• Member Since 6th Oct, 2018
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Snow Fire

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  • 142 weeks
    Winning Formula Updated

    Hello everyone. I'd like to say I'm back and finally got around to updating To Build the Winning Formula.

    Sadly, I'm still trying to find my drive, but it's getting there. Right now, I have the first half of Mirror Magic posted. The second half will come when it's done. Hope you all can check it out.

    As for Circuit of Friendship....still working on the revised chapter, unfortunately. Ironically, Master Duel and Cyber Sleuth have been taking up my time.

    4 comments · 370 views
  • 182 weeks
    Current Status and Ideas

    I hope you are all doing well in these turbulent times. I apologize for the lack of updates lately. But I've come across a bit of writer's block for the next chapter of Winning Formula, and a dwindling drive to work on it and my Yugioh Story. In fact, I've been trying to work on either one, but haven't been able to find the drive to do so. I've also recently started to revise the second chapter of Circuit of Friendship to take it in a different direction.

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    3 comments · 322 views

Winning Formula Updated · 11:54pm May 17th, 2022

Hello everyone. I'd like to say I'm back and finally got around to updating To Build the Winning Formula.

Sadly, I'm still trying to find my drive, but it's getting there. Right now, I have the first half of Mirror Magic posted. The second half will come when it's done. Hope you all can check it out.

As for Circuit of Friendship....still working on the revised chapter, unfortunately. Ironically, Master Duel and Cyber Sleuth have been taking up my time.

Report Snow Fire · 370 views · Story: To Build the Winning Formula ·
Comments ( 54 )
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Hey, thank you so much for the follow, I hope you enjoy my stories, and I hope they're new chapters in your Kamen Rider build story

Sorry if some people are rushing you too much or are asking too much of you. I hope you take all the time you need to sort everything out and make it the best you can. Though I look forward to seeing your awesome stories update again, I hope you do it only when you are ready.

I would appreciate it if you did not rush me on this. I’m trying to make sure I wrap it up right.

And while I appreciate the story ideas, I’m still struggling to write out the two I have already. One of them I’m even rewriting ideas for and considering on rewriting entirely. So I’m afraid I cannot.

Oh and how about a super sentai story
Like super sentai kyoryugers the dinosaur senati
Flash sentry red
Micro blue
Sandalwood green
Sorin black
Lyra pink
Shinning armor silver after the master
Gold go with a past hero
Sweet leaf purple
Or super sentai gekirangers
Flash red
Others you pick
Super sentai ninninger
The ancient evil has awakend and the descent of the ninjas must stop the evil but also to get the last shrukin and become the last ninja
Flash sentry red
Sorin blue
Micro yellow
Shonita from dazzling white
Sweete pink
How's that ?
Or a super sentai magirangers
Same but this power is stronger than equsteria magic and the team of magisans must stop them
Flash sentry red
Micro yellow
Sandalwood green
Viyal pink
Sweet leaf blue
The personality mix so yeah
Or super sentai kiramagers
The story of senati knights who have protect the world from danger are hidden but some not and some have family but soon the ancient evil minasours have come the descendents of those must rise to stop them
In this flash dad was a ryusoulger but disappeared and he and sccotalo can grow long aswell so he and his team must stop them
Or kamen rider hibiki
After the battle of the bands the girls Victory they thought they win but soon a evil is unleash and the it is up to flash sentry the new hibiki the flame drum oni to stop them

I just got a great story idea for this and it will get you inspiring to write this story aswell
Ok so you do kamen rider right so why not
MLP kamen rider agito
Flash sentry kamen rider agito
Shinning armor kamen rider g3
Sandalwood kamen rider gills
The overlords have come and will kill those who show potential of magic and of becoming more and the girls can't stop them the government made a rider system for these lord's but not enough but a warrior of light rises to stop the evil and the god from doing wrong flash sentry must stop the evil and save humanity
Ps this take after the battle of the band
Or kamen rider exaid
An evil virus is unleash and to stop the game virus flash sentry must become the hero
In this flash is like a game player aswell
Flash sentry kamen rider exaid other you think of some
Kamen rider wizard
After the battle of the band flash sentry along with some other people got kidnapped and was used for a ritual to turn into a phantom but he remember his dad wish of not giving up hope and became kamen rider wizard and now he must fight for he his the world final hope
Ps the phantom are imune to equsteria magic
Or kamen rider deno
Falsh is a singularity point and is given a responsibility to save the timeline from bad imagine and he must control his five imagine
Momotaros urtaros kintaros ryutros sage
How that

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