• Member Since 8th Aug, 2019
  • offline last seen Last Monday


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  • 116 weeks

    I have an announcement to make. if those who don't like my story because he's a Mary Stu don't f****** read it. if you don't like stories like this do not read it.

    Cuz I got two people who wants to talk about like it's some sin to be powerful off the fucking bat.

    And right now he's going to stay cuz if you don't like it again don't read it because I don't care. And all negative comments will be deleted.

    3 comments · 192 views
  • 151 weeks

    I'm going to make a new displace story it's going to be a mixture of Danny Phantom end miraculous ladybug and Cat Noir I know what to do for the story I just need some help.

    In the store I'm planning on giving the main six miraculous I just need you got to choose which one goes with which.

    Except for the turtle miraculous and the cat miraculous.

    And tell me why that miraculous go for that mean 6 character.

    "THANKS FOR YOUR LIKES AND COMMENTS":rainbowlaugh::pinkiehappy:

    6 comments · 201 views
  • 151 weeks

    I have three things to say.

    I'm going to be focusing more on the Legendary Super Saiyan and try to get it done so I can make a sequel for it.

    The Nephilim Brothers and static shock displace I'm going to be postponed until the time being.


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    0 comments · 247 views

Announcement · 2:25am May 3rd, 2022

I have an announcement to make. if those who don't like my story because he's a Mary Stu don't f****** read it. if you don't like stories like this do not read it.

Cuz I got two people who wants to talk about like it's some sin to be powerful off the fucking bat.

And right now he's going to stay cuz if you don't like it again don't read it because I don't care. And all negative comments will be deleted.

Comments ( 23 )
  • Viewing 19 - 23 of 23

Thanks for adding my story to your favorite

I’m also waiting for some art to be finished.

I’ll let you know when I’m done

I’m almost finished with the chapter before our crossover, I just need another week or two.

Yes I would like that thanks 😊

may i add your displaced story's to my Displaced Shipping in my group please

group Pure Balance Dragon Council

  • Viewing 19 - 23 of 23
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