• Published 17th Nov 2020
  • 4,463 Views, 919 Comments

Worlds Apart: The Chosen of the Prognosticus - GMSeskii

A Void appears, threatening to destroy all worlds. Twilight is chosen to travel the multiverse and save it from an untimely demise. A reimagining of Super Paper Mario with ponies and a few twists. Each world is a different crossover. Complete!

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A Blasphemous Wedding

Rarity heard music. It was the most beautiful song she’d ever heard, with little bells backing up a few soft, sensual strings. Was there a piano mixed in there? Absolutely breathtaking…

She opened her eyes, finding herself standing on all fours. There wasn’t a wrinkle in her dress or a sore muscle in her body—and yet, she was so sure she should feel at least a little rough around the edges. For the life of her she couldn’t figure out why…

She was near the front of a small crowd of ponies. Most of them were clearly from the Crystal Empire, given their glossy coats and smooth mane styles. The vast majority were all dancing to the music, though their movements were much more energized than they should have been considering the soft beauty of the notes. This was a song of romance, not of wild partying.

Bringing her head up, she saw a large staircase made of pristine marble leading up to an octagonal altar. A heart carved out of stone rested neatly in the center of the altar, balanced perfectly on the point. On either side of the altar were two faces Rarity recognized easily: Discord and Cadence, the former in an elongated tux and the latter wearing an extravagant white wedding dress. The two of them looked even more confused than Rarity felt.

Floating just above them was a figure with a dark, unpleasant face…

Count Bleck.

It all came back to Rarity in a rush. The party. The attack. The vortex. This Bleck had taken them. And now… well, Rarity wasn’t exactly sure what he was doing, but it couldn’t be good.

“What’s going on?” Cadence asked from her position near the altar.

“Why, isn’t it obvious? This is your wedding!” Bleck threw his hands wide and chuckled joyously, as if he were a proud father speaking to his daughter. The tone made Cadence wince. “You are about to be married, by Count Bleck!”

“To… Discord?” Cadence said, still not fully grasping the situation.

“I’m pretty sure there’s been some kind of mistake,” Discord said with a chuckle. He snapped his fingers, creating a bouquet of roses that started eating his hand as if it were made of marshmallow. “Huge misunderstanding on your part, Blecky-boy.”

“Hmm…” Bleck pulled his hat down, shaking his head. “Bleck, I say.”

“What was that? Upset?” Discord duplicated himself, using the second one to get in Bleck’s face. “Something about dark prophecies not working? Or do you just like the sound of your own name? If you were me I wouldn’t be able to blame you, but you’re you, and with such a terrible name too. I feel sorry for you, really I do.”

There was a burst of dark, swirling energy to the Count’s side that produced a small, blue-skinned woman with pink hair done up in a large bun. From what Rarity knew of humans—which was almost nothing—this new individual seemed a bit too short to be one of their kind. However, the angles with her face indicated age, so she wasn’t a child, leaving Rarity unsure as to what exactly she was.

The woman adjusted her angular red-rimmed glasses. “Count? We appear to have some non-cooperatives.”

“It appears so, Nastasia…” The Count let out a deep, throaty chuckle. “Luckily the prophecy does not need their cooperation, said Count Bleck.”

“That third-person thing is so self-absorbed below-average illusionist-y,” Discord groaned, facepalming and pulling his face down like rubber. “I’m done with this, hasta la vista, hope the girls rainbow-blast you t—”

Nastasia mechanically lifted her glasses, sending a glint of light into Discord’s eyes. His face went limp, but he remained standing.

“W-what did you do to him?” Cadence asked.

The Count ignored her. “Discord, Lord of Chaos, Spirit of Disharmony, do you take Cadence to be your unlawfully wedded wife until your days are over?”

With a monotone voice Rarity had never heard come out of his chaotic mouth, Discord spoke a single word. “Yes.”

“No!” Cadence shouted. “I won—”

Nastasia sent a glint into Cadence’s eyes as well. Unlike Discord, Cadence didn’t remain standing—she fell to the ground, legs splayed.

Bleck’s sneer widened. “Cadence, Princess of Love, Alicorn of the People, do you take Discord to be your unlawfully wedded husband until your days are over?”

“N-no…” Cadence managed. “Sh-shining...”

Nastasia frowned. “I’m gonna need an affirmative from you, K? Yes. Say yes.” She adjusted her glasses again.

Cadence’s voice came out barely more than a gasp, but it was unmistakable. “Y-yes…”

“Sham!” Rarity shouted, charging up the stairs. Glancing back, she saw two other ponies chasing after her: Fluttershy and Shining Armor. You’re in for a world of hurt, Count. Rarity lit her horn, preparing an attack. “I will not stand for this sham!”

Bleck flicked his hand at them, sending the three of them back down the stairs with an invisible force. “You may now kiss the bride,” he said as though nothing had just happened.

Cadence was able to offer some resistance to the command, for her strength laid in the very power the Count was attempting to corrupt. Discord, however, had no such resistance, and with his power, there was little she could do as she was scooped up in his slithering embrace.

Rarity heard Fluttershy’s cry. Everyone heard Shining’s roar. He lit his horn, preparing a spell.

Bleck tossed him into the air with ease, not even looking directly at the unicorn. His attention was focused directly on the stone heart in the center of the altar. As the unholy kiss progressed, a dark light began to shine from the stone artifact. In turn, the legs of Discord and Cadence began to turn to stone themselves…

Rarity needed to act, but a direct attack would only get the Count to flick her aside. She needed to be clever. She needed… to be like Twilight. Rarity was no master magician, but she knew a few tricks, and after all those adventures she’d been on...

She hid her horn’s glow under her mane and focused, thinking of a spot just behind the altar. Ignoring the dark pulses from the no-longer stone heart, she picked a location and thought of nothing else. Wisps of magic surrounded her. She couldn’t help but let out a pained cry as she pushed her magic to the limit, feeling like she was burning a hole in her skull.

With a pop, she teleported to the other side of the altar. Her dress was singed from the transmission and smoke was coming off her horn, but she didn’t care at the moment. She focused what energy she had left at the dark heart and unleashed a laser spell.

Bleck jumped in front of the attack, taking it himself. It created a blackened spot on his cape, nothing more.

“Bleh heh heh heh!” Bleck held his hands wide, looking directly at Rarity. “Your struggles are useless! The new couple’s power is gone!” He gestured at the complete statue of Discord and Cadence in their disgusting embrace. Opposite them, the black heart was floating in the air, spinning slowly. It glowed, not with light but with darkness; an unpleasant magic Rarity could feel even through the burning in her horn. The heart itself appeared made of glass—perhaps even crystal—but it was not beautiful. It spoke not of love, but of hate and destruction.

Rarity knew she had to kill it. She jumped to the side, trying to fire another laser. Only sparks came out of her horn. I should have more energy than this…

“Bleh heh heh he—”

Someone green jumped into the air and landed right on the heart.

“Stop!” Nastasia shouted.

No one could stop it now. The heart reacted to the physical contact, sending a wave of pure darkness throughout the room, engulfing Rarity in an instant. She felt herself swept far away. In the shadows, she could hear only screams.

It took her a while to realize they were her own.


The black heart floated in a void of white, spinning slowly.

Two bursts of shadow deposited Count Bleck and Nastasia on either side of it, both of them floating without any support.

“Um, yeah, so are you alright, Count?” Nastasia asked.

“Fool…” Bleck said, unable to take his eyes off the heart. “Pointless acts like these will earn you only pain… from Count Bleck.”

Nastasia only nodded solemnly.

Bleck reached out a hand to the heart, pushing through the dark energies to stroke its glassy surface. “Though... as the Chaos Heart is now empowered, that ragtag group lacks use.”

Nastasie shuffled her feet even though she was standing on nothing. “Um, so, yeah, Count… This means you may turn to a new page of dark prophecies…”

Bleck held out his hands, teleporting a large book into them. The massive tome’s dark pages flipped on their own to the appropriate page. Looking upon the Chaos Heart, the Count spoke with a booming voice. “Open your mouth, darkness! Consume everything and destroy all worlds, as told in the prophecy! BLECK!”

The Chaos Heart obeyed.


Elsewhere, an alarm went off. A book with bright pages flipped open all its own, turning to the very first page.

In front of the book, a glass cylinder rose from the ground, containing a single being—an immobile butterfly made of rainbow rods coursing with crystalline energy. The glass popped open, allowing air to rush into the insect’s chamber. It flapped once, twice, before lifting into the air, sending sparkles out with every motion it made.

It took one look at the open book before it and knew what to do. A sphere of yellow light engulfed it, and it was gone.

The book closed itself, waiting.

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