robin were trying to calm static but to no avail, he was pissed alright...

> I wanted to help but... What could I do?

> Moonlight hugged my arm and asked if there really wasn't any survivors

"ah... Moony... That was a legitimate nuclear blast even IF they survived the blast the radiation would have finished the job..."

> Everyone looked down with superboy still holding static on a firm grip

"I wouldn't worried about that..."

> Everyone looked at Robin's direction right when he finishes with his arm pad

"According to Bruce the city was a ghost town when the battle started..."

> Everyone was shocked, except for me who hummed in thought

"what is it?"

> Now that i think about it... There was no one at sight during the hole thing... And that spear... I know i saw it somewhere...

> .........!!!

> No way... HE can't be here...

"Uhhmmm... Guys we may have a problem..."

> We all looked at were superboy was looking and...

> ...





> Imagine a mountain now imagine that mountain with two heads dark purple surrounded by fire this is what it looks like...

"well... That's... Unexpected..."

" how did they-" I was about to say before I remember something something important and I grit my teeth and tightened my fist.

" that bastard he had the gas that turn in with a bang babys" I said to everyone that looked over to me before I continue.

" small doses of it will give you powers but you taking too much then" I finished before pointing to that monstrosity before saying, " you can turn into that" I said before looking at Izanagi and saying.

" I have an idea but you might not like it" I said before showing them a similar cylinder that ebon used; " now hear me out if I was to inhale this I will get stronger but the downside is how I turn into a monster that being said once I do I need you to get Superman and Bruce here at once after all this is over" I said to them and I was about to get ready to inhale the gas.

When Izanagi snatched from me "OR we could NOT create a monster to kill another monster..." He looked over to Narukami and after an exchange of nods Izanagi searched inside his cloak

After a second he looked at the girl and chuckled "tell me Moonlight... Do you believe in fortune telling...?" After he said that he gave a Deck of blue cards to her

'what does he mean by that why does he think a bunch cards can help?' we were all confused except Narukami who had a smile on his face, Moonlight then asked Izanagi why

He looked at her straight in the eyes "riddle me this... How many demons does it takes to summon a god?" At first she was confused but then her eyes widen and she had a look of worry

"Are you sure?" She asks and i could feel the sadness in her voice, Izanagi stared for a second or two before saying only one thing

"Yes..." And with that he slowly vanished like a mirage, after that moonlight look at the deck of cards before Narukami put a hand on her shoulder she jumped and after they exchange glances he nods and she nods back

Moonlight closes her eyes and after a deep breath she snap them open and stretches both her arms and a magic summon circle appeared in front of her

Moonlight pov.

I was scared, confused, hurt and so much more... My mind was a rollercoaster of emotions and i couldn't stop it...

So how am I still sane...

All of this is happening so fast and so abruptly... I can barely keep up... But... He was always there...

My friend... My guardian... My... Love... Despite everything that has happened he never left my side sure he left me alone for a week but that was an isolated occasion... Or at least i think it was...

And... The funny thing is... It feels Just like yesterday i was chilling on my bed back home in hollow shades... Now I was about to fight an Eldridge abomination by sacrificing 12 demons to summon a god... It's kinda of bizarre adventure if you asked me...


'oh! Right, got a pray to hunt... And I know exactly how...' I Harden my gaze and the cards on the center scattered and got into position like numbers in a clockwork the cards stayed around the inside of the circle

Then all cards started to shine and became small spheres of light, they circle around until they moved to the center liberating a blinding light after a second a pure white card came from above slowly spinning until it lands on my hands

Now there's only one thing to do...


Blue flames erupted behind me like a hurricane right after a figure emerges from it

He looked like Izanagi but... Very different... His cloak was white as snow, his mask now became a helmet, his bandanas were straight, and was now carrying a sword with a circle around it, his eyes were completely yellow with no pupils and his claws were more sharper...

He looked at me and I looked at him, after a moment we both nodded

"sorry guys... hope you don't mind if I steal the kill... right?" I said to the others making their eyes wide, one of them was going to say something but the white haired one stoped him

"Go!" Was all that he said but it was enough, I turned around to face my opponent and took a deep breath

*inhale* ......... *exhale*

I looked with determination at the monstrosity in front of me and with all my will... I let go...


Izanagi no okami put his sword in front of him and started to spin it clockwise, after a complete turn the circle around the blade shined brightly and then there was an explosion of light... than two... Then three...

Then everything faded to white...

(Static pov)

"What just happened was that all a dream" I said while looking around before seeing the girls more specifically Pinkie pie.

"PINKIE" I yelled out as I ran and gave her a huge while crying my eyes out, she was surprise for a moment before hugging me back.

"It's okay I'm here" she said trying to calm me down, it took a few minutes before I could stop crying.

After calm down and saying that Twilight will be staying with me and Pinky Family for a while we all went home on our way home I told Twilight to go on head.

"What's wro-" Pinkie didn't get to finish because I was kissing her while blushing, after broken from the kiss I looked away before saying.

"Would you like to go out next Thursday night to go watch a movie" I said while looking away, "I would like that very much" Pinkie said while also looking away.

Atfer that exchange we both started walking home but in my head I knew that everything may have started off bad but ended great.

Author's Note:

Shout out to xXn00bslayerXx for help making this Crossover with me and I've done without him go check his channel

Comments ( 2 )

More good

This was a goof story I wonder when the next chapter coming

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